The Villain’s Little Sister is Spoiled by the Male Lead

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

The car quickly headed towards its destination, and after forty minutes or so, arrived at the museum. The tickets had already been booked in advance, so they could go straight into the museum.

Song Luokui had been to the museum twice before, but every time she came, there were new discoveries. Xu Jiarong didn't require everyone to stay together either. They could explore on their own if they wanted.

As long as they gathered outside by 12 noon, it was fine. The restaurant for lunch was nearby so it wouldn't take long to get there.

Song Luokui took her time looking at each exhibit carefully. It didn't matter if she couldn't see everything, she could always come back another time.

After wandering around for a while, Song Luokui started to feel a little tired. She found a place to sit down and rest, and took out the food from her bag. Aunt Gui had prepared a two-tiered lunchbox for her, with fruits, mainly lychees, and some small cakes and pastries.

In addition, Song Luokui's bag also contained chocolates, candy and water.

Xu Jiarong, who happened to walk by, swallowed hard when she saw the food, as she had been busy gathering everyone in the morning and hadn't even drank any water, only eating a steamed bun for breakfast.

When Song Luokui saw her, she held up the lunchbox, "Class monitor, would you like some?"

Xu Jiarong immediately sat down, "Then I won't stand on ceremony."

Song Luokui said, "Class monitor, eat more if you're hungry. I still have more food in my bag."

Looking at the exquisite lunchbox in her hand, Xu Jiarong popped a small cake into her mouth. Her eyes instantly lit up with delight. After swallowing it, she said, "It's so delicious! Where did you buy this? And this lunchbox looks so high-end."

Song Luokui shook her head, "It wasn't bought, my family made it." She handed Xu Jiarong another piece.

Xu Jiarong asked, "Song, your family is local right? Which area do you live in? Dongcheng District? Xicheng District?"

Song Luokui replied, "In the same district as our school, half an hour away."

Xu Jiarong's eyes also caught sight of the jade bangle on Song Luokui's wrist. Although she didn't know much about jade, she could tell at a glance that it was very high quality from how clear it looked. She figured it must be expensive.

Everyone in private had discussed that Song Luokui's family must be very wealthy, judging by her delicate skin, her general attire and accessories which all looked very refined. Just her hair alone, didn't have a single strand out of place.

However, Song Luokui seemed quite low-key towards everyone and was very gentle.

The two chatted casually as they ate. After resting for a bit, they got up to continue their stroll. Before 12 noon, everyone had gathered outside already, so when Song Luokui saw it was almost time, she also walked out of the museum.

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Xu Jiarong did a headcount and upon seeing everyone was present, led them towards the restaurant she had booked a large private room at, able to accommodate more than 30 people.

There were more girls than boys in their class, only a handful of boys among the 30 over people, the rest were girls. No one was interested in drinking alcohol, plus they still had activities in the afternoon.

The dishes came out very quickly. As Song Luokui had eaten a bit earlier, she wasn't very hungry and didn't eat much.

However, someone thought she didn't like the food.

"Song, how come you're eating so little? Are you unsatisfied with the dishes the class monitor ordered?" Yan Suxue, who sat opposite Song Luokui, suddenly spoke up.

Song Luokui looked up at her, and after thinking for a while, recalled that the girl's name seemed to be Yan Suxue.

Seeing that Song Luokui was looking at her without saying anything, Yan Suxue continued, "Song, why aren't you saying anything? Did I guess correctly?"

Xu Jiarong immediately said, "Don't say that, Song ate with me earlier, she's probably not very hungry now. Look, I'm not eating much either."

Song Luokui blinked and responded, "The food is quite tasty, I'm just a little full." She then looked at Xu Jiarong and said, "The class monitor ordered very nice dishes."

The others quickly chimed in as well, "I also think the food is pretty good."

"Yeah, it's quite tasty. Song, you shouldn't have eaten so much earlier. Now there's so much delicious food but you can only have a little."

Song Luokui smiled at the classmate and said, "You're right."

Xu Linghua didn't expect Song Luokui to smile at her. She was stunned for a moment, shaking the hand of her friend next to her under the table, whispering to her friend, "Ahhh she looks so pretty."

Yan Suxue didn't expect so many people to stand up for Song Luokui. She harrumphed but didn't say anything more. Some others exchanged looks, and everyone stopped talking and busied themselves with eating.

After the meal, they rested for a bit before boarding the bus towards Summer Palace.

Along the way, everyone chatted excitedly, occasionally stopping to take photos. Midway, Xu Jiarong gathered everyone to take a few group pictures, before letting them roam freely again.

Song Luokui walked slowly at the back of the pack, strolling around leisurely. Suddenly, a girl in front turned around, "Song, can I take a photo with you?"

Song Luokui was surprised for a moment but nodded in agreement, "Sure."

The girl immediately passed her phone to another girl beside her, then stood next to Song Luokui, both doing a 'Yeah!' pose. Song Luokui also smiled and did the 'Yeah' pose.

Unexpectedly, after the shot, the girl who took the photo also came over, "I also want to take a photo with Song. Help me take a few shots, let's stand over there Song, the scenery is nicer."


After taking pictures with many classmates, Song Luokui gradually got to know everyone better.

"Let me tell you, Yan Suxue wanted to smear you just now. I think she's just jealous of you," said Xu Linghua to Song Luokui.

Song Luokui asked, "Jealous of what about me?"

Xu Linghua replied, "Jealous that you're prettier than her!"

Song Luokui said, "...There's no need for that. She's quite pretty too, everyone has their own characteristics."

Xu Linghua giggled, "Actually we all think you're the prettiest!"

Song Luokui said, "...Well, thank you all for the compliments then."

"You're welcome, you're welcome!"

Summer Palace was huge and beautiful. They even took a boat ride, feeling the gentle breeze as they drifted along the waters. Everyone felt very relaxed.

As the boat ride was nearing its end, class monitor Xu Jiarong suddenly announced, "Remember to write a short essay of around 800 words when you get back."

As soon as she said that, everyone groaned in unison, "Ahhhhh there goes the good mood..."

"Why do we have to write an essay?"

Xu Jiarong grinned, "Because someone added Teacher Zeng as a friend on WeCircle and posted photos, so Teacher Zeng came looking for me to assign homework."


"Who was it?"

"When's the deadline?"

Xu Jiarong replied, "Just submit it by next weekend, no rush."

"Okay then, that's fine. Mood slightly better now."

"Anyway let's just have fun first, don't think about it yet."

Xu Jiarong checked the time, "Alright, it's about time, we're heading to our next destination. No more coach bus, we booked it just for the morning and lunch. We'll have to take taxis over, partner up yourselves, the address has been posted in the group chat."

"Those who don't want to participate in the evening activities or need to head back to school for whatever reason can go back on your own."

After that, two classmates didn't join the evening activities and went back to school first. The rest called taxis to the next destination - KTV Kade.

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