The Void Wolf

Chapter 74: Go Home Ira, You're Drunk

Chapter 74: Go Home Ira, You're Drunk

The mood in the Free City had always been active, but there was never a time in its history where people had been so excited. After the fight finished the spectators rushed to go tell the story at the hundreds of bars and restaurants filling the city. While those who chose not to attend the Colosseum Bout realized they missed a once in a lifetime event and could only feel immense regret.

The Free City had a press organization that chronicled events, trading, and the general subjects concerning the city. Operated with a mana fueled printing press, they usually had enough papers to accommodate the general populace, until the Colosseum Bout was finished. They didnt have nearly enough to compete with demand and had to work nonstop to keep chaos from breaking out.

Only a few hours had passed and there were already people capitalizing on Iras name. Dolls, figurines, and stone statues were made and sold in the same breath. Many playwrights were already crafting stories that centered around Ira. While on the otherside of the spectrum, the price of black hair dye increased while the supply dropped as a trend slowly began to emerge.

Ira was already sort of a known figure in the Grenalda, the Grenitian Capital. Though they called him yellow-eyes instead of Ira. Now his name was spread to the Free City which would soon find its way spread to other countries who traded with the city. The one who took it the furthest had to be the Dark Elf Empire. The hype felt in the Free City was amplified between the Dark Elves, Lycanthropes, and Beast People attending the Summit.

To the Keeper. A Dark Elf raised his glass.

To the Keeper.

To the Keeper.

To the Keeper.

A group from the Dark Elf Empire cheered as they raised their glasses.

A few hours after the Colosseum event was another banquet and as expected, the Dark Elves were the rowdiest. Not all of them could make it to the tournament and instead were guarding the Dark Elf section of the diplomatic quarter. So it was no surprise that their companions who witnessed the fight didnt hesitate to recount the experience. It was just that every time they reached an exciting part of the story, they would toast to Ira, who was right across the room. Every time they toasted he would raise his glass toward them, giving those of the Dark Elf Empire a sense of pride.

You held back quite a lot. Avery said as she watched Ira raise his glass to toast.

If it was too quick then they wouldnt be as happy, would they? Ira smiled cheerfully.

I want to fight against you and I don't want you to hold back, Keeper. Saren declared.

Ira looked puzzled, If I didnt hold back you probably would turn into a paste...If you get stronger Ill think about it.

Saren made a determined expression while Ira looked around. The Telvians and Forest Elves were just as gloomy as the Diavol who continued to express the urgency needed to prepare for the City-Eater. He wondered how would they react if they realized that he was the actual City-Eater.

Across the room, Cyprian had a meditative look on his face as he sipped from a glass before looking at his bandages. He was the only one who was healthy enough to attend the banquet after fighting Ira. Athals healing would take significantly longer since the bones in his legs were shattered, his ability to walk would be restored, it was just a time-consuming and expensive process. Lucky for him, the Merchants Circle was footing the bill due to the massive amount of revenue they receive from the fight.

Cyprian had gained a few insights from his fight with Ira and actually felt a bit thankful to him. The path to creating his own weapons technique was incredibly difficult and it was only through Ira that he was able to take a huge step forward. After he informed those aligned to the House of Swords, they even felt the urge to toast to Ira. Cyprians strength became an important pillar in maintaining the power of the House of Swords.

The most notable person missing from the Banquet was the Fourth Prince. No one had seen or heard from him after the end of the Colosseum event, but Ira wasnt concerned.

Inside of a building that resembled a brothel. A cloaked figure was speaking to a beautiful woman.

Vivian, what do you have for me? Leonard asked from under a frayed burlap cloak.

Your Highness, we have found a trail, but Vivian started.

What is it? Leonard asked.

It leads to the Merchants Circle. Vivian said with an uncomfortable expression.

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Leonard widened his eyes before they regained a slight calm. Could there be infighting?

Knowing them...Its not possible, your Highness. Vivian answered.

Leonard slammed his fist into as rage filled his eyes. After all I did for them? Im the one who suggested the Colosseum Event in the first place.

Your Highness, I dont think the entire Merchants Circle is moving against us, but it's more than likely to be a specific few. Vivian suggested.

