The Void Wolf

Chapter 37: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Pt.1

Chapter 37: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back Pt.1

"What's the job, Sam?" Ira walked into the entrance hall of the Thynne Family Manor and spoke to Samantha. She looked at him with surprise when she noticed the not so slight change in his appearance. She handed over a folder and began talking.

"This is an important one. The Kingdom is sending a recovery expedition team to the ruins of the Old Kingdom. There is a lot of money being paid for the discovery of any significant artifacts. Also, your payment for the fortress defense has been sent to the Mercenaries Union." Samantha handed over the file toward Ira. He skimmed over it, noting that the location was in the east, before handing it back.

"When is it?" Ira asked. He turned his head and looked towards the female quarters of the Manor. Soon quickened steps could be heard running toward him. Of course, it was Harper. The bloodline resonance allowed him to communicate simple commands, though it was up to her to listen. It was like how pack animals call out to members of their group.

"Well, the preliminary expedition team is to depart at the end of the week. If you join that one, you'll be tasked with clearing any threats or defending the few researchers accompanying you. There will be two more teams coming to assist but require additional time to prepare. The last team arriving is the recovery team, they are tasked with delivering the artifacts to the Kingdom." Samantha seemed to be thoroughly professional as she spoke, although cracks would briefly appear in the temperament she attempted to give off.

"Ira!" Harper ran over and stood beside him before smiling at Samantha.

"Don't these things usually require more planning? It seems like this came from nowhere." Ira asked. Samantha shook her head before speaking.

"I asked the same question, and apparently this expedition is actually behind schedule. It was already in its development phase a few months ago right before the attack on the Military Headquarters. Then Glen Marbot staged an attack on the Capital, further pushing the expedition back. Now with everyone developing abilities, it's needed now more than ever." Samantha explained. Apparently, she had investigated heavily into the subject. She then paused and looked at Ira. "I don't mean to pry, but did you receive anything after the Red Moon and the Golden Aurora?"

"Not really," Ira responded with a shrug. From an outside perspective, he had a headstart on everyone with his power, with the Golden Aurora granting and enhancing the abilities of others he would have to work to stay a step ahead. He hoped there would be something in the Old Kingdom Ruins to help him, but the chances were slim to none. He could use his Genetic Mutation, but he would need to find a living being to copy from. Anything in the Old Kingdom would long since be dead.

"Let's go get my payment and then we'll get ready for the job." Ira tapped Harper on the shoulder and began walking to the entrance, with Samantha following behind. The three took a carriage and departed toward the Capital.

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"I should warn you, Sam," Ira spoke while looking out of the carriage window. "I'm the one who brought the Red Moon." he continued. Samantha didn't look very surprised but then thought of what she heard from the head of the MU. He told her the rumor of a giant beast capable of destroying an army of 9000 without much effort.

"...Then do you know how that beast came about?" She didn't want to ask, but her curiosity overtook her.

"I know, but they don't. I prefer it that way." Ira looked away from the window and smiled at Samantha. He emphasized enough for her to understand. She wondered just what happened, but she could get a general idea from the briefing. Someone from the Military would be there to question Ira, and she would do her best to answer without giving away his secrets. After all, his survival was her survival.

"Then do you mind if I ask you some questions to prepare?" She asked trying to disconnect from the morality of the situation. Was it selfish to choose self-preservation over the greater good? It would depend on who you asked, but Samantha leaned toward keeping herself alive.

"Go ahead." Ira turned his gaze back to the scenery.


Meanwhile, in the Diavol Republic. A council of Diavol men and women stirred. Anger, grief, frustration, and fear all collided into one vivid cry of emotion.

"We demand answers! What the hell is this Hydra Formation and why was it kept from us?!" One Diavol man said grimly. Many men and women nodded in response, some even shouted in agreement. A significant portion of the council had never been told of the formation so one could imagine their anger when it was listed as the possible cause of the complete destruction of Savora. One lone soldier was recovered in the wilderness a few days journey away from the site. He recounted the mages taking up a strange formation and leveling the fortress at the cost of their own lives, but shortly after, the Red Moon and Golden Aurora appeared. Then he almost went delirious as he spoke of a massive black beast with red eyes that appeared from nowhere. It swallowed the rest of the army completely, he hadn't even watched for long. He deserted long before he could see the conclusion, hiding far away in the woods.

"Only members involved with the military needed to know. If everyone knew of it, whose to say they wouldn't use it for their own selfish purposes." The Diavol male who advocated the fortress siege was the one to defend the utilization of the Hydra Formation. His earlier manipulations were evident to most, but there was no excuse. If they were swayed by his words, then it was their fault, such was the way their government worked.

"Selfish purpose? According to the report, the Siege Commander used to exact revenge for the death of his father. Is that not selfish? He sacrificed one thousand lives for one, but it didn't end there! Too bad the insolent brat couldn't live to see what he wrought." An old but sturdy looking Diavol man lashed out. He was one of the people who pushed to take the fortress back, now he could only feel an unbearable shame in the decision.

"Enough! Bickering and arguing will get us nowhere!" A Diavol woman who looked to be of similar age to the old man reprimanded him. If anyone deserved to be punished, it would be all of them for sending their fellow Diavol to their deaths and possibly unleashing a creature that would spell destruction for others.

"Then what do you suggest?" The persuasive Diavol asked with a sly look. All eyes in the room turned to the woman. Each gaze asked the same question. They wanted- No, needed answers. Something to quell the unsteadiness in their hearts. To guarantee the safety of their families and friends. Even with the apparent blessing that came with the tragedy, there was still a fear deep inside the back of their skulls. Rooted in so deep it could only be purged with the death of the creature. The woman took each and every gaze in. She could see they were genuinely scared. So she gave her best answer.

"A summit." She spoke slowly. The council erupted into a commotion.

"They'd never agree."

"The humans hate us."

"How do we know they aren't to blame for the tragedy that befell us?"

"I'm willing to bet they are laughing at us right now."

"You are right." To the many voices of dissidence, she spoke with assurance. "We won't hold a summit for the Grentian Kingdom. We will hold it for the whole continent. The Elves and Dark Elves, the three human countries, the Dwarven clans. Every race that has a foothold on this continent will all attend." The council room went quiet.

"And how do you know they'll come?" The crafty Diavol from earlier spoke. Once again, all gazes focused onto the woman.

"If even one of them were to sit out of the summit, they would have to face the political and diplomatic ramifications. I'm sure they are just as scared of the changes happening within their own borders. If things go right, we could all work together to find and kill the beast." She said with complete confidence. The room went into a small murmur, the last record of every race convening was over 1000 years ago. The times had changed, but now the events happening called for them to convene once again.

"...All in favor raise their hands." An old man said with a burning fervor. One by one, hands went up. Each hand carried the hope of an answer and a resolution. Soon all the hands in the room were raised, and some people even began to weep. They were those who had lost their family in the Savora Disaster. It was a form of tragic irony when they were the same ones who voted to take the fortress. A few had felt the Gods personally punished them.

"Then we are in agreement." The Old man nodded. It was truly a rare occasion in history when the council voted unanimous on a decision.

Soon another historic moment would occur, shaking the whole continent once again. Each race would be invited to a summit seeking to find what ground they stood on with each other, and the threat that loomed over all of them.

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