The Wandering of an Unstuck Stepbro: Multiverse Travel

Chapter 137: Swordsmanship teacher

Chapter 137: Swordsmanship teacher

(Ryoto's pov)

I headed to Saki's mansion since there was my new swordsmanship teacher. It wasn't a walk, so nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

As you would expect, Saki's estate was enormous. The main building was protected by a tall wall and a big gate.

I rang a doorbell? Gatebell? And waited for someone to answer. I heard someone answering, but that person didn't say anything.

Ryoto: "Rin-senpai, I know that you are there."

Rin: "Tsk."

She clicked her tongue.

Ryoto: "Good to see you too. Can you open the gate? I have something to talk about with you?"

Rin: "Me?"

Ryoto: "Yep."

Rin: "Wait here. I'll talk with Saki-sama."

(Rin's pov)

What is he doing here? I hoped that he didn't notice me answering, but he did.

What does he want from me? I should reject his request right here and there, but Saki-sama is interested in this man... against her better judgment.

The only thing I can do is try to open her eyes, and if it doesn't work, I can try to better him as a person until he is worthy of being the partner of Saki-sama.

Rin: "*Sigh*"

Aya: "What is it, Rin? Something happened?"

Rin: "Ryoto Yuuki is outside the gate. He really is a cause of my headache."

Aya: "I see, but why is he here?"

Rin: "Apparently, he wants something from me, so I go to Saki-sama to report it."

Aya: "You know that she'll be thrilled to hear about it."

Rin: "*Sigh* I know."

(Ryoto's pov)

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I waited outside, and in my bored state, I started eating a lollipop.

The words of Zangetsu were still fresh on my mind but I shook them off for now.

Meanwhile, the gate finally opened, and Rin stood in front of me.

Rin: "Come inside."

Ryoto: "So cold, Rin-senpai. I thought we had something special with you stalking me and all."

Rin: "I was not stalking you!"

Ryoto: "Are you sure?"

Rin: "Yes, I'm sure!"

Ryoto: "Then, you were spying on me?"

Rin: "Are you enjoying annoying people this much?"

Ryoto: "It's therapeutic, but I have a favor to ask you, so I'll end it at that."

I made her a little curious.

Rin: "What favor?"

Ryoto: "Can you teach me swordsmanship?"

Rin: "Why would you want to learn it?"

Ryoto: "Do you want a long version or a short version?"

Rin thought about it for a while.

Rin: "A short one."

Ryoto: "I want to kill swallows."

Rin: "Huh?"

Ryoto: "I want to learn how to kill swallows just like my idol, savior of France, and maybe just like him, I'll be deemed as a savior one day."

I expanded on my answer.

Rin: "I heard you the first time."

She pinched the bridge of her nose.

Rin: "You are joking, right?"

She says that hoping that I was joking and she was in luck. I was... 40% of that was a joke. Maybe 30%.

Ryoto: "You got me. Some time ago, I got my hands on a sword, so I plan on learning how to use it properly."

Rin: "I see..."

She was trying to look through me to discover any lies if there were any.

Rin: "Why me?"

Ryoto: "Well, you smacking me with a sword gave me quite the impression, and you are the only one I know who knows, kendo. I would ask Zastin, but... he is occupied with something else."

He still has nightmares and is even scared of touching his sword. Only his sword. I still need him for the manga.

Rin was thinking seriously about accepting or rejecting me.

Rin: "I accept you as my student, but you'll do everything I say, understood?"

I hugged myself and acted embarrassed.

Ryoto: "E-everything?"

Rin facepalmed, defeated before we even began.

Rin: "We'll need to fix that trait of yours."


We arrived at the dojo where Rin regularly trains.

Rin: "Now strip."

I didn't hesitate.

Ryoto: "Saido chesto!!!"

I grabbed the wrist with my hand and flexed all of my muscles. My clothes exploded, and one piece hit Rin's forehead.

I left my underwear on me... for now.

Ryoto: "Is that enough?"

Rin: "..."

She silently put down the piece of cloth from her forehead, and then she suddenly swung at me with her wooden sword.

Ryoto: "Hey, what was that for?"

Rin: "That's what I am asking you! I asked you to strip, not... THAT!!!"

Ryoto: "You should be more specific then. You wanted to see me without clothes, and I showed you me without the clothes."

Rin tried to calm herself down.

Rin: "You know what, forget it. I'll just do what I intended to do from the beginning."

Ryoto: "Which is...?"

Rin: "I need to see your muscle distribution and what kind of training you need first."

She looked around my body and noticed three scars. One on my shoulder, one on my leg, and one on my stomach.

Rin: "These are...?"

Ryoto: "Kind of like medals of honor. While saving someone, I got these. I almost died that day."

I subconsciously touched one of them and smiled while remembering the memories I have with Kaede and Rio.

Ryoto: "But never mind that. What is your verdict? Maybe I should do more poses."

Rin: "...It's not necessary. From what I observed, you have great foundations. You must have trained a lot."

I train daily now, but before, I would probably sweat nervously because most of these muscles were in package with Spider-man's powers.

Rin: "We'll start with the basics as you are a complete amateur. First, do 1000 swings."

She said with a small smile.

I think she enjoys seeing me suffer.

(3rd pov)

Right now, in her room, Saki was trying to find a perfect outfit for herself.

Aya: "Saki-sama, if you don't hurry up, Yuuki-kun will go home."

Aya was currently accompanying Saki.

Saki: "I know, but I can't let Ryoto-sama see me when I'm not at my best. He deserves much more!"

Aya: "But do you have any plan when you meet him? The Christmas party could be considered a success since Yuuki-kun seemed to enjoy himself, but what's next?"

Aya was curious about what Saki's plan involved.

Saki: "That's pretty simple. I'll show how good of a wife I am. Instead of maids, I'll be the one to bring the snacks, and after that..."

Saki's imagination went a little wild, and she needed to be brought back to Earth by Aya, but Saki would do everything in her power to bring her imagination into reality.



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