The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 757 First Contact (2)

Chapter 757 First Contact (2)

Gehenna, Dreamdust Territory

The Dreamdust Territory was a vast land of white snow plagued with blizzards all year round. However, its whiteness wasn't comprised of icy snow alone. In fact, snow made up a smaller fraction of the land's whiteness.

Most of the whiteness came from moon dust and dream dust scattered by the Dreamdust Butterfly Demons, which were found throughout the vast white territory.

It was said that in an age long past, Gehenna used to have two moons: a big crimson moon and a smaller white one.

However, the smaller white moon was destroyed in a great ancient battle, and its fragments fell from the heavens along with the Dreamdust Butterfly Demon Race that lived on it, transforming the Dreamdust Territory into its current vast white land.

The present Dreamdust Territory was considered the most beautiful place in Gehenna. Anyone who saw it would be in awe of its beauty.

However, the Dreamdust Territory was also one of the few places most demon races tend to avoid unless one belonged to the Dreamdust Butterfly Demon Race or the Dark Fairy Demon Race ruling over it.

Everyone who had ever forced their way into this forbidden white land would be trapped in endless hallucinations and illusions.

Only welcomed guests were granted safe passage through it.

When the Sixth Progenitor, Eleventh Progenitor, and Thirteenth Progenitor reached the border, even they felt some dread despite being Vampire Lords in the Divine Blood Realm.

They were among the highest beings in Gehenna, yet they still had apprehension regarding the Dreamdust Territory.

That just showed how fearsome its illusory power was.

The Dreamdust Territory could trap countless beings for eternity. More frighteningly, they wouldn't even know they were trapped; they would enjoy beautiful, dreamy illusions until their last breath.

Despite knowing the dangers, the three Vampiress Lords steeled their resolve and set foot in the land of white. Upon entry, they immediately sensed countless bones buried in the white dust and snow.

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They immediately knew a tough trial awaited them.

However, contrary to their expectations, fortune favored them. After a short two hours of persistent struggle, they gained Great Devil Hecate's curiosity and were granted entry.

More surprisingly, Great Devil Hecate permitted their stay after learning their reasons for coming to her territory.

She saw no reason to turn away those willing to serve her.

More importantly, studying and experimenting on Vampire Lords was something she had never done before. Considering her bottomless appetite for knowledge, the three's arrival naturally aroused her interest.

Meanwhile, the Sixth Progenitor, Eleventh Progenitor, and Thirteenth Progenitor were surprised when they were brought to Illusory Moon City.

The place was far more populated and developed than they could ever imagine a city in the Dreamdust Territory to be. Various human and demon races were living together in harmony.

Furthermore, the standard of living was so high that it made the Vampiress Lords feel like peasants when they compared it with the life they used to live 700,000 years ago.

"Please follow my servant. She will arrange your accommodation. Once you have settled down, you may explore the city on your own. You may contact her if you have any queries or need any help. I have something else to do. So, I will leave you now," Hecate informed the group.

As she left, she coughed up some blood, evidently still injured from her fight with Abaddon. It wasn't easy for Abaddon to recover from her attack, but the opposite was also true for her.

Not long after Hecate returned to her White Fairy Palace to recuperate, she received a spiritual link request from the wisp of divine will she left with one of her contractors.

She immediately accepted, allowing their minds to connect.

'My, it's rare for you to reach out to me first, Lady Ophelia. Usually, it's me who contacts you first…' Hecate mentioned with interest, coughing between her lines.

'You're injured, Lady Hecate?' Ophelia replied with surprise.

'Ah, yes. I had a little run-in with Abaddon while trying to get even with him. One of his Transcendent Divine Powers caught me off guard. Still, it's nothing to be worried about,' Hecate calmly explained before saying, 'Anyhow, never mind that. What do you need from me?'

'Actually, it's not me but the Supreme Leader of the Red Dragon Clan who wished to meet you, Lady Hecate,' Ophelia corrected.

'Well met, Lady Hecate,' Vaan's voice mentally sounded via the shared spiritual link.

'Oh?' Hecate expressed her surprise, but she quickly recovered, replaced with growing curiosity.

Through the shared spiritual link, Hecate could definitely sense a divine-rank dragon aura from Vaan's soul.

However, she also noticed it didn't originate from him but inherited. That wasn't all, either. There was also a divine-rank wolf aura and a few other inexplicable auras besides ordinary human aura in his soul.

She was immediately stunned, speechless by the discovery.

Just who was this Red Dragon Clan's Supreme Leader? How could a human soul possess so many divine-rank or higher auras? Since when did Pangea have such a heaven-defying person?

Although Hecate didn't look down on Vaan's human origins, she did think much of the backwater world he came from.

As such, for Vaan to possess multiple divine-rank auras was unexpected and unprecedented.

Suddenly, Hecate found herself attracted to Vaan – He was like a big puzzle waiting for her to unravel. She had a growing desire to understand the secrets hidden in his body.

But at the same time, she strangely wished no harm would befall him in the process.

'You must be… Sir Vaan, I presume?' Hecate guessed after connecting several pieces of information she recently obtained.

'Oh? So Lady Hecate has also heard of me,' Vaan calmly commented with a smile, unsurprised by the matter.

'You're a fast-rising star and a hot topic of discussion in Pangea recently. Given my extended network, it'll be strange if I haven't heard of you,' Hecate replied.

'Nevertheless, I don't believe you wanted to meet me to discuss this, Sir Vaan. Speak. What do you seek from me?'

'Your cooperation, Lady Hecate,' Vaan honestly answered.

Hecate immediately narrowed her eyes. She contemplated for a moment before her strong curiosity got the best of her.

'I can't promise I will agree, but I will at least hear you out. Please elaborate,' Hecate stated.

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