The Villain's Face Slapping Counterattack

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Face-Slapping the Son of a Concubine and a Transmigrating Girl (8)

Editor: ghost

“Father Emperor, calm your anger,” the crown prince’s faint, cool voice sounded, “Jingzhou indeed has barren land and nine out of ten houses would be in poverty. General Zhou and Prime Minister Qi cannot bear to send their children off; it is pardonable. If your majesty decides to behead Zhou Zong Han now, I’m afraid it would cause fear in many officials’ hearts.”

“Then what do you think is the right course of action?” The emperor’s words carried a clear trace of anger.

“Father Emperor, why don’t you dismiss him from his official post using the reason of his weak body. Since he is not willing to go Jingzhou, then let him live a common person’s life. Father Emperor, he is unworthy of your anger.”

The emperor took two deep breaths and spoke to the two trembling old ministers, “Since the crown prince has pleaded for mercy, then we’ll heed his suggestion. Both of you can withdraw. If you come again, then see if we will change our decision not to kill you.”

“Thanking the emperor for his grace.”

General Zhou and Prime Minister Qi kowtowed and departed. The emperor still had some anger so he asked, “Zhou Xu ah, Zhou Zong Han is your elder brother, didn’t you know that?”

Zhou Xu shook his head to express: “Truly didn’t know.”

The crown prince interjected, “Zhou Zong Han is General Zhou’s son with his concubine. This son has seen him once or twice, but this person indeed cannot be used.”

“For what reason?”

The crown prince detailed the day Zhou Zong Han badmouthed Zhou Xu. He did not add any embellishments, simply repeating Zhou Zong Han’s original words for the emperor to hear.

The emperor shook his head and sighed, “Ai, treating his own younger brother this way. In the future, he might even oppress the common people.”

Zhou Xu went to the crown prince’s palace to eat dinner as usual. During the meal, Zhou Xu’s slender eyebrows curved slightly, “Thank you, your highness.”

“There’s no need for thanks between us. Moreover, I also dislike Zhou Zong Han.”


“Because you dislike him. However why keep him alive? The emperor could have directly killed him.” In truth, the matter of sending Zhou Zong Han to Jingzhou was indeed Zhou Xu’s doing. He mentioned it in front of the crown prince and unexpectedly the latter really did it.

Zhou Xu smiled faintly and did not say anything. Zhou Xu knew that Qi Lan was a transmigrator and would bring Zhou Zong Han to earn a lot of money. Two years later, the south would have a great flood, causing a frightening plague to spread. At that time, he would let Qi Lan and Zhou Zong Han take out their wealth to save the commoners.

Of course, Zhou Xu himself would also start businesses in these two years since he did not want to have too many difficulties to cope with, especially financial ones.

Zhou Zong Han never expected that he would lose his official position without even performing any duties. However it was too late for him to cry about it.

Prime Minister Qi and Qi Lan had currently severed all relations. While General Zhou originally disliked him, this time counted as actually making an effort for him, but in the end he and Prime Minister Qi came back not knowing where to put their old faces. Thus Zhou Zong Han could only hide at home, repeatedly heaving long sighs.

A few days later, Zhou Xu felt that it was the opportune moment and thus found someone to secretly send Zhou Yong a piece of news. After understanding the message, General Zhou was seething in anger; Zhou Zong Han had secretly hidden his child away, and the child was close to two years old already.

In a rage, General Zhou angrily chased Zhou Zong Han out of the Zhou family. Finally, Zhou Zong Han was overwhelmed with resentment.

Looking at Zhou Zong Han who was madly breaking things, Qi Lan doubted for the first time; had she really married the right person, or the wrong one? The husband she wanted, it cannot be that he was the kind of man who always had to rely on begging and others’ charity for any matter?

So what if they were chased out of the Zhou family? It was not like it was impossible to make a living. Why had Zhou Zong Han use this excuse, wrecking their current small family?

Hugging her son who already came back Qi Lan’s disappointment was written on her face.

When she had just transmigrated, she had already believed herself to be a proud daughter of heaven and did not care about status. She felt that everyone was equal, to the extent that she favoured concubines’ sons in her heart. She thought that they would treat her even better because of her identity as Prime Minister Qi’s legitimate granddaughter, but what was the result?

Reality gave her a loud and clear slap to the face. She repeatedly went to beg her maternal home, gave her own child away for others to raise and even at the start, she had consented to premarital sex because of Zhou Zong Han’s “I cannot take it, I love you too much”; all of this for Zhou Zong Han.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

In the end, her many convictions simply would not work in the ancient era world. For example, this world’s legitimate sons were more valued than illegitimate ones. Similarly, most legitimate sons had better temperament and upbringing than illegitimate sons. At the very least, because the demands were different, the education they received was different.

However, she was already married. What else could she do?

At the moment, Qi Lan finally understood that she could not use a modern world’s female viewpoint to do many things. For example, if it was the modern era, she could divorce, but in the ancient era? There were only wives abandoned by their husbands. These abandoned women, which one of them could still live a good life?

