The Void Wolf

Chapter 118: The Birth Of A Monster

Chapter 118: The Birth Of A Monster

Avery felt that something was happening to her but wasnt sure exactly what it was. All the plants in the garden had turned to seedling and the grass had shortened to an average length which was obviously Raverias doing. She attempted to establish a mental connection with her daughter but nothing seemed to work and she began to feel a faint sensation of pain.

Out of growing worry, she called for the birth companions who were always close by.

Sylvia and two other Dark Elves with three black circles painted on their heads entered the garden along with Lauren and Casey.

How is everything today? Sylvia approached while kneeling next to Avery to evaluate her condition.

I cant feel my daughter anymore, Avery stated with clear signs of distress.

Theres no need to panic, its likely that Sylvia trailed off as she slightly trembled.

Since Lauren and Casey were further back they were unable to see and assumed something was wrong.

If there is a problem tell us immediately, Casey said in a cold voice.

Shes starting to go through labor. Sylvia moved to the side and a puddle of fluid could be seen near Avery.

Lauren and Casey widened their eyes before everything set in and they began to move.

Bring her to the delivery chamber, Casey said as she moved to support Avery.

Meanwhile, Lauren began to give orders to the Valkyries, Gather everyone and tell them to be ready for any unexpected situations. I want Averys room guarded and Valkyries patrolling the Hall for any signs of a threat.

The Valkyries looked to Avery before saluting and the birth companions went to ready the materials needed.

Most Valkyries were able to suppress pain by sheer willpower so one could imagine them giving a few grunts and being unmoved while giving birth, but Averys would be different. Lauren sighed as that fact appeared in her mind and she looked at Averys shaken expression.

Ira will be here, Avery. Until then, just calm yourself. Lauren said as helped place Avery on the bed.

...Of course, Grandmother. Avery nodded as she maintained her steady breathing.

So this is your last day, Ira? Piers asked while they ate at the dining table.

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Yeah, my daughter could be born soon so Id like to be near my wife. Ira had finished eating and placed his fourteenth plate to the side.

Rhys sat to the side while unconsciously tracing over her lightning-shaped scars. Her relationship with Ira was a bit complicated and she assumed they gained leeway but after they left his memories he hadnt made any moves. She wouldnt know but Ira wasnt comfortable with making any advances while Avery was pregnant. The thought of sleeping with Rhys hadnt even crossed his mind and so he maintained his usual attitude of nonchalance. Still, Rhys wasnt impatient and was willing to wait however long for him.  

Ophelia looked at Rhys who would often smile as she looked at Ira, it was a far cry from the longing gaze she used to show.

...Do you have anything to tell us, Rhys? Ophelia asked slyly.

Rhys jumped before looking around only to see her Father, Mother, and brother showing interest. She grew flustered and glanced at Ira only to see that he was maintaining a relaxed expression.

You can tell them if you want, Ira said with a shrug.

Rhys nodded and grabbed her notepad before taking a few moments to think and writing, [Im not sure how to properly explain it but Im with Ira.]

Her family shared collective expressions of shock, but they recovered soon after.

Piers laughed happily, Ah, congratulations.

Im glad to hear that, Rhys. Cecelia added.

And here I thought that it never wouldve happened, Rhys. Ophelia smiled.

Jonah just gave an excited laugh at the prospect of becoming closer to Ira, but no one asked for Iras view on it and it was a good thing or else they might have been concerned.

After speaking for a few minutes, preparations were made for departure. Piers, Cecelia, Jonah and Ophelia moved to see them off. Rhys finally was able to hug her parents and siblings without fear which was a heartwarming event for them, but Ira suddenly stumbled while clutching his chest.

Ira? Harper looked at him with concern.

Rhys also broke away from the embrace of her parents to check on Ira who was silent. He felt a signal get sent through his blood as if trying to tell him something. His bloodline resonance activated on its own and he felt a strong connection forming.

We have to go, Ira said urgently.

Did something happen? Piers asked.

Ira didnt even respond as he bent space around Rhys and Harper before teleporting away leaving the entire family dumbstruck.

When they next appeared it was at Iras house and he moved away from them before teleporting away without an explanation.

Since they were back in the Capital and closer to the Valkyries Hall, Harper could feel something too. It was similar to the feeling of Iras presence but fainter. Without knowing why Harper looked in the direction of the Thynne Manor and even if walls obstructed her view she could still feel something pulling her.

Ira reappeared inside of the garden and looked around for Avery only to see Lauren standing at the entrance to her bedroom.

Where is she? Ira asked directly.

Youre just in time, follow me. Lauren exhaled a sigh of relief before gesturing to Ira.

He quickly followed behind her while his eyes moved erratically.

Shes going through labor as we speak. As Lauren finished speaking the mountain rumbled and a pulse erupted from its center.

But shes alright? Ira could hear a brief scream that didnt sound like Averys.

Yes, but thats more than could be said for the birth companions. Only Sylvia has managed to withstand the pulses of energy while the other two long since fainted.