Even so, it would mean that the rest remained neutral when they found out what was going to happen. There was no way that what happened to Irving came to pass without their knowledge...Were a step closer to finding the one responsible, be careful Vivian. I cant lose you too? Leonard said as he grabbed Vivian's hand with a weary smile.

Of course, Your Highness. Vivian said as she held on tightly to Leonards hand.

In a familiar dimly lit room, several figures sat in front of a single figure.

Congratulations, getting Ira to participate. The profits gained from your efforts cant be ignored. Someone from the group said before a wooden box was slide across the table.

The figure opened the box to see a small dagger made out of solid gold. This is He said in a tone filled with disbelief.

Your merits warrant it. You can no longer be considered an ordinary member of the Merchants Circle. Someone said.

The light around the figure seemed to flicker, briefly illuminating the Merchant who always seemed to amiable, Lowell.

Im honored. Lowell said as he sheathed the dagger and tucked it away into his coat.

No, youre wealthy. Someone joked.

The room broke out a few chuckles as they celebrated, but it soon faded.

No one has seen the Fourth Prince since the Colosseum and its clear hes moving behind the scenes. Make sure you tie your loose ends or else they may come back to hang you. A figure said.

The Fourth Prince is of no concern. Lowell said with certainty.

The Valkyrie is one to be worried about. Ive heard she is extremely sharp, and she was sure to notice what transpired during that Colosseum Event. It wouldnt be too much of a stretch to say that she may think we sent instigated the altercation between Ira and that minor Parvian noble. The mood in the room grew far more serious.

If the Valkyrie shows signs of discovering you...Dont blame us for what happens.

Lowells face was obscured by the darkness, but if it wasnt his expression would look incredibly bitter. I assure you Ive taken precautions.

Please, dont take offense we expect the same commitment from each other. If any of my projects and plans had suddenly shifted and jeopardized the existence of the Merchants Circle, I would commit suicide on the spot. We all would...Now, we wont make you take an oath, but we expect you to do the same if the time came. A voice said coldly.

I am always ready to do what needs to be done Lowell responded.

It was unknown whether or not Lowell could truly live up to his words. It was also unknown whether or not the Elites of the Merchant's Circle expected him to in the first place.

Back at the Banquet. Just about everyone had left, except for the Dark Elf Empire and a few Grenitians who werent tied to any royal faction so they were happy to see Ira win. They had been celebrating Iras achievements in the Colosseum the best way they knew how and that was through drinking.

Rhys and Carter had come to congratulate Ira but had to wade through a group of Dark Elves, Lycanthropes, and Beast People.

Ira! Carter called out.

He and Rhys squeezed through the crowd only to see Ira standing on a table drinking a huge bottle of wine. Avery had left, preferring to train her flames rather than drink in the company of others, but she encouraged Ira to enjoy himself and that he did. Saren, of course, stuck near Ira and followed his lead, but he had passed out from drinking halfway through and was carried back to the Dark Elf Quarters.

Ira finished drinking from the bottle and was met with cheers.

Praise the Keeper!

Praise the Keeper!

Praise the Keeper!

Praise the Keeper!

Ira gave a doltish smile as he spotted Rhys and Carter. Praise the Keeper! he said before laughing and hopping down from the table. He stumbled a few times before he regained his balance.

Are you...Are you drunk? Ira, I thought you can regenerate so how are you drunk? Carter asked with clear confusion.

Rhys also showed curious eyes toward Ira, though her mask hid most of her expression.

I...uh...Turned it off...Hey, you guys want Ira asked.

Maybe some other time. Im just here to congratulate you, by the way, why are they calling you Keeper? Carter asked.

A tipsy Lycanthrope overheard Carter and rushed up with excitement, He is the Keeper of the Third Moon and the one who summoned it.

What? Carter asked in disbelief. He hadnt been around allowed to attend the conference so the news was slow getting to his ears.

You heard him...Im the Keeper Ira swayed back and forth. ...Praise... the Keeper! He drunkenly shouted before he was handed a bottle which he gulped down.

Praise the Keeper!

Praise the Keeper!

Praise the Keeper!

Praise the Keeper!

The crowd echoed back as they downed their glasses.

Rhys grabbed her notepad and began to write, [Congratulations, Ira.]

