The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 84 - Tipsy!

At 7:00 in the evening, they finally reached their destination and arrived at South Pond Town without encountering any mishap on the road. It was such a peaceful and comfortable journey for everyone.

By 7:30, they arrived at the mansion in good spirits, wanting to rest early.


Outside the mansion, Sir Nicholas and Cooper are already waiting at the entrance of the house, eager to see the ladies, making sure they are safe and sound.

When the carriages stopped in front of the house, and the ladies came out, Sir Nicholas rejoices. "Thank God! You're safe, ladies!" he exclaimed. Huge relief washed over him.

Graven also exited in another carriage.

Laura and Rebecca smiled warmly at Sir Nicholas.

Cooper rushed to the ladies' side and embraced Laura. "I'm glad you are safe, wife! You have no idea how scared I am after learning that you and Rebecca were abducted together. I don't know what to do if something bad happens to you!" he said worriedly, not shying away from expressing a public display of affection to his soon to be wife.

Laura sighed and allowed Cooper to embrace her. She can't blatantly ignore him in front of his brother and father.

"Alright, children, let's go into the veranda and have our dinner feast there. I ordered the cook to prepare special dishes for this occasion. You have no idea how happy I am that my two daughters-in-law have returned to my home safe and sound! Let's have a feast tonight!" Sir Nicholas said, feeling of happiness and relief radiated on his face.

The group went to the veranda while the servants deposited their luggage into their respective rooms.

In the veranda.

A rectangle shape table was set up in the middle of the veranda surrounded by five chairs. Plenty of delicious dishes arranged appetizingly on the table.

Sir Nicholas sweeps his gaze at his children's faces affectionately. "This is a good night for celebration!" he said. He picked up the glass of wine and looked at them. "For safety, longevity, and good health for my beloved family! Cheers!" he said.

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"Cheers!" they cheered in unison. Raising their glasses in the air and sipped the sweet-tasting wine, smiling at each other.

On the west side of the front yard, twenty meters away from the veranda, the servants released dazzling firecrackers in the air that lasted for five minutes.

It was a sight to behold. Bright lights exploded in the air to the delight of everyone.

Fifteen minutes later, they began feasting on the delicious dishes displayed on the table.

Everyone was having a good time that night, sharing good food and wine.

After they finished eating, Sir Nicholas instructed the servants to clear the table and bring all the food to the servants' quarters allowing other employees to take part in the food feast. The only thing left on the table is five bottles of light alcohol and wine.

After the table was cleared from the clutter, Sir Nicholas looked at his oldest son. "Graven, tell me what happened to the ladies? And where did you find them?" he interrogated him.

Then he changed his mind. "Ah, I should ask the ladies first," he looked at Laura. "Daughter, what happened to you and Rebecca in the Mayor's Masquerade Party? Why the two of you disappeared from the pavilion without a trace?" he asked.

Laura glanced at Rebecca first and then at Graven. Her mind recalled everything that happened inside the Mayor's pavilion. She cleared her throat. "Ahm...Rebecca and I were admiring the koi fishes in the pond when a waiter approaches us and offered us fresh juice. We took one glass each and drank the juice. Then he told us about the Mayor's private koi pond where the bigger carp fishes can be found. Excited to see the pond, we followed the waiter. He brought us to the private pond, there, we saw bigger koi fishes. Then suddenly I feel dizzy and passed out on the floor. The same thing happened to Rebecca..." she concluded her narration.

Sir Nicholas's brows knitted together. "Hmm, it seemed, the drinks were laced with sleeping powder," he said in a grim voice.

Rebecca looked at Sir Nicholas. "Father, allow me to continue," she offered.

"Okay, go ahead..." Sir Nicholas replied.

Rebecca took a deep breath and began her narration. "A few hours later, we found ourselves aboard a moving carriage with our feet and hands bound by a rope and our mouth gagged, preventing us from screaming for help. Then they put us to sleep again. When we regained our consciousness, we heard the driver and the men having a conversation. They're going to take us somewhere -because Laura and I are gifts for the Lord for entertainment purposes.

Hours went by.

We finally reached our destination. The men brought us to the cave and deposited us in the chamber where prisoners were being kept.

We were given food and water, and they allow us to use the toilet. The guards put a chain around our neck to prevent us from escaping the cave.

