The Wife of Hades

Chapter 88 - Winter Dance (4)

Then, she suddenly heard the annoying voice of the person she had just thought about.

"Sister, are you here alone?" Li Yilan walked over to them, swaying her hips left and right as she came to a stop next to Qi Jun and wrapped her hand around his elbow.

"No." The one who answered wasn't An Luxia, but instead, Mo Han, who suddenly appeared next to An Luxia, glaring at the couple across from them.

Li Yilan gulped for a reason she didn't even know of when she saw Mo Han, and then she chuckled softly, "Brother-in-law!"

Luckily, the music and talking were all so loud that no one heard Li Yilan's words. Mo Han obviously liked the title, but he did not like the one calling him it.

Several people looked their way and of course, that ignited the rumors about the scene right now.

"Wow! Doesn't Li Yilan come from a poor family in the rural area? How can she date the young master of the Qi family? And An Luxia. . . . Wow, the roles really have switched! An Luxia's boyfriend does look handsome, but he is definitely not as rich as Qi Jun."

Several people agreed to that comment, thinking that it was still more cool to be the girlfriend of a rich young master than being adopted into a good family.

"This is your sister?" Qi Jun finally spoke, turning to look at Li YIlan as he waved one finger at An Luxia, who furrowed her eyebrows together.

Li Yilan smiled proudly and nodded, leaning closer to her "boyfriend", "Yes, but she was adopted at a young age. Her name is An. . . Luxia now."

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"An Luxia," Qi Jun repeated slowly in a tone that An Luxia could not decipher, "Nice to meet you, I'm Qi Jun."

Out of politeness, An Luxia replied, "Nice to meet you too," which made Mo Han furrow his eyebrows together in displeasure.

He grabbed onto An Luxia's hand, glaring at both Li Yilan and Qi Jun before turning around and walking away without any words.

Li Yilan's smile widened, thinking that it was because they were jealous of her, but her smile immediately disappeared at Qi Jun's next words. 

"Why did you never tell me before that you had such a beautiful sister? Bring her along with you next time."

Li Yilan's face turned green at once, and she tried to hide it as she ran her hand down Qi Jun's chest, "Young master Qi, aren't I enough? Why do you need another one?"

Qi Jun glanced at her for a few seconds before smirking, lifting his glass of wine up and finishing the remaining contents all in one gulp.

"Meet me in the restroom." Then, he pushed her hand off and walked away. Li Yilan watched as he made his way through the crowd of people, brushing off the people who tried to strike a conversation with him. He entered the women's restroom.

Mo Han pulled An Luxia to the corner of the room, where no one could see her, holding her close to him as if he was afraid that anyone would take her away if he let go even the slightest.

"Why did you talk to him?" He whined unhappily.

"What?" An Luxia tilted her head slightly, unsure of what he meant.

"Why did you talk to that guy?" 

An Luxia thought back and finally remembered saying 'nice to meet you' to the young master of the Qi family. Upon remembering, she laughed and turned around, falling into Mo Han's embrace as he held her up by her waist, "Why? Are you jealous?"

Mo Han rolled his eyes, lightly pinching her waist, "No!" He said proudly.

"Liar! If you aren't, then I will go talk to him again."

"Don't you dare!" Mo Han warned dangerously, squeezing both sides of her waist, making her giggle because it was itchy.

"Stop! Ah, I won't go. Ch! You're so selfish," An Luxia pursed her lips out, rolling her eyes to only receive another eye roll from Mo Han.

"Yes, I am very selfish." Then, he suddenly pulled her closer towards him, bending down slightly to meet her red lips.

Luckily, they were both standing in the very corner of the room, where no one looked, so no one realized the romantic scene going on in the corner of the large room right now.

At the same time, no one noticed the romantic scene going on in the restroom as well.

After a very long kiss, An Luxia finally pushed Mo Han away in fear of someone noticing. She glared at him, repeating one word in her head over and over again, 'Shameless! So shameless!'

She stepped away, rubbing her hand over her lips, "My lipstick has been smudged now! You shameless beast!"

Mo Han grinned, lifting one hand up to wipe off the smudged lipstick at the corner of her lip, "Thank you Mrs. Mo for the compliment."

"Shameless," An Luxia repeated, "Too shameless! Oh my, he is a bad influence to stay around for too long."

She turned around, walking away to the restroom to reapply the lipstick before the contest would take place although she was confident she would win with or without lipstick.

Mo Han watched as she went with a smile and watched as she entered the women's restroom.

Once An Luxia entered the public restroom, she noticed that something was wrong. Well, maybe not wrong. More like. . . something that wasn't fit for anyone under 18 to run into.

Luckily, An Luxia was over 18 and she had experience in this sector herself so she knew perfectly well what was going on. Her face turned a dark shade of red immediately from embarrassment as she wondered if she should go in or leave to let them finish their "business."

The sound of the moans could be heard over the loud music coming from outside, and the people inside seemed to be too immersed in their activity to notice that someone else had barged into their affair.

Just as An Luxia had decided to leave, she suddenly noticed the dress that laid on the white restroom floor. The familiar sparkly red dress that she must have seen somewhere before. It did not take long for her to remember.

Li Yilan was wearing that dress! Then, An Luxia suddenly remembered seeing Li YIlan enter the women's restroom a few moments ago, and all of a sudden, she gasped, covering her mouth with her hands to prevent the people inside from hearing.

Of course, they did not hear as they were too focused on the task at hand.

An Luxia slowly closed the restroom door, blocking out the sound coming from the party. She lifted her dress up, tiptoeing over to the sink and pulled out her lipstick to reapply her makeup, still not believing what she had just learned.

If it was Li Yilan inside there, was the other person Qi Jun?. . . An Luxia remembered watching Li Yilan enter the bar and learning about her "job", and everything made sense at once. 

An Luxia twisted her nose up in disgust, rolling her eyes as she neatly applied her lipstick.

"Ah, don't stop! It feels so good!"

And her guess had been proved to be right. There was no way she could not recognize the voice she had just heard. It was indeed Li Yilan inside there. So the other person was Qi Jun, her customer?

Did she really bring her customer here to do it in the restroom?! Just thinking about it made An Luxia want to throw up in disgust as she scrunched her face up. 

She quickly closed her lipstick again and just as she was about to open the restroom door again, an evil thought crept up her mind. 

An Luxia's lips curled up menacingly as she turned back around, looking at the two legs she could see from the small bottom opening of the large restroom stall.

The sound of skin slapping against each other and the moans was more than familiar to An Luxia, since it happened quite often in her bedroom with Mo Han, and she usually had no problem hearing it when it was herself. However, now, she felt absolutely disgusted.

She would probably feel disgusted hearing it now coming from herself and Mo Han after this surprise encounter, and then she would have to explain to her husband why she was refusing affection.

This only made An Luxia want to be evil even more, and she smiled as she opened her mouth and suddenly cleared her throat loudly.

At once, the restroom turned silent as the sound coming from the person outside the stall and the two people inside the stall all disappeared.

An Luxia covered her mouth with her hands to hide the sound of her laughter, and she cleared her throat purposefully again, making sure the sound was loud enough for Li Yilan and the other person in the room to hear.

When she was certain that the people inside were probably dying from shock and fear, she whistled happily as she opened the door and left.

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