The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 159 155 stories Place? What are you doing now?

"Good luck"

Somehow, a very tired looking Mr. Druid came.

Did something go wrong?

"Are you all right?

"Oh, he says he hasn't seen it, but he insists on what kind of demon it was."

I laugh at him with a fed up look on his face.

The adventurer Mr. Gilmouth sent in seemed to have had a bit of a problem.

"I'll make you some tea, would you like a drink?

"Oh, thank you"

While I make Mr. Druid some tea, I listen to him.

He didn't seem to have a problem until he came to retrieve the Gulbal, but he seemed interested in the demons he hunted in surprise at the number.

Even though I explained that I hadn't seen it many times from there, about the shadows, they were persistent about the hindsight.

As an adventurer, I may be interested and deserved, but it would be a good annoyance from Mr. Druid.

"I'm sorry I pushed you into trouble. Thank you."

"Because there's no need to apologize at all. I don't know if the Adventurers of All Towns could handle all that grubal"

Is Gulbal that strong?

I don't know how strong it is because it was still so ravaged by Siel today.

However, you would be scared if Arre came this way because he was unexpectedly fast on the run.

"I wasn't sure how strong Gulbal was because he was being blurted out by Ciel?

"Yes, I understand Ciel's strength, though. I'm just surprised how fast those legs are. You don't get the impression you saw."

"It's faster than people. Besides, I'm gonna bump into you with that giant, so if you're a kid, it's a blow."

Sure, the gurubal that had been knocked down was pretty big.

Are you going to clash with me... if it were me, it would definitely be a moment.

"You're scared"

"We have to be careful when Ciel's gone."


Drink tea slowly.

Speaking of which, your plans are so crazy.

I was going to ask Mr. Druid a lot today.

Ask here?



They called me by my name when I was just wondering if I was going to talk to you, so I was thrilled.

When I look at Mr. Druid, he has a determined look at something.

"I need to talk to you. I want you to hear everything before you judge me."

I snort only once at Mr. Druid's words.

"Let me apologize for my brother first. It's my fault I made it that way. … I have 3 skills"

Three skills?

Generally two, so wow.

"The first is swordsmanship, the second is physical. That's the third problem. Things appeared like symbols, not letters."


"I had it looked into, but I still don't know what it means"

Skills that didn't make sense.

Speaking of which, I've heard that new skills have ever been discovered.

Is that it?

"My parents were happy that it was a new skill. But before my third skill knew it, I took my brothers' star."

Take the stars?

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If the stars were three, would they be two?



I feel tension mixing in Mr. Druid's voice.

"What symbol was the display of skills...... eh?

"This is it."

Mr. Druid draws something on the dirt with a stick of wood.

When I look at the stuff I've written...

"... plus thrash negative?

"What? Ivy knows this too?

No, I don't.

Although it matched the symbol in my memory before.

He said nature and positive thrash negative, so I guess that's what he calls it.

The meaning that came to mind was' add or pull '.


- may indeed have taken the star.

But + means the opposite.

This symbol will allow you to increase or decrease the number of skill stars.

This is a pretty amazing skill, isn't it?

Until now, I've never heard of more stars.

If there's one born star, it's one for life.

Because that could increase.

But how did you take your brother's star?

From what I've just heard, it's unconscious.

Is that it?

Did you say brothers?

And you took it away from me... Does that mean Mr. Druid has more stars?


Mr. Druid's anxious voice reaches his ear.


I'm immersed in thought.

That's my bad habit.

"Excuse me. Uh, first symbol plus, slash in the middle. The last one is negative."


"Meaning adds plus, minus pulls. Slash is...... or? Yes."


I wonder how to explain it.

or what?

I don't know what that means.

"'Add or Pull'... eh, I think it's a skill that can not only take away the stars but also increase them"

"What! More?

"Yes, that's what happens from the symbols"

"Increase... my brother's stars..."

I have my doubts about Mr. Druid's explanation earlier.

Skills are not activated unless you are aware of them.

I'm trying to get a taste of it, and I can use my skills for the first time.

It would be tough if you were unconsciously taming.

In my case, it dies out of magic.

"What about your brother's star... before you know it at all?

"Oh, I didn't know how to use it."

That's right.

Take it unconsciously or add...

That's right.

"You said you'd take it."

"Oh, adult rituals show my skills, but that's when I found out my oldest son's star was down. When my parents rushed to check my skills with the two men, the two stars were gone, too. Conversely, my" Plump? It had brackets behind it, and it had a number 4 inside it. "

Is it really 'taken'?

"How many brothers do you have?

"There's two of us up there. I forgot to talk to you."

Mr. Druid laughs bitterly and drinks tea.

I guess he squeezed a lot of courage into telling this story.

"My brothers had two skills at a time, and each one took a star"

A star...

Mr. Druid taking the stars.

Me without stars.

Is this what you call a patrol?


I overheard Sora.

Turning his gaze, he saw Sora sleeping buried in Ciel's belly hair at the root of the tree.

Oh, it's not like a roundabout.

This is the encounter that Sola led.

"Mr. Druid."


When I looked at him uncomfortably at the words, my expression was tense.

Skill information quickly spreads.

Maybe they've been saying a lot of heartless words.

That's not all, maybe some people have gone away.

Mr. Druid himself must have been scared.

Skills that didn't make sense were taking away my brothers' stars before I knew it.

I thought we'd just be together and take the stars... oh, that's why we're not teaming up.

He must be the one who's most afraid to be with me.

"Thank you for talking to me"

"... no, we needed to talk sooner. It could take away Ivy's stars."

Take the stars?

Again, see Sora asleep.

Rare slime that is a little mean and potion at my pace and has the power to heal the dying.

And a dear fellow who brings me a good encounter.

Mr. Druid takes the stars unconsciously.

I don't have a star to take away from me...

That's the strongest combination, Sola.

"I'm fine. No problem."


Mr. Druid gives a strange look.

Okay, now it's my turn.

... You're just getting nervous.

But let's talk about everything.

And let's invite him on a journey.

He asked me to come with him.

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