The Wife of Hades

Chapter 83 - The Fight

She turned around and her mouth fell open in surprise, "Mo Han?!"

What was he doing here?! Mo Han's eyes seemed to have flames in them, and if one could cause harm from glaring, then the man would have probably died ten times over already.

"Who are you?! Go away and stop sticking your nose in other people's business," the man said frustratingly, not afraid of this unknown mysterious man.

This only made Mo Han's face darken even more as he furrowed his eyebrows together, ignoring the man as he looked down at An Luxia, walking around the couch and kicking away the pile of tiny glass pieces as he bent down near An Luxia, "Are you okay?"

An Luxia smiled immediately, nodding her head sweetly as she grabbed onto his hand, "I'm okay now." 

He seemed to always appear whenever she needed him most. Maybe this was also a part of fate and destiny. Mo Han's expression softened slightly when he heard that and stood up, pulling An Luxia up with him.

Finally, he turned around and saw the group of men standing in a line behind the main man, staring at Mo Han angrily, "Hurry up and leave if you don't want to get hurt."

Mo Han chuckled softly, "I think I should be the one saying that to you."

The man narrowed his eyes, clenching his fists together as he was slightly drunk, turning around to say to the group of men behind him, "Go teach him a lesson."

Then he walked away and sat down on the couch far away, taking another gulp of wine as he waited for his people to go and get rid of the annoying man who ruined his plans.

The men obviously listened to their boss and they slowly walked over to Mo Han, who first pushed An Luxia back away from them and then turned to look at the people nearing him. A small grin appeared on his face as he cracked his finger knuckles, thinking that it has been a while since he had actually gotten into a fight with someone.

Hopefully his skills are still the same as before. Within a second, one of the men lunged towards Mo Han, screaming as he lifted one arm up and swung it at Mo Han.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"AHH!!!" The man sitting on the couch looked up with a smile, waiting to see Mo Han on the ground screaming in pain, but obviously seeing the unexpected. He jumped up from the couch when he saw one of his men on the ground, twisting in pain as he grabbed onto his hand, which was bleeding.

How could he possibly be bleeding from a mere punch?! And then he realized that there was glass on the ground, so the glass must have impaled his hand.

"What are you guys standing there for?! Hurry up and get rid of him!"

The other men who were all scared of Mo Han by now when they saw how easily he had grabbed onto the man's hand and flung him onto the ground immediately took a step back in fear.

However, one of the people screamed, "Together!" There was no way they couldn't beat the one guy! Even if the guy was strong, he could not possibly fight against five people.

The bar had quieted down from the commotion coming from the middle of the large room, and many people were looking their way now, some with their phones out to take a video of the fight.

Mo Han grinned as two people lunged towards him at once, using their feet this time. He closed his eyes, sighing as he was slightly disappointed at these peoples' skills. He had wanted to have a fun fight, but these people were way too bad! It was too easy.

Without any effort, he grabbed onto the two peoples' feet as if they were microphones and then with a push, the two men fell back onto the ground, pushing against the other people standing behind them, which resulted in all of them tumbling onto the cold ground. 

Many people in the bar screamed from the loud noise, and some people clapped in excitement, almost as if they were watching some boxing match.

Mo Han frowned unhappily as he turned around, grabbing onto An Luxia's hand to pull her out of the bar. An Luxia obediently followed like a little sheep following her herder as they walked away from the mess.

However, of course they could not smoothly leave the site. As they were almost out of the bar, Mo Han felt someone grab onto his empty hand and as he turned around, he suddenly saw something fly towards him from the corner of his eye.

His first reaction was to push An Luxia away, since she was standing right next to him. This resulted in the punch slightly brushing against the side of his cheeks. The force was very strong, and at once, the faint taste of blood filled his mouth.

He twisted his lips together in distaste as he moved his tongue to one side of his mouth, lifting one hand up to gently brush it past his lips. He slowly lifted his eyes up to see the man who had first pulled An Luxia away still holding a glass bottle in his hand, glaring straight back at him.

The man shook his hand with his eyebrows tightly furrowed together, thinking why Mo Han's cheekbone was so hard.

An Luxia's eyes widened in surprise as she immediately looked up at Mo Han. It was slightly hard to see in the darkness, but she could tell that he got hit, "Are you okay?"

Mo Han glanced at her and nodded before turning to look at the man, "You can just tell me if you want to die. I can grant you your wish."

The man rolled his eyes, "You are the one with a death wish. Do you know who I am? I am the young master of the Lin family, the owner of this bar! It seems like you don't want to walk out of this bar alive!"

Only now did An Luxia suddenly realize that a large group of people had gathered behind the man, all wearing black suits that made them look like bodyguards. Fear filled her eyes as she tightly grasped onto Mo Han's hand, her heart skipping a beat.

Mo Han didn't seem to be nervous at all as he calmly bent down, picking up An Luxia's phone from the ground and handing it to her, "Go."

An Luxia immediately shook her head but then stopped herself. She could not leave him behind, but she also knew that by being here, she would only cause trouble for him. She had to go get help! There were too many people here. There was no way Mo Han could beat all of them.

An Luxia exchanged a long stare with Mo Han before turning around to leave. The young master of the Lin family did not stop her because by now, he was more furious at Mo Han than An Luxia. He had only wanted to play around with the girl, but who knew that he had brought on trouble to himself.

The girl could leave, but this ignorant man could not.

An Luxia quickly ran out of the bar, looking back once before running out. Before she had taken three steps, she could hear that the fighting had begun from the sound of screaming and punches being thrown as she made her way through the crowd.

Immediately, a large group of people appeared behind her, also trying to leave the bar because no one wanted to be in the bar when the police came or when someone got hurt from fighting.

They all came to have some fun but none of them wanted to get in trouble. The flocks of people immediately made it harder for her to squeeze through the crowd and leave the bar, and she tried to move as fast as she could, but there was quite some distance from the main room of the bar to the door.

The sound of fighting made her want to go back, but she couldn't stop now and wouldn't be of any help. She finally made it out of the room after what seemed like forever and saw Mo Han's car outside.

K stood outside the car, his eyebrows tightly knit together when he saw the people running out. When he saw An Luxia, he immediately ran over, "Mrs. Mo, where is Mr. Mo?"

"Hurry up and go help! He's in - inside!" An Luxia screamed over the loud crowd of people, panting for air.

K immediately let go of her and tried to enter the door through the crowd, but it was practically impossible with the people trying to come out from the opposite direction. 

With no other choice, K had to stand and wait until everyone had gone out already before being able to enter the room.

Amidst the crowd, Li Yilan also ran out with her clothes slightly messed up. As they were all screaming and running, she did not notice An Luxia, who also did not notice her.

After several minutes, the group of people had finally all filed out of the room and K was about to run in when a lone figure suddenly appeared in the narrow hallway, slowly walking out.

An Luxia frowned when K suddenly froze and she walked over to him, looking into the hallway as her eyes widened, "Mo Han!"

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