Suppressing the misery in her heart, Qi Lan comforted Zhou Zong Han gently, “Dear husband, let’s start a business. I can cook hotpot, make clothes and even make ornaments. our days wouldn’t be bitter....”

Zhou Zong Han who was violently and madly breaking things finally calmed down. He stared dazedly at Qi Lan, before hugging her and whispering, “Lan Er, I was wrong. I was just too angry. In the future, I won’t lose my temper like this again. Lan Er, I only have you now, Lan Er....”

Qi Lan was hugged by Zhou Zong Han. She wanted to cry, but her tears did not come out. She realised that Zhou Zong Han’s routine was to angrily break things, then hug her and ask for forgiveness. It was the same every time, every time....

Patting Zhou Zong Han’s back, Qi Lan spoke, “Dear husband, there’s still a bit of dowry left. Let’s sell it, then open a hotpot restaurant in town. When the restaurant is big and successful, we can open a fashion designer store.”

Before she had transmigrated Qi Lan had been learning fashion design and making, so she was very confident in this area. She thought that normal restaurants usually did not lose money, but fashion design studios needed to accumulate public praise bit by bit. Without a year of time, it would be impossible to profit. Hence she chose to open a hotpot restaurant first.

“Hotpot restaurant?”

“Correct. Hotpot is the Chuan Shu region’s popular method of eating. Next time I will cook it once for you to try, If you think it is good, then we will start the restaurant. What do you think?”

“En. I will listen to everything you say, Lan Er.”

Qi Lan nodded silently. Indeed he had to listen to her. Otherwise, why on earth would she want such a useless husband?

Because of this husband, she was condemned by the public, chased out of her maternal home and now, she had to sell her last bit of dowry. It was really laughable.

In truth, the previous world’s Zhou Zong Han was similar; he had only succeeded with Qi Lan’s help. What a pity, in this world Zhou Xu was no longer the original Zhou Xu, but Zhou Zong Han was still the same – lacking in ideas, but not temper.

Qi Lan’s hotpot restaurant quickly opened. Zhou Xu did not compete against her, but rather secretly ordered people to open dessert and cake stores with his recipes. Afterwards, Zhou Xu opened a construction association; even the Imperial family’s newly built guest courtyard was done by the association. Finally, as Zhou Xu reaped huge profits, he opened a private bank.

The first year, the bank was only open in the capital. In the second year, the major cities in the country all had Zhou Xu’s bank.

By the third year, the profits of the bank were excellent. In October of the same year, the south suffered a flood and refugees were everywhere.

At present, the emperor’s health was worsening. All matters in court were essentially controlled by the crown prince and the third prince. The two were evenly matched. However comparing the two, even if they were evenly matched, since the crown prince still occupied his position and no accidents happened, then the throne would definitely be his.

Because of this, the third prince began feeling anxious. No one knew if the emperor would pass away the next moment, and when this happened, the crown prince’s ascension would be perfectly justified. If the crown prince ascended and he tried to snatch the throne, he would be charged with treason. Hence he needed to take action before the emperor died. He had already calculated the most opportune time – he would think of a way to send the crown prince to the south to provide disaster relief, then cause his death.

The provision funds for disaster relief were allocated, but a month later, the south’s disastrous situation worsened: an epidemic had broken out.

The south was anxious. The capital was also filled with anxiety. The country’s treasury was in deficit, so the emperor made it clear that he hoped to gather various kinds of strength to help the south.

At present, Zhou Xu was no longer in the imperial academy, but rather the Ministry of Revenue. Hence the matters related to fund-raising in the capital were handed over to Zhou Xu.

In truth, Zhou Xu originally did not have much interest in the matter. Only after he personally made a trip to Jiang Nan did he begin to diligently raise funds.

Those who had never seen these kinds of scenes – people in destitution, land swarming with disaster victims – truly would not be able to understand.

The records of the severity of the damage in Jiang Nan were sent to the capital everyday, but the money raised was always insufficient. The donations, added up all together, did not exceed three million taels.

If the donations were little, then so be it; at least they could resolve the emergency first. Winter was coming and when it came, under the dual oppression of starvation and the cold, the million refugees could become an army of a million fighting in revolt. Hence although the emperor’s health was not good, he still supported his body to discuss disaster-relief matters.

During the discussion, the third prince’s faction suggested for the crown prince to personally go to provide aid, while the crown prince’s faction naturally disagreed. The two sides quarreled awfully. In the end, the crown prince who was always silent, spoke, “Father Emperor, this son is willing to go provide aid.”

After he spoke, some people stepped up to dissuade him, ” Your highness, the matter is not simple. The famine victims want to fill their stomachs, how will these three million taels be enough? Provision of warm clothing would already take four million taels, but the funds raised still have a gap. At this time, if a rebellion is started the consequences would be unthinkable. Your highness, please think carefully.”

“Correct. Your highness, presently the emperor needs to recuperate. The court still needs your highness to help manage state affairs. How can you leave to provide aid? Moreover, this cannot be settled in one or two days. Providing aid takes at least one or two months and may even span a year before you can return. Your highness, please think carefully.”


