The Wife of Hades

Chapter 101 - Li Yilan's Parents

Just as she finished up the entire bowl, K walked into the dining room, bowing down in front of Mo Han slightly, "Sir, we have found her parents and brought them here."

Mo Han looked up, "Her parents? Where is she?"

K lowered his head, pausing for a moment before replying, "We could not find her."

Mo Han frowned as his eyebrows snapped together and he stood up, making his way out of the dining room. An Luxia watched him and stood up as well, "Are you going to them? I'll go with you."

Mo Han did not voice any objections and waited for her as they walked out of the dining room together. They made several turns inside the house until they reached a corner of the house where An Luxia had never been before.

She looked around curiously, wondering where this place was. The hallway was narrow and it was dimly lit. There were no windows so no sunlight was able to enter and the only noise that could be heard was their footsteps as they walked towards the end of the hallway, which was a dead end.

An Luxia was wondering why they were walking straight to a wall when they reached the end and K lifted his hand up, pressing against the wall, which indented inwards, creating what seemed like a button.

At once, a door opened and revealed a dark area. Mo Han could sense the shock and nervousness from An Luxia and he grabbed onto her hand as they entered the secret passageway.

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As they entered, a light turned on and An Luxia noticed that it was a staircase leading down to the underground. As they walked, one light turned on one by one until they finally reached the end of the staircase.

There was another door, which Mo Han unlocked and pushed open, revealing a very familiar voice.

"You cannot keep us here! This is against the law! I'll have all of you put in prison!" The familiar voice of An Luxia's biological mom could be heard from a distance away, but it was loud enough for them to hear what she was saying.

An Luxia's grip tightened as she walked in with Mo Han, turning several times before they came to a stop in front of another locked door. When this final door was opened, An Luxia saw her "parents", He Muya and Li Qiyu. 

They also saw her just as she walked in, as they were hopeful that the door had opened. However, when they saw who it was, their shoulders immediately sagged. The first person to walk in was Mo Han, and after him, An Luxia entered.

When they saw An Luxia, both of them got excited again, "Save us, daughter! Hurry and save us! Your husband sent people and kidnapped us here! Help us! Call the police!"

An Luxia knit her brows tightly together, thinking that her parents were quite dumb to think that she would actually help them over her own husband. Plus, did they not know about what had happened?

Did Li Yilan not tell her parents about what happened? Was it her own plan? Even if it was, her parents were also to blame for raising their child up wrong.

Mo Han pulled another chair over and placed it in front of An Luxia for her to sit down next to him. They directly faced He Muya and Li Qiyu, who were surprised that An Luxia sat down too.

"What are you still doing here?! Hurry up and help us, you disgusting brat!"

Mo Han frowned and tilted his head slightly, "It seems like they still don't know what is going on yet. Maybe it is too hot in here that their brains are getting fried. Why don't we help them cool down a bit?"

Mo Han's workers immediately got the signal as they suddenly got a bucket of ice water from nowhere and walked over to He Muya and Li Qiyu, who were shaking as they screamed, "What are you doing?! What are you trying to do?! Get away from us! This is illegal!"

Before they could speak anymore, a whole bucket of ice cold water was dumped onto their heads.

'Hot in here?' An Luxia asked. It was freezing down here in the cold winter weather underground! Maybe Mo Han's brain had gotten frozen, but either way, she liked his method of "clearing their brains up"!

"Now tell me, where is your beloved daughter?" Mo Han asked, his lips twitching sinisterly as he leaned forward. An Luxia did not do anything as she stayed in the same position and let Mo Han do the work.

With the cold water still dripping down from their hair onto their clothes, both of them did not have the energy to reply.

"It seems like they are still having some trouble thinking. How about another bucket?"

"No, no! Stop!" Li Qiyu screamed, "We don't know! We don't know where she is! She left in the morning and never came back!"

An Luxia and Mo Han both stared at them as they spoke, and after a few seconds, they said together, "Lying."

They looked at each other, wondering how they were able to come to the same conclusion at the same time, but they both knew that the old couple was lying. From their expressions and small signs that were hard to notice, Mo Han and An Luxia knew that they did indeed know where Li Yilan was.

"Where is she hiding?" An Luxia asked, "I know you are lying. Your best choice now is to tell me where she is."

He Muya glared at her older daughter and cocked her head to one side, "We don't know where she is?! Did you know that what you are doing is illegal?! Hurry up and let us go!"

Mo Han laughed, "Illegal? Then do you know that attempting murder is also illegal?"

The change in both of their expressions was evident, and they quickly tried to hide it although it was too late, "Wha - what are you talking about? I. . . I don't know what you mean! What do you mean by attempting murder?"

"You do know what he means," An Luxia said, narrowing her eyes, "Now tell me if you don't want to suffer, where is she?"

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