The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 98 - I'm Correct!

Rebecca rushed into the mansion and climbs the stairs, almost running in the hallway, going to Laura's room.

She knocked and grabbed the doorknob, it's open! She rushed inside. "Laura...!" she called her name.


Laura looked at Rebecca, she was standing near the window. "Hey, why are you in a rush?" she asked.

Rebecca went to her side. "I have good news for you!" she said

"What is it?" Laura asked excitedly, eager to know what the news is all about.

Rebecca grabbed Laura's hands, and they settled themselves in the bed.

"Come on, speak!" Laura said, dying to know what the good news is all about.

"It's about Luke!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"What about Luke?"

"He's alive! Graven just come back from the trip to the cave, and they opened the lid of the coffin. They found Luke breathing inside the coffin! He will be completely resurrected soon and once that's happening. He will return to your side. That is why you don't need to prepare your wedding with Cooper anymore!" Rebecca said.

Laura's brows knitted together. "But you told me that you and Graven buried him in the cave," she said.

"No, we brought his body inside the coffin into the cave but we didn't bury her beneath the ground. We left the coffin in the spring water which appears to be miraculous and magical, healing his body all this time! You forgot what I tell you, Luke is half demon and half vampire, he can't die easily. When Graven opened the lid of the coffin, he saw Luke gasping an antique mirror with his hands, that is the medium he uses to communicate with you all this time," Rebecca explained.

"You mean to say? The spirit in the mirror is the real Luke?" Laura asked.

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"Yes, who else?" Rebecca replied.

Laura was stunned.

"Do you want to see Luke again? Do you want your love story with him to be given another chance for a happy ending? Are you brave enough to see the man you love in his coffin?" Rebecca challenged her.

Laura was silent for a moment. If Luke is indeed alive, she needs to see him! Does she want to know if what she felt for him is still love? She will only know her true feelings if she will see him again. She released a deep sigh. "Okay, as soon as possible, I want to see him!" she declared bravely.

Rebecca smiled. "That's my girl!" She rose to her feet. "I will inform Graven that you are willing to travel to the cave to see Luke," she said.

"Wait!" Laura said and grabbed Rebecca's hands to stop her from leaving.

'Why...what's wrong? Did you change your mind?" Rebecca asked.

Laura shook her head. "No, I'm eager to see Luke in the cave. But what's going to happen to my wedding with Cooper?"

"Stop preparing it. Graven and I already have a plan so that you can escape here. I mean, we can send a fake message from your family in Hallowpass informing you that there is an emergency, for example, your sister got sick and you need to go home for a few days...etcetera. Then on the way, we will kidnap you... we will put you in a place to wait for Luke's resurrection. That's our plan," Rebecca elaborated.

"Sounds a good plan!" Laura was convinced.

"It's a good plan indeed. We will stage a fake kidnapping...and when Luke's body is fully restored 100%, the two of you can go back to your house and present him as your husband to your family. I'm sure your family will no longer get mad if you will tell them that you married him in a church somewhere," Rebecca said.

"And what about Sir Nicholas and Cooper? What will they think and feel? They will get mad and upset towards me," Laura said.

Rebecca sighed. "Why are you caring about their feelings. You can send a letter to them and tell them that you eloped with the man you love. Sure, they will get mad for a few months, but eventually, they will forget about you and move on with their lives. I'm sure Cooper can still find another woman to marry once you're gone from his life for good. Don't worry about their feelings. Worry about your happiness. If you marry Cooper, are you going to be happy? I'm sure not. So, why don't you grab this golden opportunity to be with the man you love for the second time?"

Laura breathed deeply. Rebecca is making sense. No matter what happened, Sir Nicholas and Cooper will survive and learned to live without her. They will eventually learn to forget about the arranged marriage and move on with their lives.

Now that's settled...

But how about her parents? What will they feel?