When the Lord and his men arrived at the cave, we were instructed by the guards and servants to dance for them.

When we're about to dance...pandemonium occurred. Graven and his men arrived and fought the enemies left and right. The bloody fights ensued around the cave. Laura and I stay away from the fighting men and found a safe corner to hide. We only get out of our hiding place after we have noticed that Graven and his men finally defeated the enemies. That's all!" she concluded her story.

Sir Nicholas and Cooper were holding their breath while Rebecca was narrating their mysterious disappearance. They finally released their breath after the story ended.

Sir Nicholas looked at Graven. "Son, what do you think is the reason for the girls' abduction?" he asked his opinion.

"I think it's just a random abduction. The girls were taken away, not because they knew about the identity of the girls, but because they were present in the right place at the right time. It happened inside the Mayor's Masquerade Party. I think the men were looking for high society women as an offering for their Lord on that occasion. Because if they want ordinary women, they can always invite girls from the brothel for entertainment, but they didn't do that. They specifically want women attending the Mayor's party," Graven said.

Sir Nicholas nodded his head in agreement with Graven's opinion. "I agree with your theory, son," he said. "He looked at the girls. "Did those bastards hurt you girls? I won't forgive them if they hurt even an inch of your skin! Did they harm you in any way?" he asked worriedly.

Laura shook her head. "Thankfully, they didn't hurt us... but if Graven and his men didn't arrive on time on time. I think, Rebecca and I, won't survive the night," she said, visibly shaken after recalling the raw fear psychological torture she encountered inside the cave. She can't tell her father-in-law that Rebecca bravely cut the head of the leader without remorse.

She and Rebecca already agreed on their statements regarding the incidents while they're still traveling on the road. They can't reveal to Graven's father the truth that Rebecca is a demon princess.

Sir Nicholas took a deep breath. "I'm glad it's over now! To make sure this won't happen again, I will add security forces around the house and assigned several guards to accompany the girls whenever they venture outside the mansion," he said.

"That's also my thoughts, Father!" Cooper agreed.

"Alright, since everything is okay now. I'm going to rest in my room. Enjoy the wine, children. Drink moderately," Sir Nicholas said.

Rebecca looked at the old man. "Father, can I stay in the room beside Laura? I want to stay here for a few days. I will help her in planning the wedding!" she said excitedly.

"Sure! I will assign a servant to prepare the room next to Laura's room," Sir Nicholas replied.

Rebecca smiled brightly. "Thank you, Father!" she beamed, super delighted.

Sir Nicholas rose to his feet. Cooper accompanied his father inside the house up to his room.

The rest stayed in the veranda, enjoying the night.

After sending his father to his room, Cooper went down and joined the others in the veranda. They drank light alcohol and discussed all things under the sun. Cooper managed to recount several funny jokes that sent everyone laughing hard on their knees.

The ladies were drinking moderately.

Cooper drank more alcohol more than anyone of them combined.

"Brother, stop drinking too much alcohol!" Graven said.

"No, don't worry about me, brother. I drank alcohol like it's water. Besides, this is just light alcohol, not the heavy type. I won't pass out from this..." Cooper replied. "Let's drink! Cheers! For the women's safe return!"

"Cheers!" the others responded jovially.

By 10:00 in the evening, they're ready to retire for the night.

The ladies entered the house and climbed the stairs.

One of the servants brought Rebecca to the room next to Laura.

The women bid goodnight to each other before they entered their respective rooms.


Inside Laura's bedroom.

She was comforted with the familiarity of her room. She looked at the mirror that she purposely covered with thick garments.

Sighing, she entered the bathroom to clean herself and brush her teeth, then changed into her pajama.

Although she only drank a few glasses of alcohol, she feels tipsy. She's not used to drinking. That's why she should stay away from alcohol. Next time, she should limit herself to two glasses of alcohol to avoid getting drunk.

After she finished her business in the bathroom, she exited and almost bump her head on the door, sighing, she went to bed and lay down. She closed her eyes, preparing to sleep - not bothering to close the window.

She falls asleep after one hour.

At 1:00 am, there was heavy rainfall outside. Cold wind entered the window freely, then after a while, the window shut off on its own, protecting the sleeping woman from the cold.

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