The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 525: Courage to live

Chapter 525: Courage to live

Zombies have been completely wiped out, and there is no possibility of recurrence. The end of the last days is officially over. Human beings are ushered in a new life, and the whole country is jubilant. Various planets have held various celebrations for a week, which is very lively.

Of course, Star Online is even more lively.

The Jiang family was originally the largest family in the Federation and was deeply loved and supported by the masses. Jiang Zhentao and his sons again and again made great achievements in the war.

This time the zombie tide broke out, all the soldiers and the masses contributed, and everyone participated, but the performance of Jiang Zhentao and his son is still the most dazzling. Of course, this time we must add Yu Jinli, the Jiang family new member.

If Jiang Zhentao did not support the Institutes research on antidote for the first time, the end time would not end so soon.

If Jiang Mosheng had not led the beastly army to fight bravely and cooperate closely with other legions, the zombie tide would not have been eliminated so quickly.

The main thing is that if there is no plant card developed by Yu Jinli to deal with zombies, then humans dont know how many siblings will be lost and how much damage will be suffered.

Jiang Zhentao and Jiang Mosheng are soldiers themselves. Protecting the masses is their responsibility. Their military achievements can be discussed later. However, Yu Jinlis contribution is the largest and most important, and it is the most critical to end the last days.

It can be said that there are almost no people who do not know Yu Jinlis name.

The status of the Jiang family, because of Yu Jinli, has risen to the next level in the Federation, and has surpassed all other families, becoming a super family.

Some people have previously proposed that the federal system be changed to an imperial system. More and more people are calling for the Jiang family to establish an empire and take over the throne, and those government officials who had previously opposed it are probably because of this zombie tide. He was so swift and violent that he was scared. This time, it was rare that he did not refute and take rhythm on the Internet.

However, even so, Jiang Zhentao has no plans to establish an empire for the time being. After all, there are still many aspects of the Federation to be abolished. His biggest wish now is to let the people live and work in peace, eat and drink.

Of course, there is one thing he cares about very much, and that is

Xiao Lizi, A Sheng, your marriage time is not too short. When are you going to let me hold your grandson with your mother? Jiang Zhentao looked at Yu Jinli lovingly and asked with a smile.

Did you not have Xixi? Jiang Mosheng hugged Yu Jinli and replied quietly.

To the children, seriously, he really does nt want it now. He does nt want someone to distract the little guy s attention. Looking at the little guy s love for little Xixi, he can imagine that if they have children in the future, little The guys attention must be on the baby.

Regarding Jiang Moshengs careful thinking, how can Jiang Zhentao not see that he thought exactly the same way as his eldest son.

Of course, it is actually the same now, after all, the younger son is still young, and he has taken away a lot of attention from his wife, but how can such a thing be left to him alone, as his eldest son, naturally

You should also enjoy with him.

Whats more, when Xiao Xixi grows up, his wifes attention will eventually be taken away by his young grandson. Will he be neglected by his wife?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Therefore, in order to get things done once and for all, still take advantage of Xiaoxixis young age, and quickly ask the grandson. When the time comes, the younger son and grandson will bring them together. When they grow up, they can kick them all out, leaving the world to them People.

Jiang Zhentao played a very good abacus, but he certainly wouldnt say it directly. He is a good father for the sake of his son.

Now the Federation is abolished, you need a baby at this time, and you can add some vitality to the Federation and make everyone more hopeful for the future. This is a good thing for the benefit of the people and the family. Jiang Zhentao said bitterly.

In fact, he is not wrong. Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli are now the national male goddesses of the Federation. The household name is a model and a vane for all young people.

If they want a baby at this moment, it will not only bring a new life to the Federation, but also allow those who have lost their families to come out of their pain and welcome their new future.

In the darkest and most painful time, the newborn is the hope and salvation of everyone.

Therefore, Jiang Zhentao proposed to let Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli have a baby at this time.

Yu Jinli actually likes children very much. You can see from his attitude towards Xiao Xixi, not to mention that this baby is still from him and A Sheng, then he likes it even more, but

Dad, but I cant have children. Yu Jinli said with a frown, a little worried.

Although the fairy is talented in many ways, he really has no child-bearing function. After all, he is a male koi, not a female koi.

Jiang Zhentao heard the words, first hesitated, then he couldnt help but laugh lightly, and said, Now that the technology is developed, you dont need to have children in person, as long as you and Akun provide a copy of your sperm, you can raise a baby..

Yu Jinli didnt understand it very well, but knew that the baby didnt have to give birth by himself, and he was the child of A Sheng, which made him very happy.

Then I want to raise two babies, can I do it? Yu Jinli said with bright eyes, looking at Jiang Zhentao, then turned to Jiang Mosheng.

Regarding Yu Jinlis request, Jiang Mosheng would not refuse even if he was unwilling, but would only spoil and indulge him.

Jiang Mosheng gently touched Yu Jinlis small head, and said with a petting smile on his face, Of course, as long as you are happy.