The third prince’s faction had people who wanted to speak out, but the crown prince waved his hand and silenced the crowd. He spoke, “Father Emperor, may I request a person from you?”

“Say it.”

“Deputy Minister Zhou. He has always been a close friend. I need a person to discuss with, and Deputy Minister Zhou can also help me manage the relief fund, warding off pests who intend to embezzle the country’s wealth.”

“Ai, I just knew that you would ask him to accompany you. Originally, I wanted him to stay behind to assist Old Three. Nevermind, he will just follow you. Remember to come back safely.”

“Yes, Father Emperor.”

Zhou Xu kowtowed and spoke, “Many thanks for the emperor’s great kindness.”

Zhou Xu and the crown prince looked at each other. The corner of Zhou Xu’s mouth hooked up slightly as if already expecting that the crown prince would do this.

In truth, Zhou Xu had indeed expected this. Over these two years, he became very clear on the crown prince’s personality, which was basically the same as his previous two worlds’ lovers – they wanted to tie Zhou Xu to their side, to never let him leave. If Zhou Xu ignored someone, they would ignore that person as well.

However, before leaving for Jiang Nan, Zhou Xu still had some matters to settle.

Deep in the night, in Zhou Xu’s room, Zhou Xu asked Ye Qi, “Among the crown prince’s shadow guards, who is the best?”


“Fine. Then I’ll eliminate you first: you should protect the crown prince. Who is second?”

“Ye Jiu.”

“What about the normal imperial guards? Who is the best?”

“Bai Song.”

“Okay, you can return first. Let the crown prince give me Ye Jiu and Bai Song.”


Zhou Xu wanted these two not for himself, but for his elder brother Zhou Yang. In these two years, he had an inkling that the person who wanted to kill him was precisely in the Zhou family. Moreover, Zhou Xu had already roughly guessed who it was, but he had no evidence. Hence he could only secretly protect his overly-tender elder brother.

This matter was easily resolved. Next, Zhou Xu went to Zhou Zong Han’s house. At present, Zhou Zong Han was the capital’s number one merchant. Saying that he had the wealth of a country would be false, but half of the country’s treasury would not be a stretch to claim.

Qi Lan really had a business mind; one hotpot restaurant opened after another and the fashion design studio became an up-market brand. In two and a half years, the both of them had already accumulated great wealth. Yet, they only donated fifty taels to the southern disaster-relief fund.

In truth, they did not want to give away their personal wealth and Zhou Xu had no excuse to want it. However, after seeing the suffering in the south, Zhou Xu felt that he could do anything.

Leaving the Zhou manor for more than two years, the present Zhou Zong Han could be said to be one of the heartless rich.

In the beginning, Zhou Zong Han had a strong aversion to becoming a merchant, but the hotpot restaurant’s explosive popularity let him experience a fresh sense of achievement, especially after he saw many silvers enter his pocket.

The Zhou Zong Han who never knew what was “doing as one pleases” really began to do as he pleased. In one breath, he bought more than fifty servant girls just to wait upon him, as well as more than forty servant boys so that he could beat up anyone who was not pleasing to his eye. He even started roaming brothels, especially liking the capital’s number one beauty – Chen Mu Dan.

Qi Lan tried to control him, but failed and thus stopped caring altogether. In any case, her heart was already dead because Zhou Zong Han’s excuse was too simple: “There is nothing wrong with a man having three wives and four concubines. Lan Er, you will always be my legitimate wife.”

Zhou Zong Han’s words seemed gentle and soft, but in fact drove a knife through Qi Lan’s heart.

Qi Lan was a modern woman, hearing “legitimate wife” made her bitterly disappointed. Hence she bluntly stopped caring about Zhou Zong Han, being responsible only for her clothing business.

When Zhou Zong Han saw Zhou Xu, his face instantly blackened. Zhou Xu smiled slightly, “Long time no see, Young Master Zhou.”

“Do you have any matters to settle? Zhou Xu, your Zhou family and I seem to no longer have any relations now.”

“Correct, I do have matters. I want to ask you to donate a bit more money to the south. As you already know there was a great flood in the south and our country’s treasury is lacking in some money.”

“Hmph, blame that I’m unable to tolerate you. I’ve already said that I won’t give; it can’t be you can still forcibly snatch it?”

“But the victims in the south are all suffering. Young Master Zhou, are you not giving me face or not giving the southern common people face?”

“The southern commoners have all already starved to death. Otherwise the surviving people would have all been infected by the plague. What does this have to do with me? How laughable. Zhou Xu, please scram back to where you came from.”

“It is none of your business that the southern victims have all starved to death? Hmph, with just these words, We can graciously bestow you with capital punishment.” An aged, hoarse voice sounded. A person walked out from behind Zhou Xu. It was precisely the current emperor, except that he wore coarse robes. The crown prince and third prince were to his left and right.

Zhou Zong Han had a lifeless look in his eyes as he silently kneeled down, “This commoner pays respect to the emperor.”

Translator’s Note:

ZZH is actually disgusting... Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter, regardless! See you on Monday ^^

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