The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 408 - Peace Negotiation?

After they heard Rebecca's story, they were engulfed with thick silence that can be cut with a knife.

Rebecca breathed deeply and looked at Graven. "That's how I met my husband, Corbin. He went against his parent, save and protected me many times. I'm so sorry for falling in love with the son of our enemy, it's never my intention. I'm guilty, I really am!" she said.

Graven released a sigh, feeling troubled deep inside after hearing the truth from Rebecca. He felt sorry for Rebecca for undergoing such a horrific burn disguising as Laura. She saved the entire South Pond Town. How can he blame her? "Are you here to beg me not to kill the family of your husband?" he asked.

"I know, I'm at fault for falling in love with the enemy. I will accept my punishment. If you want to kill them all... I won't stop you, but I only have one request, do it after I give birth to our twins. I'm willing to die with my husband. And I will entrust my twins in your care, please raise them well with Laura," Rebecca said bravely.

Everyone's mouth gaped after hearing Rebecca's request.

Menedelia cleared her throat and looked at Graven, sporting a serious expression on her face. "My lord, I'm appealing of your leniency when it comes to Rebecca's husband. Please, think a million times before unleashing vengeance against the vampire couple's family," she pleaded on behalf of Rebecca.

Graven took a deep breath and stood up. "Excuse me, ladies. I'm going for a walk in the garden for a few minutes to refresh my mind," he said and left the living room, feeling tormented inside.

"I'm sorry, ladies!" Laura said and followed her husband outside.

Fresh tears emerged in Rebecca's eyes, she began sobbing hard.

Menedelia rubbed Rebecca's back, consoling her. "Child, please stop crying. I'm sure, Graven will hesitate to take action against your husband's family after hearing your statement," she said, trying to make the crying woman feel better.

Rebecca continues sobbing despite Menedelia's attempt to pacify her.

Rosa brought a glass of water and gave it to the crying woman. "Please, drink water, Rebecca," she said.

"Thank you," Rebecca replied and ingested the water. After she finish drinking the water, she looked at Rosa. "Aunt, please tell Graven and Laura that I'm going home to rest. I'll return here some other day," she said, her emotions are in shambles right now.

Rosa sighed. "Okay, take care of yourself," she said.

Menedelia nods her head at Rosa.

A few minutes later, Menedelia and Rebecca vanished from the living room.


In the garden.

The couple settled on the two-seater-rocking chair.

Laura patted her husband's arms. "My only wish is for you not to rush your decision. Please think carefully before you arrive to a decision - for the good of everyone," she said.

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Graven groaned. "All I wanted is to eliminate the enemy so that we can finally leave in peace. You and your family has been holed up in this house for a long time, to avoid being located by the enemy. Now that we finally know the enemy's location, we still can't kill them! Now that we have the golden opportunity to finish our enemies, we can't because of Rebecca and her twins. It's hard isn't it!? I don't know what to do anymore!" he said, airing his frustration.

Laura nodded her head and said, "I understand your side, husband."

They fell silent.

Graven continues shaking his head and sighing without saying anything. What an irony!

Laura observed her husband's profile, he was in a great dilemma.

"I'm confused right now. Should we just forget everything that the couple had done to me? And to your family? What if they will kill us first?" Graven asked his wife.

Laura was shocked by her husband's question. Yeah, what if the enemy will attack them first?

"Um, how about if we establish ceasefire with the enemy to achieve long lasting peace. We should form a peace treaty with them! What do you think of my suggestion, husband?" Laura asked.

Graven shook his head. Laura's suggestion is making sense. After all, the cursed King was already dead. No need for the vampire couple to pursue Laura so that she can be reunited with the cursed King.

The only problem is...

Is the enemy willing to go to the negotiating table so that they can reach a peaceful agreement?

He highly doubted it!

But for the sake of everyone's peace and safety, he is willing to meet the enemy in the middle.

Graven smiled at her wife. "I'm actually considering your suggestion, wife. I think I will agree to the negotiation process so that we can obtain peace. But I doubt if the enemy will agree to the peace agreement? That is a big question!" he said.

Laura hugged her husband in delight, very much pleased with her decision. "Thank you for giving a chance to my suggestion, husband!"

Graven planted a loving kiss on Laura's head.

They saw Rosa approaching the garden.

"What is it, Mother?" Laura asked.

"Rebecca and Menedelia already left. They will visit some other day," Rosa informed them.

"Okay," Laura said.

Graven stood up. "My love, I will go to Grandpa Terros' place. I need to talk to him," he said.