"I'm worried about my parents. They will feel sad and worried that I'm gone. My mother might get sick after learning that I was kidnapped. I don't want them to feel that way. I want them to think that I'm gone on my own and was not forcefully taken away. That way, they don't have to look for me all over the town and other neighboring places," Laura said.

Rebecca pondered for a moment. "Hmm...let me think of a better solution for your worries..."

She walked back and forth inside the room. Then an idea suddenly popped into her mind. "Ah, I got a brilliant idea for you, my dear," she blurted.

"What is it?"

"Go home first to your house in Hallowpass. When your parents ask why did you return all of a sudden, tell them that you miss them and want to visit them for a few days. Then on the day, we take you away, you will leave a message for your parents asking for their forgiveness. Tell them that you can't marry Cooper because you fall in love with someone and you are eloping with the guy. Just tell them that you will return soon and they don't have to worry about you because you are in good hands," Rebecca suggested.

Laura was digesting her suggestion carefully. Her suggestion is good. But in the letter, she will just say that her vampire husband comes to fetch her in the middle of the night and took her away. She will return to visit them after a few months.

"What do you think about my suggestion?" Rebecca asked. "It's brilliant, right?" she boasted.

Laura smiled and gave her a thumb up. "Yes, your suggestion is exactly what I needed. I need to leave a letter to my parents explaining everything. Why I disappeared without saying goodbye to them and so on..."

"So... your mind is made up already? You will see Luke in the cave?" Rebecca asked wanting to be sure of Laura's decision before informing Graven about it.

"Yes! I'm sure with my decision!" Laura replied determination was flashing in her mind.

"Good! I'll go downstairs now and inform him about your decision," Rebecca said. She walked towards the door and exited.

Laura was left alone in her room, thinking about her decision. Once she made the decision, there won't be any turning back anymore. She's not going to regret not marrying Cooper. But if she will let this golden opportunity pass by without seeing Luke again and be with him, then she will regret it for the rest of her life.

She will just throw caution in the air, after all, this concerns her happiness and the overall state of mind.

But a small voice was whispering something in her mind.

'What if after seeing Luke, you no longer have any feelings for him?' the voice asked.

Then she will no longer push through with her plan to be with Luke. She will just go ahead with her wedding to Cooper. That is why she needs to see Luke again! To see if she still has feelings left for him. If she can no longer feel anything for him after seeing him in his coffin then no need to push through with the plan.

"I'm sure they won't force me to go ahead with the plan," she said aloud.

She rose to her feet and went to the window. It's a beautiful day. The weather is sunny. She feels excited seeing Luke again!


Rebecca went downstairs and exited the mansion going to the backyard.

When she arrived at the door, she was about to knock on the door but Horace opened the door.

"Graven is still inside?" she asked.

Horace nods his head. "Yeah..." he replied and left the house going to the stable for some errand.

Rebecca entered the house and saw Graven sitting on the chair facing the mirror. "Why are you staring at the mirror? Are you wishing that your brother's spirit will appear in the mirror?" she asked.

"You bet. He kept visiting Laura but he never visited me again after using my body to fulfill his lust for Laura. How am I supposed to feel?" he said.

Rebecca smiled. "Aren't you enjoying it too? When Luke and Laura made love in the bed, you didn't feel anything at all since it's your body that is making love to Laura?" she asked, smirking.

Graven glared at her.

"I have a feeling that Laura was making love to a two-person during that time. She was making love to you on a physical level while Luke is making love to her on psychological level," she said, grinning with amusement.

Graven continue to glare at her.

"See... you are silent. Which means I am correct, you just don't want to admit that I'm right with my assumption," Rebecca said.

Graven ignored Rebecca's teasing. "Why are you here?" he asked.

"I'm here to tell you that Laura wants to see Luke in his coffin, she wants to go to the cave! And she agreed to our plan!" Rebecca said cheerfully.

"Good! I will arrange it at the soonest possible time," Graven said with a smile.

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