They eventually arrived in front of a grandiose wooden door surrounded by Valkyries when Lauren spoke, Shes in there.

Ira was about to rush in when she raised her hand and stopped him, Your presence may bring some unnecessary complications. I wont hold you if you wish to go in, but I thought it best to inform you.

Ira calmed himself, Can you tell her Im here? He asked in a reluctant manner.

Lauren nodded before she entered opened the door and at the same time, another pulse of energy caused the Valkyries to be pushed away. Lauren fought through it and entered and Ira could briefly see a smaller group of Valkyries surrounding the bed while attempting to hold a barrier in place.

He paced back and forth under the rumbling of the mountain but could only think of his daughter. She was on her way into the world and the strange feeling in his chest threatened to burst.

Ira waved his hand a pastry appeared before he ate it and produced another. Soon, Ira entered a spiral of nervous eating and ended up consuming over half of the pastries he had stored up.

Ah! Avery screamed through gritted teeth which caused Ira to almost rushed in but he managed to restrain himself, though a large portion of his pastries disappeared shortly after.

Another burst of energy came and the Valkyries at the door fell to their knees before recovering. Inside the room were muffled shouts of encouragement, reminders to breathe, and of course, instructions to push.

Ira listened carefully and could hear Sylvia speaking in a mixture of exhaustion and excitement, I can see her head, keep pushing.

Ira felt sweat covering his head and his heartbeat was so loud it would be audible if someone was close enough to listen. Was it fear? Ira couldnt tell what the emotion was but it despite being unsettling it was also pleasant.

The wooden door opened and Ira turned to look at it in an instant. Sylvia stepped out and she appeared to have aged by a few years, but since her lifespan was projected to be a few hundred years it was hard to tell for most eyes.

KeeperYou can enter now Sylvia struggled to stay standing and the three black circles she had painted on had long since became smeared.

Ira took a deep breath and walked into the room. As he moved forward, the Valkyries began to slowly part until he could them.

Averys damp hair clung to her head and she looked a little pale as well as tired, but she held a child wrapped in a bundle of cloth with no signs of her strength wavering. Ira stopped at her side and looked down at the black-haired infant that stared right at him with a toothless smile.

...Raveria. Ira wanted to hold her, but she looked so fragile.

Ira. Avery gave a weary smile but lifted Raveria toward him.

I...I dont know what to do Ira voiced his hesitation with a dry laugh.

Support her head and hold her close, Avery explained.

Ira nodded but was panicking as he accepted his daughter into his arms. She stared up at him in complete fascination and even laughed once. Raverias eyes were a soft yellow and her hair was as black as his own.

Congratulations. Casey smiled and so did the other Valkyries.

Shes beautiful girl, Lauren said as she peeked over at the little girl.

As Ira looked at Raveria he felt that seeing her through an illusion was nothing compared to physically holding her. She was small and weighed no more than a few pounds but it felt like he was holding the weight of the world. He and Avery created a life and that fact dawned on him once more.

After a few minutes, Ira spoke to Casey and Lauren, Do you want to hold her?

Of course. Casey said as she approached and accepted Raveria who looked at her curiously and even a little warily.

In Raveria's eyes, she could see some resemblance to her mother in Casey's face, but it wasn't enough to make her relax.

Then it was Laurens turn to hold Raveria and she received the same gaze except it was steadily worsening. Lauren looked even less like Avery with only a few similarities to be seen.

Naturally, the Valkyries couldnt contain their excitement and also tried to Raveria and thats when it happened. The strange faces and the increasing distance from her parents had a negative effect on her.

Raverias expression turned into a frown and she began crying, but that wasnt the end of it. Tiny black crystalline wings that looked to be a few inches wide grew out of her back and grayish particles began to slowly gather around her.

Luckily Avery spoke before anything dangerous happened, She's scared, quickly give her back to Ira. Avery ordered the Valkyrie who was shocked to see Raverias mood change so drastically.

Once she arrived back in Iras arms her crying faded and the small crystal wings protruding from her back disappeared. She kept her eyes on Ira once again without paying attention to those surrounding her.

...She can already manifest wings at this age. Casey could barely contain her shock and neither could the other Valkyries who gasped.

Lauren sighed before collecting herself and speaking, Lets allow them to rest for today.

The Valkyries reluctantly left the room leaving Ira, Avery, and Raveria alone. Ira kicked off his shoes and climbed into the bed before settling next to Avery.

Avery gave him a sweet smile, but the dark circles under her eyes showed she was fighting heavy fatigue and even Raveria seemed to be tired.

Shes amazing, Avery. Ira gently put Raveria down between them and she switched her gazes between them with a satisfied expression before closing her eyes.

I know. Avery was the next to drift to sleep with a faint grin on her face, leaving Ira awake on his own.

He kissed Raveria on the head before he also closed his eyes, leaving the sight of all three of them sleeping with warm smiles on their faces.

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