Thanks...Thank you, Rhys...You are...a nice...Thank you... Ira said as he struggled to stay on his feet.

How much has he had to drink? Carter asked a Lycanthrope.

Around four barrels worth. The Lycanthrope man answered.

Although Ira slowed his regeneration, it would automatically speed up if his life was in danger. There was also the poison resistance he had received from the Chimera blood that he had to repress.

Carter shook his head, I think hes too drunk to remember he can sober up if he...undoes whatever he did to his regeneration. he watched Ira finish off another bottle of wine in an instant.

[I think you had enough.] Rhys raised her notepad in front of Iras face if her mask wasnt on her expression would surely be a disapproving pout.

I...had Ira squinted his eyes as he read. You...had enough...thats

I hate to interrupt your fun, but I think its about time we take him back to the Grenitian Quarters. Carter said.

The group became silent as they stared at Carter unwillingly.

If you upset his wife youll upset him and its hard to believe hell continue to interact with you after that. Carter said.

Sighs and reluctant expressions overtook the group as they knew it was time to depart. Suddenly, they grew happy when they realized have the chance to tell stories about how they celebrated with the Keeper to their family and friends in the Underground City.

Come on Rhys. Carter put one of Iras arms on his shoulder and Rhys moved close to do the same.

Where...where are we going? Ira asked in a confused voice.

Were taking you home. Carter answered. To your wife. he added. like...a plan. Ira said.

The two carried Ira, who was surprisingly heavy, back to his room. Or at least halfway, Carter suddenly stopped and removed Iras arm from around his neck.

I dont want to intrude...Since Avery is a woman and you are a woman Im sure itll go over better. Carter said.

Rhys nodded and then continued to carry Ira toward his room. they...murdered Ira mumbled incoherently. ...And kids...Averys family...wants have kids

Rhys nearly stopped walking as she understood some of Iras words, but she managed to continue on.

Rhys arrived at his room and twisted the handle only to find it was unlocked, not that Avery or Ira needed to lock their door anyone who broke in would be the one to suffer. Inside was one of the standard rooms given to those important guests attending the Summit. It was filled with an extreme amount of luxuries and decorative items.

There was no sign of Avery inside so Rhys carried Ira down to the bedroom and dropped him on the bed. At some point, Ira had fallen unconscious as he stopped speaking. Rhys looked at him breathing rhythmically with closed eyes and fell into a daze. She had to admit she had feelings for Ira, but she knew it was too early to even think of love. That being the case, she still felt troubled to hear about the possibility of Avery and Ira having children.

As she continued looking at Ira she found herself placing a hand on his cheek. Once she realized what she was doing she quickly drew her hand back before hesitating. She slightly lifted her mask revealing her lips and began to move toward Iras face, but she felt something cold placed against her neck.

Is that your plan on earning his affection? Averys indifferent voice filled with mockery along with the saber pressed against her neck woke Rhys from her stupor.

Rhys stood up in silent shock and embarrassment, while Avery sheathed her saber.

That was your one and only warning since Ira considers you a friend at the very least, but next time Ill just kill you outright. Avery said plainly.

Rhys grabbed her notepad. [Im sorry.]

Avery looked at her apology note but was unfazed.

Rhys struggled with something but eventually decided to write. [Is it true both of you are trying to have children?]

Did you hear it from him? Avery looked at Ira who lay sprawled out on the bed in a drunken slumber.

Rhys nodded in response.

I fail to see how that concerns you, but since he already spoke about it then its no point in saying anything else. Its true. Avery said.

Rhys' body seemed to tremble slightly before she gave a determined look to Avery. [I want to train.] She scribbled fiercely.

Thats unfortunate because I would like to spend time with my husband. Avery responded before continuing, Leave, Ill look for you tomorrow.

Rhys clenched the notepad in her hands before she turned to leave.

After she was gone, Avery sat next to Ira and moved the hair that was blocking his face. She was reminded of the time he had consumed too much of the wine that was specifically for Valkyries when they first got engaged. At that time she had to take him to an Inn and carry him to his room. Avery felt it was strange how everything developed since she first met him. He had gone from being some mischievous boy to becoming her husband and the only man she ever loved.

Avery slightly grinned before she kissed Ira on the forehead.

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