"Okay. Will you be here for dinner?" she asked.

Graven nodded his head. "Yes, of course!"

"Okay, go now... give my regards to Grandpa," Laura said.

Graven nodded his head.

A few minutes later, Graven disappeared from the garden.

Rosa lowered herself on the swing. "We just finish with a big problem, now, we're going to face another problem? When will this ever end?" she asked her daughter in a frustrated manner.

Laura released a deep sigh. "As long our enemies are still alive, our problem will never go away," she replied. "Unless we kill all the enemy... or negotiate a peace treaty? That's what I suggested to my husband earlier..." she said.

"And what did Graven say?" Rosa asked.

"He was open to the idea of establishing peace between the two parties just for the sake of everyone involve. If Graven is okay with the peace process, I'm not sure about the vampire couple - since it's all about them and me from the very beginning. They want me! I'm not sure if they will stop until they can have me," Laura spoke worriedly.

Rosa took a deep breath. "I hope and wish that someday we all can finally go outside without worrying all the time that there are vampires waiting outside - ready to abduct us," she said wistfully.

Laura nods her head. "That's also my wish, Mother. Things are getting complicated after Graven discovered that Rebecca married the son of the enemy."

The women fell silent for a moment.

Laura stood up and said, "I'm going to rest on my bedroom upstairs, Mother."

"Okay, let's go back to the house so that you can have your rest," Rosa agreed.


~Corbin's Manor~

Inside Rebecca's room. She was still crying, deeply bothered by Graven's refusal to grant her request.

Menedelia stayed at Rebecca's side, comforting her. "Child, please stop crying, you already cried a lot of tears since we left Graven's manor," she said. "Rest please...think about the twins inside your tummy! Stress is not good for pregnant women!" she reminded her.

Rebecca wiped the tears from her eyes with the hem of her dress. She stared at the wall of her bedroom in a daze.

Silence enveloped them for a few seconds.

Rebecca was wracking her head on how to solve their problem.

Minutes went by...

Suddenly... DING!

An idea popped up in her mind.

Menedelia saw a glimmer in Rebecca's eyes. "What are you thinking child?"

Rebecca looked at Menedelia. "Graven can forgive my husband because he repeatedly save my life many times, but he can't forgive the vampire couple. I have an idea, Granny! This idea will solve everything!" she said excitedly.

"How?" Menedelia asked.

"I will kill my father-in-law! If his death can establish peace between two parties... then I'm willing to dirty my hands with my father-in-laws life!" Rebecca said, fierce determination flashing in her eyes.

Menedelia raised a brow, not impressed with her idea. "You will kill your father-in-law? What if Zalvo will kill you first? What if your husband will know about your bad intention towards his father? He will surely blame and hate you! What will happen to your marriage then-?" she asked.

Rebecca didn't think about the consequences of her plans, she just want to end her problem once and for all!

Menedelia was shaking her head sadly and anxiously. "Forget killing your father-in-law! That's a stupid idea! It's not a good idea to me! Don't put your life and the twins life in danger! It's not worth it!" she reprimanded her.

Rebecca nodded her head. "You are right, Granny," she said gloomily. She lie on the bed and wrapped the blanket around her body. "I will sleep for a while..." she said and shut her eyes to sleep.

"Alright, sleep well. I'll go home to my fortress. I will visit you some other day. And don't act based on your stupid idea, okay? It's very dangerous!" Menedelia warned her.

"Okay, I got it!" Rebecca said.

Menedelia was hesitating to leave Rebecca alone, but her husband might come home anytime soon. She looked at Rebecca one last time and left the room.

She went to the living room to find her sister Ebony and Grandma Sitas.

"Sis, where is Lady Rebecca? Where have you been?" Ebony asked.

"We went to Laura's house for a quick visit. Rebecca is currently resting on the bed. Please check on her from time to time. I'm going home now," Menedelia said. She planted a kiss on Sitas' head. "Bye, Grandma! Bye, sis!" she said.

"Bye, sis!" Ebony replied.

Menedelia was gone from the living room a moment later.

Back in Rebecca's bedroom.

Although her eyes were shut, her mind was very much awake. She was refining her plan of killing her father-in-law just to appease Graven's wrath and hunger for vengeance.

She needs meticulous planning in order not to put her life and her twin's safety in jeopardy.

Killing Zalvo is the only way to establish peace between the two parties.

Since Zalvo wants her to stay in the manor twice a week, she will have plenty of time to kill him!

After a few minutes of thinking about her plan, she finally managed to sleep peacefully.

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