The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 17:

Chapter 17:

A week has passed since that night.

Usually a new adventurer are poor as dirt, it will take them years to climb up the ranks and become rich.

So they mostly spend their night either in stables, streets, and if they are lucky they can spend the night at somebody home. If they are generous enough to let them stay for the night that is.

Because they need to economize their incomes. If they ran out of money early, then they won't be able to take any quest.

Just to take quest they need to store a deposit in case they failed the quest. Then the guild will take that deposit as a fine, and they will also lose some rank points as a penalty.

And they won't be able to stock up recovery potions and the likes to survive out there, or to repair their gears in case its broken.

The guild won't let them go out there without proper preparations.

But not Issei, he directly went pass that beginner phase.

At his first quest he subjugated a <Poison Wyvern> and received 15 Million Eris and there was never any history of that ever happening before.

And after that he took similar quest difficulty and even higher ones.

Issei's rank skyrocketed just in this short amount of time from an "F" Rank to a "B" Rank just in a week.

He should've been at higher rank but to become "A" Rank and above he need to go to the capital and took a certain test to become one.

But he's not interested with fame and glory so he just stay at Axel all this time while doing bunch of quests.

And there was some adventurers who got greedy and tried to rob him or tried to get profits just by leeching off of him, needless to say all of them got smashed into a pulp and became out of commission for years to come.

After that he gained the nickname "Tyrant Overlord" from the other adventurers.

He never waste any words to those that bothers him and make them go take a "Vacation" straight away.

And his reputation soar after that.

Mob 1 - A no class adventurer who can finish any type of quest?

Mob 2 - The success rate is 100%?

Mob 3 - And all that only took a week to achieve?

At first all of their response after hearing this is

Mobs - Yeah right. Come up with better lies next time!

But after seeing it at first hand they become silent, like they never utter any of that words in the first place.

And at some point there's a guild staff from the royal capital tries to contact him and have him to do the test, but he refuses it.

At first the guild staff tries to talk him out of it, but after hearing his answer he become at loss for words

Issei - I just want to relax.

What's on the guild staff thoughts after hearing that is 'Dude, you finished a big amount of quest even when compared to the first class adventurers in the capital just in a week's time. And all of them are "B" rank and higher difficulty at that, and here you are saying you want to relax? Only idiot would believe you!'

There's nothing the guild staff can do anymore after that, because there's no rules stated that allow them to force an adventurer to take the "A" rank quest.

So he just went back to the capital to report his interview with Issei.

When Issei arrived at the guild hall, all eyes are on him and the rowdy hall become quiet.

And everyone can be heard muttering "Its the Tyrant...", "Tyrant Overlord..." , "Heh! so that's the Ty-@#$^%".

The last guy who tried to provoke Issei got beaten up instantly by those around him because they don't want to earn his ire and become forced to take a "Vacation" along with the idiot.

Issei's respond to all that is just a twitch on the corner of his eyes and mouth.

He never intended to earn that title, its just that the previous idiots annoyed him so much.

Well not that he care that much anyway.

Luna - Good morning, Issei-san.

Luna after seeing Issei, revealed a dazzling smile.

How to say again? Issei's fame and achievement is the best in history and coupled with his mysterious demeanor, he earn quite a nice reputation with the girls.

Even though no one ever saw his true face, but just from the outline of his body and his face, and that enchanting wine red eyes, also his exposed long silky looking dark brown hair. Is enough to brand him as a handsome man in the minds of every young and mature girls here.

And Luna here is one of his admirer.

Issei's feels weird just by looking at her dazzling smile, ever since that time after the wyvern subjugation she always became so enthusiastic and gave him over the top smile, that's usually only used when a girl looking at their beloved.

And sometimes she has this "Predatory" looks on her eyes while looking at him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After all she's on her prime age searching for marriage and of course she want the best man there is to become her husband. And Issei here fills all the criteria she want as her husband, strong, hard-working, handsome, and rich.

She's anxious to get married, and at some point she wanted to drug Issei with a aphrodisiac filled drink, but Issei can smell something odd and refused her offer.

Lucky for him AND her, if he by chance really took that drink then Issei might lose his virginity without consent and as for Luna... She will become addicted and might be broken after the deed is done, because the libido Issei possess are off the chart as well, just like his other status parameters.

