The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?

Chapter 206 - I Have Failed You

"Alright, time's up."

The moment he hears the familiar voice, Ivan's entire body is immobilize before he could plan to do anything untoward to her. She almost laugh when she walks closer to him and look down only to see the disbelief look on his face.


Only a single word came out of his mouth as he stares at the person who should have been frozen by his skill, but somehow, here she is, perfectly fine. Though her face remains hidden behind the half fox mask, her scornful smile that mocks him of his effort could be seen as clear as ever lasting day.

"I'll show you how."

When she raise two of her fingers upward, Ivan's immobilized body also forcefully follows along until he's standing on his own feet with his face facing the ice sculptor. The feeling of controlling someone's body without them being able to do anything is almost intoxicate, yet she never let it get to her head since she understand that she could do much more than this, if she keeps up with the pace.

As her levels gets higher and higher, the experience she required to level up also increase tremendously, more so than the previous. Same goes to her skill, it became harder to increase their level as just spamming the skill won't work anymore once it reach a certain level.

"Look closely at the 'figure' enclosed in that ice sculptor, it will show you exactly what it actually is."

Following her words, Ivan turn his gaze from her and stare intently at the same 'figure' still enclosed in there when suddenly, his eyes widened in surprise as the 'figure' transform into a piece of wood.

"See, from the very beginning, you stood no chance against me the moment you stepped into this place."

"You lied to me!"

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"It isn't my fault that you're so naive that you believe I'll let you go for all you've done. What I said previously is also a lie, I never feel sympathy to you. I just want to see what your expression would be when I destroy the very hope I give you. The despair, anger, unwillingness, I wanted you to feel how I felt when my best friend died because of your group."

Now that she knows that he couldn't do anything once he's here, Sheila finally reveal her real feeling that she tried so hard to suppress the entire time before she began fighting them. From the start, she never considered letting them go, not even once.

She had already considered them as her enemies. If they didn't take Rodrick's bribery and go elsewhere, she might not even care if hundreds of people disappeared since they are nothing but strangers to her.

Justice is good and all, but if you didn't have the strength to back you up, you're nothing but moron full of flowers in their head. With her strength, she definitely can take the role, however, why would she? If even a group of supernatural people like Ivan and the Church didn't make any headline on the news, there must be something out there that stop them from acting up. Even she is starting to doubt whether it is a good idea to make an organization like them as, despite their difference in goal, they are essentially the same.

From that perspective, the risk far outweigh the pros. Even with all her preparation, she still isn't confident that she could stop them all when the problem arise. 'No, I will think about it when that day arrive, but for now, I have to deal with the problem in front of me,' thought Sheila.

"Any last word?"

"You should consider first, the Church aren't an opponent you can beat with your current strength. If you kill me, you won't be having a good time in the future."

"Is that your last word? From the very beginning, I already considered them my enemies. If I kill you here, at least it would buy me some time, but if I let you go...what are the chance of them coming back with a force I can't handle within a few days? High, very effing high. And so, for my sake—"


"You will have to die here."

Feeling a painful sensation in his chest, Ivan look down and stares blankly at the hand piercing precisely into his heart. When she pulled her hand out of him, he could do nothing but watch with helplessness as his blood gushing out of his chest at unbelievable speed. The last thing he saw before falling into eternal darkness was Sheila's emotionless eyes from the hole of the mask. Ivan regrets that he accept the mission when he could simply reject if he wanted to, but god forbid, he was blind by greed.

'Mom, I'm sorry. Your son have failed you.'



Looking at Ivan's listless body on the ground, Sheila were deep in contemplation. If she had been weaker and careless, the one on the ground wouldn't have been him but her. With a thought, the corpse on the ground disappeared as she collected it into her inventory.

"Let's see."

Looking at the system's video interface in front of her, Sheila could see Yuna, Ria, and Mia were having a good time judging by how they didn't seems awkward talking to each other.

'What a relief. For some unknown reasons, I had thought they would fight. Fortunately, that didn't happen.' Sheila heaved a sigh before waving her hand, and the system's video interface were then replaced to her status interface.

『 Host: Sheila

Age: 18

Title: Savior (+2)

Level: 39

EXP: 1510/600000

HP: 260/260(+25)

MP: 243/500(+25)

STR: 50(+5) [ Fearsome Little Giant. ]

INT: 100(+5) [ It's unbelievable that she's still stupid. ]

AGI: 46(+5) [ Osain Volt: are you challenging me? ]

VIT: 47(+5) [ This is nothing but a scratch! ]

LUCK: 10(+7) [ Blessed by a knockoff, Goddess of Luck. ]

AP: 5

Detail: Congratulations, you are now a Monster(lol). 』

"Is it just me or it feels like the system is making fun of me with those bracket. Heck, there's a knockoff Goddess?! The only knockoff Goddess I knows is that one anime where the MC choose a blue creature to go with him to another world in a spite.1  It was funny as hell."

'No wonder. I had these thoughts that my luck might actually be much worser than what was shown on the status screen, but to think I was right,' thought Sheila while cursing the system's ancestor in the back of her mind.

Once she's done checking everything, including items in her inventory, Sheila's figure immediately vanished from the Trial Tower before reappearing in the classroom.

The students thought they were finally safe from the murderer when suddenly, the masked figure appeared at the center of the class. All of them tried their best to hold their breath and not making any noise so that they won't attract his attention. Unfortunately however, one of the students couldn't hold her fear anymore and exclaimed.


When the figure turned his head to face them, some of the students were about to scream or beg for mercy when they were suddenly assaulted by drowsiness. Without any resistance, one by one, the students fell asleep on the spot.

"The sleeping perfume really did its job well, it makes me feel better knowing I didn't waste my saving on it."

Before leaving the Trial Tower, she decided to purchased a few items in system's shop, the Sleeping Perfume being one of them, when she remembers that the students were still out there in the classroom. Slowly, she approach the dead student laying in his pool of blood before crouching down and mutter.

"I'm not sure if thirty minutes has passed, but let's give it a try anyway."

Without any hope in her mind, Sheila opened the cap of the vial filled with rainbow liquid before dropping a drop of the said liquid into the dead student's mouth. When she first acquired this miracle potion, she bought a few of them in the shop when she had enough gold. Who would have thought she would need to use it again on stranger after using it once on Ria.

Actually, a single drop is enough to resurrect the dead within the time limit, but she was so damn anxious previously, she ended up using the whole vial to resurrect Ria when she could be saving some for future usage. Upon witnessing its power personally, she decided to get a few of them just in case, albeit sacrificing third-quarter of her saving funds.

As if to proof why it was called a miracle potion, the corpse were then engulfed in white light for a few seconds before Sheila could faintly hear the latter beating heart, a clear sign that she success in reviving him. This also implies that it hasn't been thirty minutes since his death, perhaps he might be gone for good if she were a bit any minutes later.


Sheila immediately spray the perfume the moment the student show sign of awakening, putting him back to sleep with the rest of students. When they woke up the next time, there would definitely be chaos when the one they thought were dead suddenly appeared before them, alive and well. But that can't be helped.

If she had enough gold, she would have bought a few memory erasing capsule for this kind of situation. The truth is, she's currently broke as hell. They will have to deal the problem themselves. She was already kind enough to lent them a hand by reviving their dead classmate, the rest is up to them. She hopes this will give her a bit of time to prepare herself for the upcoming foreseeable battle.


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