Jiang Zhentao looked at his wife and slave son, and couldnt help but chuckle and wanted to laugh at it, but suddenly thought that this might be inherited, and he was not qualified to laugh at all, and then shut his mouth.

However, the son and daughter-in-law are willing to raise babies. This is the best news he has heard so far. In this case, Jiang Zhentao cant wait to hug his grandson. He cant wait to tell the good news. wife.

Sure enough, his wife was just as happy as herself, and immediately held Xiao Xixi ready to go to the childcare center with them.

Until the sperm fusion of the two turned into individual embryos, then it took a few days to wait for the embryo to develop, and then two of the best genes were selected for breeding. After nine months, the two babies

Ready to be born.

Yu Jinli looked at the many fertilized embryos in the incubator. Each one was like the eggs from a female fish. If he has not cultivated and has not become a human, then he must have been with a mother. The fish gave birth to a bunch of children, just like the fertilized embryos in these incubators, and they will eventually hatch small fish.

However, human children are not like fish. These fertilized embryos will not all hatch in the end. They will only choose two of the best to continue breeding, and the other will miss them.

Yu Jinli stared closely at the fertilized embryos. Although they are only small embryos at present, not even the mind and soul, Yu Jinli still treats them as his own children. If he can, he I even want to nurture them all.

Unfortunately, humans are not koi, and human babies are not able to grow and forage on their own like newly born small fish. The fish father and mother fish discharge the eggs. After hatching, they are basically ignored, so the number of small fish can be a lot of.

But if it is a human being, raising a dozen children at once, it is really a considerable project. It is estimated that the cost of parenting alone can empty a home.

Although the Jiang family is rich, but the Jiang family is small, and they cannot take care of so many babies at the same time. When they are born, they do not take care of them. It is irresponsible for the babies.

So Yu Jinli quickly wanted to understand, and she no longer forced those unfertilized fertilized embryos.

After a few days, the fertilized embryos developed, and the nursery center chose two fertile embryos with the best development and the best genes to continue breeding, and these two fertile embryos will grow into Yu Jinli and Jiang after nine months Mo Shengs child.

Since the beginning of cultivating babies, Yu Jinli and Jiang Mosheng have been going to the baby care center for a period of time almost every day. They visit two fertilized embryos that have not responded, and talk to them, even if they know they cant hear them, they are happy.

Jiang Mosheng had previously suspected that abandoning his baby might take most of his lovers attention, but when he really started to nurture his baby, he came more diligently than anyone else and cared about the babys growth and development, even after the baby was born Pay attention to everything you ask, remember to be firm and firm, and you can be considered a qualified dad.

After the fertilized embryo developed stably, Jiang Zhentao asked Jiang Mosheng and Yu Jinli to post the news on their blog, hoping to give the injured people some hope and comfort.

Sure enough, Yu Jinli immediately attracted the attention of numerous netizens after she posted the news of raising a baby on Xingbo.

I am a Jinli v: Am and my baby are not cute [smile.jpg] [fertilized embryo photo.jpg]

Yu Jinli posted to Xingbo a photo of fertilized embryos when they were screened and only the last two were left.

There are only two small meat **** in the photo, which are the same as all fertilized embryos.

But all the netizens are very cooperative with Yu Jinli, and the series of messages below Xingbo are lovely.

[Its so cute, its a baby that the anchor and the male **** are so big. This is the cutest fertilized embryo I have ever seen. ]

[Hey Koi is big Are you trying to raise a baby? Obviously you are still a baby. Can you take care of your baby? I am a senior babysitter, and I can also be a babysitter. I recommend myself to be a babysitter. I can do it without money. ]

[Upstairs plays Kai, does the male gods family still lack a nanny? Male god, look at me, look at me, I do nt want to be a nanny, I can be a cleaner, as long as I can give me a look at the baby occasionally every day, I am satisfied. ]

[The male **** and Jin Jian finally have a baby. I have been looking forward to it for a long time. I am really happy and happy. Now I ca nt wait to buy a lot of gifts for my baby. ]

[I lost my child in this zombie tide. I was so sad that I could nt wait to follow him, but now when I see Koi s baby, my heart is shaken. I dreamed at night and even dreamed about my child. He told I want to be my child, so my husband and I decided to go to a childcare center to raise a baby, maybe my child can come back to me again. ]

[Crying, the child upstairs will definitely return to you. Your new baby may be his reincarnation. I hope that your family will be safe and happy. ]

[In this zombie tide, my parents died to save me, and I have no blood relatives in this world. ]

[The one upstairs will also raise a baby. He is your new blood relative in this world. I believe your parents will be relieved when they see it in the sky.

[The end of the world has passed, and we have all ushered in a new life. Even Koi and the male **** have raised babies and ushered in a new life. We must live well so that we will not be ashamed of those who have sacrificed for protecting us people. ]

Yu Jinlis star blog was quickly sent to hot search, and countless people found the courage to continue to live on this star blog.

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