The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 414 - This Is How It Is!

~Vampire Couple's Manor~

When Rebecca went home and landed in the master's bedroom, she was surprised because her husband Corbin was already there, waiting for her.

"You're back! Where have you been?" Corbin asked, eyeing her warily.

Rebecca sighed anxiously and sat on the bed. "I visited Laura," she replied.

"I see… what are you doing there? Supplying the enemy with information?" Corbin said suspiciously.

Fresh tears emerged in Rebecca's eyes. "They're not my enemy, they're my friends and family!" she protested, yelling at him.

Corbin's eyes darkened. "I'm your family now! Every time you go back to your friends - I have a feeling that you're supplying them information about my family! What if they will suddenly attack our property because you revealed too much info to them?"

Rebecca looked at him sadly. "For your information, they won't attack your family if you stop going after Laura! Graven told me that as long your family no longer pursue Laura then everything will be fine!" she said.

"You already heard my father's words, he already stop his men from finding Laura because my mother is no longer here in this world. My father is a broken man now because of what happened to my mother. He has no desire to pursue Laura or even continue his life, the only thing that was keeping him alive up to this day was the desire to see his grandchildren one day. Finding Laura was no longer in his mind right now. What more do you want?" Corbin asked.

Rebecca released a deep sigh. "I just want peace between two parties because I'm the one who is in the middle. Can't you see? It's very hard for me!" she said, trying to tell him how hard her condition is. She can't help it, fat tears rolled on her face. She began sobbing hard.

Corbin took a deep breath and hugged his wife. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset. Please, stop crying now," he said gently, trying to pacify her.

Rebecca raised her tear-stained eyes and looked into his eyes. "Our marriage is not going to work if we will always quarrel like this," she said.

"We didn't quarrel, it's just normal between husband and wife to ask each other questions. Misunderstanding can happen from time to time in every relationship but it's not reason enough to separate again. Let's work it out, okay?" he said, caressing her cheeks lovingly.

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"OK…" Rebecca said, nodding her head.

"I can promise you that I won't lift a finger to hurt your friends. Besides, my father already told us that he and his men are no longer pursuing Laura, so you have nothing to worry about from now on, okay?" Corbin said gently as if talking to a child.

Rebecca nodded her head. "Are you mad that I'm seeing my friends once in a while?"

"I'm not mad if you're visiting your friends, just don't supply them information about my family 'coz I will feel hurt and I feel betrayed by my own wife. Did you understand what I mean?" Corbin said.

Rebecca nods her head. "A-are you trying to separate me from my friends? You don't want me to see them again?" she asked, fearing for the worst.

Corbin sighed deeply. "Not that, I'm not separating you from your friend's. I know how much you love them, but next time... make sure that you won't supply them with information about my family, okay? You can talk to them about anything under the sun, just don't say anything that can put our property and privacy at risk," he repeated.

"Like what-?" Rebecca asked for clarification.

"Like how many guards are guarding the gate, how many people are inside the property, what are we producing, our livelihood, and everything related to the family's internal affairs. Keep everything that you know about my family to yourself, don't reveal it to anyone. Remember that you're already part of my family, okay?" Corbin said.

Rebecca bit her lip and took a deep breath.

Corbin looked at his wife. "Tell me, what have you revealed to your friends about my family so far? I want an honest answer, Rebecca," he said coaxing her. He knows that his wife hated his parents for what happened to her in the past and he's even crazier falling in love with her, but he still believes that one day they can make their marriage and relationship work despite their opposing conditions.

Rebecca cleared her throat. "Um... I... I told them the truth that your father and his men were no longer pursuing Laura because it's already useless and pointless since your mother is already in the netherworld and your grandfather's soul can't be found anywhere, it's a useless endeavor," she replied.

"And what did your friends say to you after learning about my father's decision?" Corbin asked.

"Laura was happy, and Graven told me that as long your family no longer pursue Laura he will not attack your family. He told me that... for my sake and the twins inside my tummy... he is willing to let bygone be bygones and establish peace between two parties because he doesn't like conflict, he wants to live in peace with his family," Rebecca explained.

