The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 410 - Our Way

Rebecca arrived at her husband's manor and went to the kitchen to find Ebony. She didn't find the woman there, only the cook busy with cooking. "Where is Ebony?" she asked.

"She's upstairs, lady," the cook replied.

"Did my husband arrive already?" she asked.

The cook shook her head and responded, "Not yet… my lady."

"Okay, thanks!" Rebecca said and left the kitchen. It's a good thing that her husband is not home yet.

She climbed the stairs and went upstairs to her room.

When she reached her room, she lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. She recalled her conversation with Graven earlier. She was feeling relieved that she no longer have to kill her father-in-law. It somehow lessens the guilt and anxiety in her heart.

She knows that there is a big possibility that Zalvo might be able to fight back during the time she will attempt to kill him, putting her life and her twins inside her tummy in danger if he will retaliate.

It's a stupid decision, to begin with, but she was determined and it's the only thing that she can think of during those times of desperation.

Good thing it's over now, she can rest her tensed mind at ease.

There was a soft knocking on the door.

"Who's there?" she asked.

"It's me, Ebony. Are you looking for me, my lady?" Ebony asked.

She got up from the bed and opened the door. "I'm back now, please don't say anything to my husband," she said.

"Sure. Are you okay? You look uneasy and restless earlier when you leave and went to Laura's place," Ebony asked worriedly.

Rebecca smiled. "I'm fine now, no need to worry about me," she said.

"Okay," Ebony said. "Do you want me to set the table now?" Ebony asked.

"Not yet. Let's wait for my husband to arrive first," Rebecca replied.

"Okay. Anything else?" Ebony asked.

"Nothing, you may go now," Rebecca spoke.

Ebony left the doorway, walked in the hallway, and went to the staircase, heading back downstairs.

Rebecca sighed and closed the door. She returned to the bed and sat on the edge, looking at the window.

It's already late in the afternoon and her husband will arrive soon.

She stood up and went inside the bathroom to refresh herself. Then she will wait for her husband in the living room.

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~Graven's Manor~

The family gathered around the dining table to eat dinner.

Graven looked at his family lovingly. "Let's eat!" he said cheerfully.

They picked up their utensils, put food on their plate, and began eating with a good appetite.

Time went by.

After they finished eating they retire to the living room to have a chitchat.

Graven looked at Terros. "Grandpa, I will invite you to come with us to my father Nicholas' mansion for dinner next week. We will be discussing our second wedding that will be held at the back of the mansion. It will be a garden wedding," he said animatedly.

Terros smiled. "Sure! I would love to go with you guys - that if it's okay for everyone since it's a family affair," he said shyly.

Simon looked at Terros. "Don't be shy - you're part of the family. We like you to come with us to celebrate the occasion!" he said.

"Thank you, Simon!" Terros spoke gratefully, wearing a broad smile on his face.

One hour later.

Terros bid goodbye to everyone, going back to his house in the forest.

After Terros left, the couple and the others retired to their room upstairs.

The couple lies in bed, cuddling each other lovingly.

Graven planted a kiss on his wife's cheeks. "Are you excited for our second wedding?" he asked.

Laura looked at him, smiling joyously. "Of course! This wedding is more special and more memorable than the first one because both families are present to witness our wedding!"

Graven smiled. "I'll bring my favorite tailor to come here so that you can discuss with him about the wedding gown design that you want to wear on the wedding day. That also includes your family's attire," he said.

"Great!" Laura enthused.

"I will bring him here two days after we have our dinner in my father Nicholas mansion. Will that be okay with you?" Graven asked.

"Okay, no problem. I'll just wait here. I'm excited about the wedding!" Laura gushes excitedly, her eyes shining brightly.

"Me too!" Graven spoke, caressing her baby bump lovingly.

"I love you, husband!" Laura said, her eyes sparkling with her love for him.

Graven smiled. "I love you more, wife!" he replied in a voice soft with affection.

The couple chatted until 9:00 in the evening.

When Laura starts yawning, they finally went to sleep.

The following day.

The couple woke up at 7:00 in the morning, then ate breakfast with the family in the dining room.

Done with breakfast, Graven accompanied his wife to the garden for her morning exercise.

"Wife, I'm going to the headquarter and make rounds around South Pond Town the whole day. I will pop up here if I have free time," Graven said.