Even Goddess Of Lust might not be able to fully take him on if he went 'berserk'.

So Issei branded her as "Leftover Woman" after seeing her 'thirsty' look. (I don't know if that term exist or not and im sorry if by chance that term feels insulting to the girls who might be reading this no offence intended)

And when Issei asked her for any new quest or information, she leans in on the counter to whisper him the info. As a pretense to show off her 'assets' look even more prominent and hoping to be able to entice him in the process, and its not the first time she's done this before.

So after a while Issei just plainly ignore her "antics" and left her be.

After getting the new information he want he headed towards the quest bulletin once more to find a new quest to do, and every single person made way for him like how Mosses split the sea.

Issei got used to this situation already, so he just calmly head towards the quest bulletin.

Issei ignored the bandit quest and the likes but then he saw something:

Searching for team member, needs the gentle person, even if become bored will patiently listen to others talk, who won't insult or laugh at another person name even if its sound weird, and hopefully can become best friends after doing quests together, preferred class is a vanguard. If possible has the same age or almost at the same age, oneself are recently turned into a 14 years old rookie Arch Wizard.

(I changed her age to 14. 13 is kinda a bad luck number for me)

Issei become confused after looking at this request, some of it is normal request such as looking for a vanguard, and the information of own class.

But what's up with the other requirement? weird name? best friends? what?

Then he felt an intense line of sight looking at him, and he instinctively turned around to look for the owner of that gaze.

Even though his <Enemy Detection> skill doesn't react and he doesn't feel any animosity from it.

But that intense line of sight kinda bothers him.

Then their line of sights clashed against each other, Issei has some premonition he just got into something troublesome but ignores it straight away because he doubt anything can injure him in this world.

And there he saw it, the owner of that intense gaze.

Its a girl, she's a beautiful young girl with crimson-colored eyes and mid-length dark brown hair tied into two twin-tails that lie on her shoulders, she wears black robes and a cloak. She wields a silver staff and keeps a short sword sheathed around her waist. Underneath the cloak, she wears a low-cut blouse and ultra-short pink miniskirts. She wears quite the revealing outfit for such a young age.

And when she saw him look at her, she become a bit flustered but then took a deep breath and head towards Issei.

But she fell down during the walk, face first with her panties exposed in the open, and all of the adventurers nearby laughs at her. Then they felt Issei gaze on them and they froze in their spot while sweating buckets.

Then they fake coughing and started whistling while turning their heads around trying to be non-existent and walked out of the guild as fast as they could without running.

Issei at first become surprised seeing her crimson eyes, because he never saw anyone possess that eyes color ever since he arrived at this world.

But when Issei saw her fall he become reminded of Asia when he saw this girl, they somehow have the same look on their eyes and at the same situation when they first met each other.

But Issei shake it off because he decided to stop comparing every girl he met with his old lovers.

So he glare at those who laugh at her.

Just when he's about to ask her if she's okay, she suddenly stand up straight and said

Yunyun - My name is Yunyun! Class is Arch Wizard! The one who will becomes the head of the Crimson Demon Magic Clan!

While doing a silly pose...

And her voice boomed loudly because the guild is very quiet at this moment, and every eyes are on her because of that.

Even Issei become stupefied when she suddenly said all that along with the silly pose.

Finally under all the line of sights people giving her, she became red faced out of embarrassment and her body started shivering and tears threatening to come out from the corner of her eyes.

And she finally snap

Yunyun - Waaaaahhhhh!

Because she finally can't endure the embarrassment, she cried out loud and ran out of the guild at top speed.

Everyone become stupefied after seeing her.

Issei just sighed and decided to follow after her, because he feels like he can't just left her be for some reason.

Probably because she really reminds him of Asia? Or she's just really too pitiful if left alone.

So Issei got out of the guild to find her.

After some searching he finally found her sulking in a store that looks like a cafe. She bury her face on the table while the cafe employee don't know what to do after seeing her like that.

Issei exhale another breath and sat across her, and he signaled the employee to take their order for later.

He fake a cough to get her attention, but she doesn't respond to it.

So he knock on the table, then she finally look up while still having tears on her face.

And she become surprised that there's someone who sat across her, and this person is the one she saw from the guild hall previously.

