The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 103 A hundred stories. An ambush?

- Captain Barksby.

To Agrop's question, Marl Leak briefly says it's about 3 blocks......

Speaking of three blocks, there's about 120 buildings coming in.

It would be quite a hassle to lead everyone there to a base.

"It's a magic item decision, so it'll be quick, but there's going to be a guy who won't cooperate."

There's definitely the one who's trying to get away with a lot of things like running out of time.

I don't like convincing those guys.

I hope there is some good way......

"Wouldn't you like me to tell you the truth? People who are part of a criminal organization are diving in, and if they refuse, they'll look at it as a companion."

"So do you want to cooperate?

"Right ~. Oh, then let's just say it's a crowded organization. If there's a rumor that you're part of that organization, it'll be pretty tough in this town. It usually feels like you can throw stones, doesn't it? Unless you're a fool to be right, I don't think you'd spare any cooperation, would you?

"That's true... well, okay. Do you want to go that way this time?"

The agrop method will certainly get the help of the people in town.

There are so many people who resent that organization.

If it's rumored that you've joined the organization, enough to consider the worst possible consequences.

Because of this, I have always handled it with caution, but this time there are a lot of people to move and I am not going to miss a single one.

"Agrop, let the apprentices line up so they can judge you too"

Marl Leak gives a surprised look to my words, but said Agrop gives me a more nimmari and scary grin.

After the judgment, you thought more people would be able to move.

Well, that's what I'm saying.

Apprentice, I suppose, but there is no mistake in the vigilante.

Do you want me to work hard?

"Okay. The apprentices will make sure everyone is in line."

When the traitors get out, it's not gonna be a hard experience for them.

Well, won't you continue as a vigilante if you don't get over it?

"There it is. The captain wanted us to get to the base."

"You're asleep anyway, so anyone can do it, right?

"No, Ivy was worried that maybe sucks people might be getting mixed up"

"Shitty human? What is it?"

"Mm-hmm, nobility or something?

"Ahhh ~ With that said, there was a nobleman whose name was on the paperwork. No, but... are there any stupid aristocrats who would ambush the stronghold?

"Come on, I don't know that,"

"I'll leave that to the captain. I gather manpower in the stuffing and head to the base as I direct people from around the 3 blocks. The apprentices will go to Borolda and the others first. Now excuse me."

Without my involvement, I stare at Agrop as he turns to refreshment and vigilante stuffing.

The Agrop guy ran away.

He hates nobles.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A big sigh on me, Marl Leak puts his hand on Pong's shoulder.

"Because adventurers have a weak relationship that way. Come on, nobility may not be here."

"Ha, you don't really think about it. Or did you forget to give instructions to the rest of the vigilantes who are Agrop's guys?

"No, shouldn't there be a captain?

Yeah, but.

I don't like explanations.

"You're tired enough ~. Good luck, we're almost there!

Raise your hand on Marl Leak's light backup and head over to the remaining vigilantes.

Looks like all the catchers were thrown into the cage.

I see the vigilantes are nervous about me.

I don't like this vibe.

When I catch my people, there's really some flowing air.

Manage to contain feelings that are likely to sink in.

"Good job, Captain!

I can see Borolda and the others gently raising their hands.

And it lightens the air softly.

Probably surprised how light Borolda's voice was, and the nervousness of the vigilantes was broken.

It makes me laugh a little bitterly.

They really read the situation around them very carefully.

"Thank you, are you ready over there?

"Oh, no problem. What are we gonna do with the rest of the vigilantes out here?

Borolda's words gather my gaze, but they don't create the same kind of air.

You really appreciate it.

Marse and I laughed small when we gazed at each other.

"Wait till Agrop gets back. Then have them head to the base. Marse, I want a job."


"Divide the vigilante into three teams at a time. Direct all human beings around 3 blocks from base toward base"

"... hmm? What, all of you? It'll be quite a crowd, though."

"Yes, Marce. All of them without letting one escape. Ask me more when Agrop gets back."


I gave you a rough explanation, so let's leave the rest to Agrop.

You pushed the base problem on one of me, so I left this one to you.

"Okay, let's go. Oh, yeah. Rosé, Cridaro, you two need to come with me. And... Marce, pick about three guys who won't even pull off against the nobles."


The three chosen by Marse and the two chosen by me, they are the ones who can deal with the aristocracy that may be based.

Ask Borolda about your upcoming plans as you head to the base.

"Don't change a bit since you went to base. For now, the adventurers will not be in base. Think about it. So that way, please."

"I know."

The aristocrats reluctantly follow the vigilante's instructions, but they are rather strong on the adventurers.

Many fools try to wield power and get away with it.

"We'll rendezvous with Seyzerk, and we'll go into confirmation as soon as we're ready."

"Are we staffed enough?

"Gilmouth should be collecting some for me. We'll start with them."

"Right. Rosé, follow me to Borolda."

Two people, Borolda and Rosé, look at me strangely in my words.

Rose is afraid of expressions, no matter what she says or does normally.

I'm scared of what I say.

So just being next to Borolda should work.

"If anyone makes a scene, stare. Still, if it doesn't work, you can suppress it with force."

In this operation, the magic items that Borolda has become quite important.

Threatened personnel will be needed to make things go smoothly.

"Ah, I see. It was Mr. Rosé, nice to meet you!

"Yes. Welcome."

I got to base, but it's quiet.

A little peek inside through the front door is causing more people to fall than they could have imagined.

... How many of them are there?

Borolda is next door, smiling bitterly.

Follow that gaze, there are men who look different from those around them no matter what.

I can't confirm that because my face is looking down, but that is the design the aristocrats prefer.

... That's not alone either.

3 people just peeked through the front door.

"Huh, are you stupid?

"No way, you wouldn't expect sleeping pills to be planted in the place where they were based. Isn't that why you joined us in peace?

A laugh spills over Borolda's words.

Yes, this is the result of what they put behind them.

... although it took nobility.

"Captain, what's this?

"Those are the hands of the organization, who tried to bring up evidence of their stronghold. A few allies are mixed, but never mind."

My words surprise the five Knights who came with me.

"Well, from here on out, adventurers can't. We'll handle it alone. Rose asks for this one until Borolda's ready."


"In the meantime, that's a change of air. I don't want to lose consciousness or anything the minute I come in."

Put a cloth on your mouth and open the front door completely for now.

Well, I'm looking forward to seeing how many organisations people caught it.

The nobleman's problem is behind us.

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