This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 12: You Didn't Know This Would Happen, Right?

Chapter 12: You Didn't Know This Would Happen, Right?

"Please…accept this."

What Gerard handed to Ian was unexpectedly a healing potion.

This was produced in the Kingdom of Magicians, and in this place called the Kingdom of Swordsmen, it was one of the precious treasures that only remained as ancient relics.

‘If you drink it, you can save someone on the brink of death.’

In short, a miracle medicine. 

If Ian had to pick a disadvantage, it had too powerful and too quick healing power. 

It was ironic, but it was true. For example, if the potion was applied while the fractured bones were not aligned properly, it would be healed in a bent state, and the limb would stick strangely.

Anyway, Ian just stared at Gerard with a blank face even after looking at such decent stuff.

There was nothing special about this potion.

As Ian lost in thought, Gerard looked rather embarrassed and opened his mouth.

"Prince doesn't know what this is. This healing potion is said to be potent enough to revive patients on their deathbed.”

He began to eagerly explain to the prince, who seemed to know nothing, about the medicine he brought. 

In the end, Ian finally noticed.

‘Ah! This potion should be precious at this time. It will be such a common item in the future that I forgot about it.’

This was because this healing potion would become very cheap due to the discovery of certain ruins in the future.

The potion Gerard was holding was expensive now, but in the future, it would have a low value.

Ian was not very impressed to have that.

But if they sold that potion at the market price now.

‘It's enough to buy a villa for most nobles.’

At the same time, Ian recalled a memory.

It was about a family that discovered and monopolized the said ruins.

‘The Duke definitely got his hands on the ruins which produce that potion.’

The Duke mobilized several legions only to monopolize the potion. And it became one of the great powers that changed the course of the succession war.

In other words, this was his enemy's possession.

Ian smiled ominously at the thought.

‘Alright. I'll take over that, too.’

But his thoughts only lingered for a while.

“Anyway, I hope the prince is willing to accept this.”


Gerard looked more serious than ever.

This healing potion would become a common thing in the future, but at this point, it was a precious object. 

It's about giving a stranger that precious thing.

So, Ian was suspicious.

"Why are you doing this?"

At that, Gerard exchanged eyes with Line. 


His eyes were like, ‘From now on, we’re getting on the main point.’

Gerard told Ian.

"Before I answer it, I have one thing to tell you."


"In fact, this guy, Line, is of noble blood.”

"Noble blood?"

“So… that’s…”

Gerard hesitated to speak. His gaze was directed at none other than Galon and Nathan.

Precisely, the soldiers with them.

And more specifically, at the <Crest> of the Duke that the soldiers had on their uniforms.

But he quickly made up his mind. He said with a firm expression.

"In fact, Line is a descendant of a duke."


"Adria of Intellect, one of the three dukes in the past. He's the only descendant left of that family."

Ian was utterly shocked.

He had no choice but to do so.

‘If it’s the three dukes…!’

There were currently two dukes in Kaistein Kingdom.

Lavaltor, and Garcia whom he had come to visit now.

However, there were originally three leading dukes who served the king.

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Lavaltor of Might.

Adria of Intellect.

Garcia of Gold.

However, Adria of <Intellect> was a family that collapsed helplessly in the combined attack of the two other dukes.

Thoroughly obliterated.

‘Was that how he showed his abilities as a genius strategist as he came from a family of intellects?’

From generation to generation, the genius brain that ran in their blood had long been a threat to the two dukes. That's why they were exterminated. 

But what if the blood, which all would had been relieved thinking that they had disappeared entirely, still remained in the world?

“We have been greatly favored by Duke Adria in the past. So I was in charge of Line, the only survivor of the family. The healing potion is also the item the Duke entrusted to me.”


So Ian got even more confused.

Why did he try to give him such a precious and significant thing?

Gerard opened his mouth with a bitter look.

"At first, I was going to use it right away. Regardless of Duke Adria’s last wish, Line is a precious fellow to me."

But in the end, thanks to Ian, Line’s life was saved and he had nothing to use it for.