Issei - So, about that party request of yours.

She finally snapped out of her thoughts and stand up after hearing his question and loudly asked


Issei became a little taken aback after she says that out loud.

Yunyun realized her sudden outburst and when she want to run away once more, Issei stopped her by grabbing her hand and she looks back teary eyed.

Issei - *Sigh* Just calm down. Return to your chair so we can talk about it.

She finally relent and return to her previous spot.

Issei - So, let me hear the reason why you seems want a friends so much...

Yunyun hesitate at first but after a few seconds she finally told him the reason why...

After a while Issei became speechless for the reason why she's that desperate looking for friends... From what he can conclude so far, she's far too naive and gullible.

Anyone can easily took advantage of her personality if that person just said "We are friends right? Now can you do this and that for me?"

Issei took a deep breath and exhale once more because he become tired just from listening her story, while Yunyun is fidgeting around on her seat because she's nervous if he will avoid her after hearing her story.

Issei once more calmly look at her and said

Issei - I can accept your request. But I want you to teach me some magic skills in return, don't worry after you finished teaching me I would still become your party member. And as for becoming your friend... *Sigh* We shall see later...

Yunyun become ecstatic when she heard his respond and almost jump around in joy but held herself back because she doesn't want to become even more embarrassed.

So Issei extend his hand and asked "Do we have a deal?"

Yunyun happily shake his hand with both of her arms and shake it up and down with gusto while saying "Yes! Yes! Deal!" She even shed tears of joy that made the corner of Issei eye's twitch.

After that they do some Quests together, and he found out she's very capable for a rookie and he couldn't help wondering once more.

If she's this capable then why nobody take her in as a party member? As for becoming her friends... He even doubt she's cursed somehow and make anyone ignore her when they sees her.

But he can't sense any curse on her even after utilizing his <Life and Death> magic to check if there's any on her.

He learn a few magic skills from her, such as <Teleportation>, <Light of Saber>, <Bottomless Swamp>.

Well its pretty neat skills in his opinion, even though he's fast but <Teleportation> should come in handy if he want to go somewhere silently without breaking something in front of him like walls or door.

<Light of Saber> which generates a lightning-based plasma curved edge blade able to slice almost anything, also good enough if he want to attack from distance.

<Bottomless Swamp> well... this is pretty weird in itself but he can utilize this as an AoE attack he guess?

Yunyun - How is that, Ise-san!

She enthusiastically asked him after she finishes a bunch of giant frogs with her <Light of Saber>.

Issei - Um. Its pretty good.

He gave her a calm smile while she's asking his opinion of it.

Yunyun became happy that her new friend and party member praise her effort. She have a goofy smile on her face with a "Ehehehe~" laugh.

After that they keep doing quests together and their relationship became close enough as a real friend.

And Yunyun is over the cloud with happiness because she finally have a real friend on her own, while Issei took a liking at her personality, she really looks like the old him and Asia for that matter.

Yunyun has a determined, caring and gentle personality. She is also quite shy and quick to blush. She is not always honest with her feelings. While very intelligent, she often takes other people's words too literally.

And he often solve that problem by giving the one who tries to trick her a deathly glare or a small 'talk' behind the scenes, after that no one tries to mess with her anymore and she gain a title of "The Tyrant Mistress".

What's worth mentioning are one of the fraud who tried to trick her is the guy who tried to exhort Issei on his first day as an adventurer, aka Dust-kun~. And he took another "Vacation" after that.

They often found together while doing quests and her fame went up along with Issei's.

So they become quite the famous duo in the town.

And Luna become so jealous of her, she often give envious gaze at Yunyun. But she never realize her gaze because Yunyun is too happy to notice.

Issei kinda sees her as his little sister and became kinda over protective like a sis-con.

At some point Issei asked where she live and she says she stays in the stable. (I don't know if this is true or not, just making it up)

So he become speechless and tells her to live with him.

At first she became embarrassed for the offer but then concluded its to enhance their relationship as friends, so she live with Issei now.

She became surprised when she saw his 'house'. Its the biggest mansion in town. (The one where Kazuma party live in the anime)

Well Issei bought this mansion for a cheap price, and he found out why its cheap after he went inside the mansion.

Its haunted that's why.

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