The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 75 - Enjoy My Blood!

Rebecca reached the entrance of the wood and was relieved to see Graven coming her way.

He reached her side in no time. "What happened? Why I hear your loud voice reaching the house?" he asked, looking for Laura, but can't find her. "Where is she?" he asked, alarmed.


"That's my biggest problem right now. After I brought Lara to see Luke's tomb, we decided to go back to the house. I lead the way while she was following behind me. But when we're about to get out of the woods, I looked over my shoulder and discovered that Laura vanished without a trace. I didn't realize that she was no longer following me. It happened so suddenly, I have no idea where she went to..." Rebecca's voice was filled with worry while she explained to him what happened to Laura.

Graven surveyed the towering trees in front of him, calculating the time of Laura's disappearance. He wore an agitated expression on his face. A deep frown appeared on his forehead. "Where could she be at this time?"

"I dunno, I wish I know! I've been searching for her whereabouts all over the forest but I can't find her," Rebecca replied. "Do you think there's an entity living here and took fancy of Laura's beauty and decided to abduct her?"

Graven took a deep breath. "Could be...she could still be around her. Let's continue searching for her!" he said.

The couple went back to the woods and went their separate ways to search for Laura.

Graven went to check the trunk of the biggest tree near him. He went behind the trunk and there...he saw a black shawl lying on the ground. "Rebecca, come here!" he shouted.

The moment she heard his voice summoning her, Rebecca moved with lightning speed and went to Graven's side. "What is it?" she asked.

"Did Laura wore this shawl before you came here?" he asked.

"Yes! I'm the one who gives it to her!" she replied.

"Which means, she could still be here in this place together with her abductors!" he said and went on alert mode.

Rebecca looked heavenward and pointed her fingers above. "There she is!"

Graven looked above the tree. Laura was sitting on the lap of a pale looking guy sporting messy long hair, she looked unconscious. The guy's feet were dangling freely in the air while sitting at one of the branches of the tree.

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"He looks like a vampire!" Rebecca said. She shouted at him. "Hey, handsome! Can you bring that woman down here? You can have me instead. I'll take her place!" she offered herself to him.

The guy grinned. "You looked delicious as well! Why don't you come here? I would like to have two women as my companion for eternity," he replied.

Rebecca scratches her head. Looks like the guy is not easy to fool around with. "I'm going up!" she told Graven.

"No! This looks like a trap! Just wait down here and I'll go up and get Laura!" he said.

"Okay, be careful!" Rebecca said.

Graven rose in the air with lightning speed and was near to reaching the guy's location... when suddenly... five more vampires materialized in front of him. They're coming at him at once.

Graven rose in the air and break free from the confinement of the thick leaves of the tree. The five vampires were following him, levitating in the air. He looked at them, their sharp fangs were now visible outside their mouth, their nails grow longer every minute that passed by. They confidently ventured in the open because there was no sun in the sky above them.

Graven's body rotated in the air in dizzying speed as deadly flames break out from his body hitting the vampires who are trying to attack him. The vampires were trying to avoid the flames but failed to do so, gradually...the vampires' bodies were getting roasted as their muffled groans and cries were fading fast. Finally, the vampires were reduced to ashes that scattered in the wind.



Rebecca rose in the air landing at the opposite branch of the tree, looking at Laura and the vampire guy. "Hello, handsome! You look so yummy!" she smiled sweetly at him.

The guy grinned evilly at the woman flirting shamelessly towards him. "You look yummy too! I would like to suck all your blood from your body," he said in a hoarse voice.

Rebecca continues to smile sweetly at him. "Alright, I will offer my blood to you. I wouldn't mind if you suck my blood dry. I'm all yours!" she said.

"Really-? You're so eager to please me. Do you find me attractive?" he asked, very much pleased with her blatant adoration towards him.

"Yeah! Why don't you put the woman down in the ground and drink my blood?" she suggested. "I'm willing to serve you for eternity and follow you till the ends of the earth!" she offered herself to him.

"Alright, go down first!" he ordered.

"Sure!" Rebecca smiled alluringly. She lowered herself to the ground.

The moment her feet touched the ground, the vampire was already in the ground putting Laura's body beside the trunk of the tree.

The vampire looked at Rebecca, already salivating. "Come here, darling!" he commanded.

Rebecca rushed to his side. The hungry vampire grabbed her body and starts caressing her neck, then he sank his sharp fangs greedily into the exposed skin on her neck.

Rebecca moaned.

A few minutes later, the vampire had already drunk about one-half cup of Rebecca's blood. "Your blood tastes so sweet!" he grinned happily.

"You bet!" Rebecca smirked and move away from the vampire.

Then all of a sudden, the vampire's body began contorting in pain. "W-what h-happened t-o m-me!?" he asked in disbelief. He looked at the woman who willingly offered her blood to him. "Y-your blood is poisoned! You b-belong to the demon clan!" he said, his eyes widened in panic and regrets.

"You got it right, handsome! Enjoy my blood!" Rebecca giggled in a demonic way.

The vampire's lifeless body crumpled to the ground.

Graven lowered himself to the ground and looked at the lifeless body of the vampire. He waved his right hand all over the vampire's body, flames began emerging from his hand burning the corpse to ashes.

Rebecca went to Laura's side and inspected the unconscious woman's neck and other parts of her body for any sign of bite from the vampires. She found none! She breathed in relief.

Graven went to the women's side. "Is she okay? No bite marks?" he asked, looking at Laura's face worriedly.

Rebecca shook her head. "None so far. We caught them on time before they can do any serious damage to the girl," she replied.

"Good! Let's go home!" he said and lifted Laura's body gently, carrying her in his arms.

A few seconds later.

Graven and Rebecca vanished from the area instantly.

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