This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 344 - A Place for Fostering the Dead, A Huge Conspiracy

Chapter 344: A Place for Fostering the Dead, A Huge Conspiracy


That old Taoist was pulled to the ground from the sky. His knees were forced onto the tiles on the ground, shattering both the tiles and his knees on the spot.

Blood spewed from his mouth and his eyes were filled with utter disbelief. He looked as if he had just seen a ghost right in front of him; he was unable to process what just happened.

He never thought that someone would be able to just drag him down from midair only by shouting. It was something that had never happened before.

Even the Airborne Realm cultivators in the Maoshan Sect were incapable of pulling off something like that.

It was true that Celestial Realm beings would be at a huge disadvantage when taking on Airborne Realm ones. However, they would have never been rendered so helpless that the other party could do whatever they pleased.

While everyone was instantly stunned by the scene, Lu Zhengqing was left dumbfounded as well. He never anticipated that the man, whom he saw to be his most reliable supporter, could be crippled with just a shout.

The old Taoist remained with his knees firmly on the ground, looking as if a mysterious force was pinning him down. While he had no idea what that power was, he could still tell that the terrifying force emanated from Lu Xuan; it was far beyond what they had imagined.

He was utterly incapable of even reaching Lu Xuan’s level of power.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

One by one, everyone came to realized what just happened. When they turned to look at Lu Xuan again, they no longer saw him as just another rich kid from a rich family anymore.

There was hardly anyone who paid any attention to him before. Back then, everyone’s attention was on Lu Tianxiang instead.

It was then that they realized that they had been gravely mistaken the whole time.

While Lu Tianxiang was indeed very formidable, the ability to force a Celestial Realm being to his knees was far more terrifying.

Seriously, who the hell is this guy?

It was a thought that ran in everyone’s head right there and then, as they began to wonder about things.

“Ladies and gentlemen, there is no need for any of you to fret about any of this. I’ve informed the Maoshan Sect, and they would soon send their men to look into this. Please, return to what you’ve been doing before,” Lu Xuan then said.

At that moment, everyone felt a weight being lifted off of their shoulders. The one who currently looked the most displeased was none other than Lu Tianyi. His son had an arm blown off, while his father was forced to kneel on the ground and unable to move at all.

He was well aware that he truly ran into someone he was unable to deal with; he had wronged an extremely terrifying monster.

He was able to throw his weight around with impunity because he was backed by that master of his son, who was a top-notch fighter.

It was only then he realized that the world of cultivators was truly an abyss. The mainland of Huaxia was filled with all kinds of terrifying creatures all over the place.

Any single one of them could be someone of unimaginable power.

To cultivators of such high caliber, all the wealth that he possessed meant nothing.

The handful of big shots in the Lu Clan looked at each other and instantly decided to get on with the ancestral worship event. Excavators came into the village before long.

“Dad, what are these for?” Lu Xuan asked, feeling something was off.

Lu Tianxiang then answered, “We are planning to move the ancestral grave.”

“Move the graves?” Lu Xuan frowned a bit. He knew that a number of families and clans practiced such traditions; the location of their ancestors’ graves could affect the descendants’ luck to a certain extent.

If a clan or family were to feel that they were of insufficient luck or nothing had been going all that well, moving the ancestral graves was not unheard of.

Nevertheless, Lu Xuan felt something was off about the whole thing. He then asked, “Could I take a look at the plans?”

Moving the graves at such a massive scale would definitely be more than moving just one or two graves. As such, there definitely had to be some kind of plans.

“Sure,” Lu Tianxiang said.

Lu Xuan then took the plans for the undertaking in his hands and scanned them over. Upon reading the plans, his frown grew even more. He said, “Dad, who told you people to move the graves like this?”

“It’s Lu Tianyi. He said that he hired a Feng Shui master from the Maoshan Sect. That old Taoist over there is probably him,” Lu Tianxiang said, pointing at the man kneeling on the ground.

Lu Xuan smirked and said, “Damn, this truly is cruel.”

“Wait, what? What’s wrong?” Lu Tianxiang immediately asked.

“The new location for the new graves would create a huge formation for gathering Yin qi. This place would definitely become a place filled with Yin qi in less than three years. You’d see all manner of fiends and demons all over the place,” Lu Xuan continued as he smirked, “If I’m correct, there is no way this would boost the luck of future descendants. This is a place for fostering the dead. Any deceased members of the Lu Clan who got buried here would be transformed into a jiangshi in just a month. Man, this truly is as cruel as it gets.”

Lu Xuan did not bother lowering his voice as he spoke, and the people of the clan all heard what he said.

Not having suspected the truth behind his words, they all instantly became furious.

It took them half a year’s worth of discussions to finally settle on their plan to move the graves.

That was something that would affect more than just a family or two. The entire ancestral grave of the Lu Clan would be put on that mountain, after all.

All who initially rejected the idea came to accept it and reach a compromise, as it was something that would eventually affect the entire clan’s luck.

Even so, they were immediately told that not only would the act have no effect in boosting their descendants’ luck, it would instead turn the clan’s grave into an area where demons could roam free.

That was something that would have utterly doomed the Lu Clan.

At that moment, the eyes of all those who turned to look at Lu Tianyi shifted.

If it was said that they previously pitied that particular family because of their relations as clansmen, then what they wanted now was nothing more than the opportunity to tear him and his family to pieces.

Upon further thinking about it, everyone found the whole thing to be very, very fishy. Lu Tianyi suddenly returned, to begin with. Then the overseas rite of the Maoshan Sect came to them.

Lu Tianyi said that he spent so much money to hire members of the overseas rite of the Maoshan Sect to rearrange their ancestral graves. He added that would ultimately benefit the future descendants of the Lu Clan.

“Lu Tianyi, you son of a b*tch. This is your ancestral ground as well, where your ancestors were laid to rest!”

The elders of the Lu Clan berated Lu Tianyi with their fingers pointed at him.

Lu Tianyi wanted to defend himself. As soon as he opened his mouth, he quickly realized that there was simply no use saying anything. Everyone sided with Lu Xuan and believed what the young man said.

Most importantly, Lu Xuan was telling the truth; he knew a thing or two about what happened.

Lu Tianyi made use of his last resort right there and then. “I’m an American citizen! You have no right to take any actions against me! I’m gonna call the embassy!”


As soon as Lu Tianyi finished speaking, he was slammed to the ground by Lu Tianxiang, who was just as angry as everyone around him.

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