"Shall I wait for you during lunch time?" Laura asked.

"No need, just eat with your family," Graven responded. "I'll go home before dinner so that we can eat dinner together," he said.

"Okay," Laura nods her head.

The couple strolled around the garden for half an hour.

After getting tired of strolling, the couple settled comfortably on the swing chair.

When Graven saw his mother-in-law and sister-in-law coming to the garden, he stood up. "I'm going now to the headquarter. Take care of yourself," he said and planted a loving kiss on her head.

"You too," Laura replied.

Graven left the garden. He went back to the house to have a quick bath, and then afterward, proceed to the headquarter.

Back in the garden.

The women were having fun discussing their attire for the wedding event.

Graven arrived at the headquarter.

Calder was already there. "My lord, you need coffee? I'll make you one," he offered.

"OK," Graven replied.

After making the coffee in the kitchen, Calder placed the mug on the table.

Graven looked at Calder. "Picked five men as your back up 'coz I have a mission to assign to you," he said.

"Yes, my lord. What kind of mission?" Calder asked curiously.

"I want you and your men to kill Zalvo, he is our enemy, the vampire who is after my wife. I want you to kill the father only, not the son whose name is Corbin because he is Rebecca's husband…" Graven said.

A frown appeared on Calder's face, trying to connect the pieces. "Um… let me get this straight. Zalvo and Corbin are father and son. And Corbin was Rebecca's husband? How come Rebecca married the enemy?" he asked in bewilderment.

"It's a long story. But Rebecca come to my house and she confessed that during her captivity in the enemy's territory, the son of the vampire couple fall in love with her and protected her from his parent's wrath several times. She owed her life to Corbin, that's why we can't hurt the guy. We can only kill his father. Kill him outside their house. Make it look like an accident or something…" Graven said.

"Okay, got it, my lord!" Calder replied with a nod of his head.

"Take your time. Make an investigation first, don't rush. I'll give you and your men one month to execute your mission. Make no mistake!" Graven warned him.

"Aye, my lord!" Calder responded. "Where is the exact address of Zalvo, my lord?" he asked.

"I'll give it to you if I already have the info, I forgot to ask Rebecca about it because she's in a hurry to go home the last time she visited my manor," Graven said. "Secure your men first," he said.

"Got it!" Calder replied.

Done instructing Calder, Graven left the headquarter going to South Pond Town.

~Windless Mountain~

Elva and Veronica were eating a fruit salad snack on the terrace, admiring the wonderful view of the blue sky on the horizon.

"I wonder what's Graven's plan right now?" Veronica muses.

Elva looked at her with a raised brow. "What plan are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about revenge. Since he's already out of danger, I'm sure he's planning on retaliating against the enemy," Veronica said.

"The cursed King is already dead. Does Graven has another enemy?" Elva asked.

"Yeah, the one who abducted him, Grandpa, me and Horace. It's the vampire couple, they're after Graven's wife as well," Veronica explained.

"Ah, okay. I almost have forgotten about them," Elva finally understand. "Let's no longer worry about them. If Graven will encounter difficulty and come to me for assistance, then I'm willing to help him."

Veronica smiled and looked at the deity's baby bump. "I wonder what is the gender of your baby?" she asked curiously.

Elva caressed her baby bump lovingly and said, "I don't want to know in advance. I want to be surprised when he or she finally arrived in this world."

"Ah, okay," Veronica said with a smile.

Silence engulfed them for a moment.

Veronica asked, "Um… are you not planning to inform Graven that he is the father of your unborn child?"

Elva shook her head. "No. Unless… something comes up that requires me to reveal my child's father that will be the time to confess the truth to Graven."

"Ah, okay…"

Elva looked at Veronica and asked, "Do you think Graven will get mad at me? And hate me after he will know the truth that I'm the one who took advantage of him in the forest, disguised as his wife?"

Veronica shook her head and replied, "I dunno… but since you already helped him a lot in the past, I'm sure he won't be mad at you for a long time. Maybe he will get upset and annoyed at first, but sooner or later, he will learn to forgive you since you have no desire in destroying his marriage to Laura."

"I hope so!" Elva nods her head and shifted her attention to the spectacular view outside.


Authors Note:

Sorry for no update yesterday, dear readers. The typhoon Odette bring the whole city to it's knees, no internet the whole day, good thing the internet is back today!

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