This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 184 - Taking Out the Shikigami

Chapter 184: Taking Out the Shikigami

One of those people wore a red trench coat with a dragon emblazoned on it and a tiger-shaped mask. That was Yin Hu—the man who they had been waiting for.

A young man who looked to be in his late teens was seen at Yin Hu’s side. He was dressed casually, making him look like the college students found everywhere in Huaxia.

What shocked him even more was how he was only able to sense one of them. Both parties were incredibly close by then, being less than 20 meters away, yet he was only able to sense the presence of Yin Hu.

He was unable to sense the presence of that young man at all.

It was as if the young man did not exist in the first place, yet that young man was unmistakably standing in front of him, making it clear to him that he was not some illusion.

At the very moment he spotted Yin Hu, he knew right away that all his schemes prior failed altogether. There was no doubt by then why Onmoraki died while Yin Hu, who was the target they were setting up, lived and looked only somewhat haggard.

“He’s really here. You really have a way with calculations, Mr. Lu.”

Yin Hu was totally convinced of the breadth of Lu Xuan’s powers by then, for the young man’s calculation proved to be spot on.

The dead Japanese fighter’s compatriot was actually there in the warehouse.

“You should listen to that friend of yours. If you were just to run away earlier, there might have actually been some chance of you being able to get away from me,” Lu Xuan quipped casually.

“What did you say?” Kojima Hideo’s eyes were locked onto Lu Xuan. He was able to instinctively sense that Onmoraki’s failure most probably had something to do with the young man in front of him.

“Didn’t Mr. Lu make himself clear enough? He’s saying that your time is up, man!” Yin Hu said while swinging the staff in his hand around.

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“What do you people of the Amaterasu-gumi take Huaxia for, eh? Coming and going like you own the place.

“It’s not like the doors to Huaxia are shut in the first place, so why shouldn’t we be allowed to come then? Those ruins and legacies should belong to all of humanity!” Kojima Hideo said coldly as he put on his oni mask.

Those who knew Kojima Hideo well enough would know what that gesture meant—he was getting ready to fight in earnest.

Yin Hu alone had already proved more than enough to have him fight in earnest, even more so since there was also a young man whose powers were unknown, yet he looked extremely dangerous.

Kojima Hideo put his phone away and chanted something as he performed complex seals.

“Sh*t, he’s summoning shikigami!”

Yin Hu was able to tell right away what Kojima Hideo was pulling. He had fought that Japanese man more than once, so he was naturally familiar with what the other man was doing.

“We need to stop him now!” Yin Hu said anxiously.

Lu Xuan, however, looked completely unfazed as he said, “No need to rush. Let him summon the shikigami. I’m curious to see just what level of shikigami he will be able to summon.”

Lu Xuan was not a stranger to the systems practiced by the onmyoji, as he fought with their likes in his past life before. However, onmyoji back in his past life were deemed extremely powerful figures capable of summoning tremendously terrifying shikigami.

It was obvious, however, that Kojima Hideo, who was right before his eyes, was nowhere near as terrifying.

An incredibly huge dog materialized just as Lu Xuan finished talking. The dog looked to be at least four to five meters tall and appeared extremely intimidating. Every single hair on its body was burning in pitch-black flames.

“Go, inugami! Send them to hell!” Kojima Hideo said with a cold expression.

The huge dog charged right at them, sending the ground shaking as it did and coming right before them in an instant.

Yin Hu prepped the refined steel staff in his hand and burst with Spiritual Qi, conjuring beams of Buddhist light and making him look like a ferocious, intimidating Buddha.

That was the proof of having honed one’s cultivation in the Buddhist ways to very high levels, and he looked like he had been sent to guard the world.


The staff swept across the air, clashing right away with that huge dog.


A huge explosion was heard. Yin Hu’s staff was imbued with Buddhist powers, which did a certain amount of damage to the huge dog. He was actually able to bludgeon the dog until a bleeding gash was seen on it, and black qi gushed out of the gash furiously.

Lu Xuan watched it all playing out from the side without doing anything. To put it bluntly, those shikigami were demonic creatures, and the methods that Yin Hu practiced was of Buddhist origin, so it was only natural for him to be able to take on such creatures easily.

That was also the very reason why he had been able to take on both Kojima Hideo and Onmoraki at once before.

However, the gash wrought by that strike closed up before too long.

That huge dog knew no fatigue nor death. It continued to charge at Yin Hu, tangling with the man.

The shocks resulting from the clash between man and dog sent waves that made Lu Xuan’s clothes billow.

At that moment, a white demon was seen materializing in midair.

That huge dog that Kojima Hideo had summoned earlier gave him enough time to summon yet another shikigami.

That white demon hovered in Lu Xuan’s direction right away with fangs and claws bared, emanating a furious wave of demonic qi.

Common folks would nearly be frightened to death at the sight of something like that.

Lu Xuan, however, remained completely unfazed.

“Galloping Thunder Finger!”

Lu Xuan unleashed a bolt of lightning from his finger. The bolt of lightning pierced right through that white demon like a sword right away.

The white demon was apparently inferior to the huge black dog. It was on a different level altogether.

An onmyoji had finite strength and focus, after all, which meant that they had to make their choices and have biases if they were to keep so many powerful shikigami with them at the same time.

It was apparent that the black dog was the main shikigami in Kojima Hideo’s arsenal.

That white demon was far inferior in comparison.

However, Kojima Hideo still did not expect to have that white demon taken out by just a bolt of lightning unleashed from Lu Xuan’s finger.

The demon shrieked in pain as it vanished into a puff of smoke.

The lightning conjured by Lu Xuan’s Galloping Thunder Finger contained the strongest, immutable power of lightning, which was most effective in taking out eerie beings. While shikigami might be known as gods, they were still actually the likes of ghosts and demons, which meant that there was no way they could withstand one attack from his finger.

Any being like that would be taken out almost instantly.

“How is this possible?”

Kojima Hideo was totally baffled by then.

“What other shikigami do you have, eh? How about you show them to us?” Lu Xuan smirked condescendingly at Kojima Hideo.

The Japanese fighter was immediately furious at how Lu Xuan remained nonchalant and laidback after that, for it was a sign saying that Lu Xuan was looking down on him.

Kojima Hideo was completely infuriated as he continued to chant ancient mantras, summoning all manner of shikigami.

The number of shikigami he summoned was extensive. The tens of them were seen charging at Lu Xuan from all corners.

“Ants could take down an elephant if in large enough numbers. I see how you would be able to fend off so many of them. Die, you insolent Huaxian!”

Kojima Hideo’s elation lasted for less than a second, for he saw, with his jaw gaping, how Lu Xuan was able to conjure and spread lightning bolts from his Spiritual Qi like a huge net.

All of the summoned shikigami were caught by the net right away. They all vanished in a puff of smoke after shrieking for a brief moment.

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