"Good!" Corbin said.

"Can you also do that? If Graven is willing to leave the past behind just for my sake and our children, can you do it as well?" she asked him point-blank.

Corbin looked at his wife with affection in his eyes. "If your friend is willing to sacrifice and set aside his anger and revenge for your sake and our children then why can't I do the same? I can also do the same for you and much more. Honestly, I also don't like war and conflicts. All I wanted right now is to run our family business efficiently and build a bright future for our children. Since I'm a very busy man, I have no extra time chasing other people. I would rather focus on our family and raising our children well. Rest assured that Graven and I shared the same goal of establishing peace between two families. So, please stop worrying from now on, okay?"

Rebecca's face brightened up. "So, you are now willing to face Graven and Laura?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes, of course, at the right time. But not right now because I still have so many things to do. I just want you to know that I also want to live in peace just like your friends. Don't worry I'll inform you the time when I'm ready to face your friends, okay?" Corbin said. If meeting the enemy in the middle can make his wife happy then he will do it without hesitation.

"OK!" Rebecca said happily. She hugged her husband due to gladness. "Thank you so much for understanding my situation," she said, teary-eyed.

Corbin rubbed his wife's back gently. "I'll always understand your situation. Because I love you so much!" he said, wanting to let his wife know that she means so much to him.

"W-would you still allow me to visit my friends?" Rebecca asked with puppy dog's eyes.

"No problem, just don't reveal too much. Keep things in private, after all you're already part of our family. And inform me if you are planning on visiting your friends so that I won't have to worry if I come home and found you gone, okay?"

Rebecca nods her head. "I got it!"

"Great!" Corbin said and planted a kiss on Rebecca's lips. "I'm going back to the house. I'll pop up here any time to check on you. I love you so much, always remember that," he said in a voice laden with affection.

"I love you too," Rebecca replied sweetly.

A few seconds later, Corbin vanished from the room.

After her husband had gone from the room, Rebecca released a deep sigh.

"What I'm going to do now? Should I limit my visit to my friend's house? So, this is how my life going to be from now on? Every time I want to visit Laura and Graven I have to inform my husband first? This is freaking difficult! I'm used to doing my thing without asking for anyone's permission!" she blurted aloud.

Sighing, she went to bed and lie down. She stared at the ceiling.

'So this is how it feels if you are getting married, you have no complete freedom anymore!' she told herself.

'Indeed!' a small voice in her head agreed.

Where her loyalty should lie? With her husband or her friends?

She can feel a painful headache coming to her head.

She quickly shut her eyes, trying to put her weary mind to rest.


Graven went to Terros' place for a visit.

Terros noticed that Graven's mind was preoccupied. "A penny for your thoughts, son," he said.

Graven looked at Terros and smiled. "Rebecca visited us a while and told us that Zalvo and his men were no longer pursuing Laura…"

"Since when?" Terros asked.

"It started when Sylvia failed to return to the mortal world. Zalvo said that it's pointless to find Laura because his wife and their grandfather's soul was nowhere to be found - so they stop their operation in finding Laura because it already comes to the point that it's useless and pointless," Graven said.

"That's good news!" Terros said. "But why are you looking bothered by it?" he asked.

"Because I still don't trust the enemy. It's too good to be true!" Graven said.

"Indeed, it's too good to be true! Only time can tell if the enemy is serious with their intention. Anyways, why don't you continue appointing some of your men to monitor the enemy's movements? Just to be sure. It's for security purposes. No harm in doing so, as long your men make it discreet and they don't do anything suspicious that can arouse the enemy's attention then everything will be fine."

"Good suggestion, Grandpa! I'm also thinking of the same thing. I can't let my guard down even if the enemy is no longer pursuing my wife. It's better to be careful than being careless," Graven said.

Terros gave Graven a thumb up, which means he approved his insight.

After chatting with Terros for one hour, Graven finally took his leave, going to his headquarter in South Pond Town.

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