"So, please accept this."

Ian was surprised inwardly. 

‘Do you mean you were about to use it on Line?’

This potion had considerable healing power, but if used poorly, aftereffects might occur.

And if one used it recklessly for leg fractures just like Line, they would become crippled instead.

‘Ah? So maybe that's why Line was crippled?'

It could have been simply because he didn’t receive treatment on time.

Anyway, Gerard’s act of giving Ian the potion held several meanings. The first one was their volition to make up their indecisive mind.

The other one was…

“And we want you to accept us.”


Gerard, the future mercenary king, and Line, the genius strategist. The two bowed their heads toward Ian. 

Both wore clear expressions of desire to follow the prince, Ian.

There was a moment of silence. 

Ian replied.

"I haven't been properly announced as a prince yet."

"We are aware of it."

Ian narrowed his brows.

“I am heading towards the Duke, not the royal family.”

"We are aware of that, too!"

Gerard said firmly.

"But we still want to follow the prince!"


Even if the duke who took Ian in was the enemy of Line’s family. Even if Ian became the puppet of the Duke.

"And whenever the prince calls for it, I'll be back then."

The moment Gerard looked at Ian with a fervent gaze.

[Anywhere, if you call for it…]

Light particles began to gather toward Gerard.

Ian opened his eyes wide seeing the light. 

It's unmistakably the light of [Oath].

Rumors said that the lights would manifest on what the knight devoted himself to.

‘A skill that cannot be manifested unless you are a knight.’

On that day.

Ian got his hands on a mercenary king and a genius strategist with an oath.


“From here on, this is the Duke’s estate.”

At Galon's words, Ian poked his face out of the carriage. Along with the huge wall, the Duke's castle could be seen from a distance away. 

Just by looking at the entrance stretching long to the castle, one would know the prestige the Duke had.

However, Ian's eyes chilled.

‘It hasn't been long, but it feels like it's been a while.’

Now Ian was going to live there for a while.

‘The Duke must be in there.’

Finally, Ian was going to meet him for the first time. And the first obstacle was to endure the first day there.

Then Gerard approached the carriage. But his face was strange.

"It's better to see it with two eyes, right?"

"Yes, thank you, Your Highness."

Gerard had definitely lost one eye in battle. But now both of his eyes were fine.

"It was dangerous, but you won't feel uncomfortable seeing."

Ian healed Gerard's injured eyes. In the past, one eye was lost, but now things were different.

The wound was poisoned, but he could get it treated by mixing the potion with the antidote that the assassin had. 

And the difference between having complete eyes and not having one would make a vast gap in terms of power.

‘It will be different for your swordsmanship skills, though.’

But Ian did not show it.

"You look much more handsome now that your two eyes can see well."


"If you're thankful to me, please work hard. Until we meet again sometime."

Touched by Ian's words, Gerard smiled and bowed his head.

"Thank you. We'll be on our way now."

The escort mission was to head to the castle. But that's all they promised. Since they had already received the mission completion certificate and commission reward from the centurion, there was no reason to stay any longer.

However, Gerard and Line decided to be Ian's subordinates. 

Even though they wanted to stick together with Ian…

– “That's not the case. There will be people who will doubt our relationship. I don't know what the Duke will do.”

At what Ian said the previous day, Gerard had no choice but to give it up.

It was not simply a matter of doubt.

– “The Duke was in cahoots with the assassins from before.”

– “What? That can't be true. The amulet with the marquis' symbol…”

– “No. It was under the Duke's order. The centurion was also with them. The goal was probably… Me and Line.

The evidence revealed it all.

Ian could tell by the change of color in Gerard and Line’s faces as he told them about the voice recorded in [Amulet of the Sky].

So, they decided to part.

“Before I leave, I will give this to the prince. It will definitely help you.”


After receiving it, Ian saw off the departing Gerard and mercenaries. 

Still, Ian was curious about something.

‘It must have been the light of the oath.’

The light emanated from Gerard's body.

No one else but Ian noticed it, but it was clearly the light of the oath that only the knights could have. 

It was obvious that Gerard had obtained the [Oath] through a change of heart.

But Gerard hadn't said much since then.

‘Someday I will see that oath again.’

It was when Ian was having that thought.

"Wow, they're so rude. What did those jerks who disappeared without making eye contact with me give you, Prince?"

Nathan came up while grumbling.

But it was right at that moment.

"Prince! What did you get from them?"

The centurion who had followed Nathan screamed in agitation.

Ian calmly showed the plaque in his hand.

"This one?"

Ian showed the plaque he received from Gerard. 

It had a red gem inlaid on a plate with the mark of the Mercenary Guild.

“If I take it to the Mercenary Guild, it will guide me to Gerard and Line…”


Curse poured out of the centurion's mouth.

"They give you a mercenary plaque! These guys? I can’t believe it."

"Mercenary plaque?"

"It's also known as the symbol of a mercenary’s benefactor. If you have one, the Mercenary Guild will treat you like a benefactor!"

"Ho? Is it?"

Ian looked indifferent and the centurion pounded his chest in frustration.

The mercenary plaque was one of the few certificates of mercenaries given only to the mercenaries' savior. If one owned it, the mercenaries would support them with open arms.

‘But such a precious plaque goes to a mere child who doesn't even know its worth!'

This fact infuriated the centurion.

However, Nathan, standing next to him, had an insidious look on his face.

"Mercenary plaque? Is that true?"

The centurion, who did not hear his words, mumbled in response.

"Hu-uh. That's right, the dirty thing that those lowly guys gave him…"

But then the centurion halted.


Seeing Ian staring at him without a word, he was terrified.

"I, I was wrong, Prince!"

Ian's hand was fiddling with the ring holding his life.

Contrary to the terrified centurion, Nathan said leisurely.

"If you need to use that plaque later, please take me with you too."

He then laughed after having enough to say.

But then Ian tilted his head in confusion.

It was only natural.

“Galon. Where are we going now?”

The direction of the soldiers at the forefront of the group was strange. 

They didn’t head to the main gate but to the side.

It wasn't only that.

"What did you just say?"

“No, that’s what…”

Nathan's soldiers began to have a small scuffle with gatekeepers.

‘In the past, the soldiers had never raised their voices like that.’

It was clearly different from the past.

But Ian knew for sure what had happened now.

Ian called Galon, who seemed to have come after finding out the situation with an expressionless face.

"Galon, what's wrong?"


Galon could not readily answer. 

However, the centurion, who had been looking into the situation together, spoke with great momentum.

"This is the instruction from the top. I suggest we should enter the castle through the back gate, not the main gate."

"What? Are you crazy?"

At Nathan's cry, Ian furrowed his forehead. 

The back gate, not the main gate.

In the past, Ian didn't understand how shameful and humiliating it was. However, as a result, he suffered constant humiliation and had to understand it the hard way.

‘Once they start looking down on you, you'll get thrashed over and over again.’

It was natural for Nathan next to him to get angry.

‘In the past, no one was angry for me.’

But that wasn't the point now.

At this rate, as in the past, he would be ignored by other nobles and the Duke.

The centurion smiled mischievously.

"Anyway, I think you should go through the back gate. What will you do?"

Then Ian unexpectedly smiled and replied.


"As expected. I knew you'd understand, Prince."

The centurion also burst into laughter at Ian's decision. But that was only for a while.

The next moment, the centurion’s expression changed drastically.

"Pri, prince? Where are you going right now?”

Ian broke up from the party. 

There was no hesitation in his steps as if he went on the path he knew.


Ian smiled as brightly as the sun.

“I don’t really like the back door. Only the centurion and the soldiers need to go there. I'm going to the front door."


The centurion tried to catch him, but to no avail.

"Giddy up!"

It was because Ian spurred a horse to the main gate.

Unlike his past self who entrusted his life to someone in the past.

"Wait up, Prince!"


He was resolutely running in his own path.

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