This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 400 - Razing the Blood-clothed Tower, and Asking to be Spared

Chapter 400: Razing the Blood-clothed Tower, and Asking to be Spared

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Nobody expected the Heavenly Palace to retaliate so quickly.

Everyone knew that Lu Xuan was not going to take it and do nothing after the Blood-clothed Tower attempted to take Lu Xuan’s life.

However, none of them expected the retaliation to come so quickly and hit so hard.

It was as if the Huaxian military, police, the Special Task Force, and huge numbers of Heavenly Palace’s fighters were all mobilized at the same time, all just to take out the Blood-clothed Tower.

While the Blood-clothed Tower seemed like they have only emerged recently, the organization had actually been lurking in the shadows for many years. Only recently have they become very notorious. As such, the organization was not necessarily new.

There was a massive network of the Blood-clothed Tower’s affiliated organizations found all over Huaxia, and all of those affiliated organizations were taken out one after another.

The terrifying side of the Blood-clothed Tower was finally revealed in the extent of the network all over Huaxia. Hundreds of companies were closed down and targeted for further investigation, and over 100 bases of operations were quickly razed.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

All the problems that were brought out to light shocked the internet.

The Blood-clothed Tower was far more than just a mere organization of assassins. It had committed several evil deeds such as kidnapping very young children, brainwashing any who showed promise to become assassins, and selling off those who lacked such talents.

Other than that, they were also involved in drug-dealing, gangsterism, and prostitution among many others. One could say that the organization was involved in everything that was deemed evil, so as to fuel the organization’s development.

All of those deeds were brought to light to internet users all over the world through governmental channels.

Many of those deeds were deemed so harrowing that the organization wrought about the wrath of people from all over the world onto it, with its members deemed to be worse than animals.

There were even members who worked with the Vampiric Empire, while an unknown number of them were kept locked up in underground factories. Those victims had their cerebral cortex taken out and to be reduced to biological blood-producing machines whose sense of free will had been stolen from them.

People from all over the world grew furious once such news stories were spread all over the world.

The phenomenon had even brought about a worldwide movement. Almost everyone who read about the organization in the news was furious. People even carried out rallies and protests, with citizens from all over the world requesting that their own governments take out those scummy villains just like the Huaxian government did.

However, the governments remained silent in the face of all those protests. Even the oppositions in various nations stayed mum.

They all knew that there was definitely more than the Blood-clothed Tower at work. There was no doubt that a massive, underground organization spanning worldwide was behind everything.

The only person who dared to clash head-on with such a monster was none other than Lu Xuan.

Only those like Lu Xuan and the Heavenly Palace that he commanded dared to make good on their word, going out to hit such underground criminal enterprise without an ounce of care. All such criminal organizations, even the assassination syndicates included, dared not do anything else to retaliate even if many of their people and resources were razed and taken away.

No one would have dared to do anything unless they were sure that it led to Lu Xuan’s demise.

Only Lu Xuan would be able to do such a thing when no one else would even think about it.

After all, nobody would like to see themselves as a nail sticking out waiting to be hammered.

Back in the Heavenly Palace in the capital city.

Everyone in the Heavenly Palace was being busy at the moment, interrogating all the criminal fighters that they captured. So many people were captured that they even hired interrogation experts from the Special Task Force.

Under Lu Xuan’s command, the Heavenly Palace was joining an all-out war. What was happening was deemed extremely harrowing for all the other forces across the world.

While the notoriety of the Blood-clothed Tower was only known as of late, they were still considered one of the most elite organizations out there. The Heavenly Palace was also recognized as one such organization as well.

Even when disregarding the massive number of fighters fostered by the Heavenly Palace for the past several years, the number of people who served in the Heavenly Palace itself was already staggering enough.

All 12 military governors from the Heavenly Palace were mobilized all at once. It was only then that everyone learned that those 12 had become hyper beings before anyone realized it.

They all made it into the Divine Treasure Realm, and there were more than just the 12 of them being at such a staggering level. Others in the Heavenly Palace were Divine Treasure Realm cultivators as well.

While many knew just how powerful the Heavenly Palace was before, nobody had anticipated the organization to have so many hyper beings among them.

It became apparent that the Heavenly Palace, or at least Lu Xuan himself, knew of methods to create such hyper beings en masse.

Nobody knew the Myriad Demon Valley’s true power, but all that powers displayed by the Heavenly Palace was more than enough to shock the world. In a way, that made them the strongest in the world.

The Heavenly Palace quickly caught the attention of cultivation forces from all over the world in a short period of time. The Heavenly Palace also quickly became the first-choice organization that countless people wanted to join.

While the 12 military governors were mobilized all over the world, one of the governors took out one base of operations that belonged to the Blood-clothed Tower was taken out. There was simply no way the Blood-clothed Tower could even begin retaliating before then.

The results were so staggering that it seemed as if a base would go down whenever one of those 12 was mobilized. Even with Airborne Realm beings who were in charge of all of those bases, that did not matter at all.

They were simply unable to do anything against Divine Treasure Realm cultivators who were as forceful as the 12 military governors.

Lu Xuan’s wrath brought about a bloodbath that was never before seen, seemingly out to obliterate that goliath that had been lurking in the shadows for over a century.

The war made everyone realize that the history and resources that an organization had and commanded meant very little when facing off against the onslaught from those hyper beings.

It looked as if someone played a myriad of tricks in a mind, only to be clapped down by a truly powerful opponent with just a single strike.

No number of tricks could work against absolute power.

What the Heavenly Palace was currently doing was to bring that absolutely overwhelming power to the very forefront.

They did not even need to use the full extent of their powers to bear on their enemies.

Those related to the Blood-clothed Tower toppled wherever the forces of the Heavenly Palace went. There was simply no stopping them at all.

Meanwhile, inside the base of the Heavenly Palace...

Lu Xuan received a report from Yang Chengsi that an elder requested an audience outside the base.

That elder looked so shriveled that he appeared to be all bones and looked unhealthy.

However, Lu Xuan was still able to vaguely see the fluctuations of Spiritual Qi taking place within that frail body.

“Greetings, Palace Lord Lu!”

The elder bowed.

“May I ask where do you come from and whom do you represent, sir?” Lu Xuan then asked.

“Palace Lord Lu, I come on behalf of the Blood-clothed Tower, and I’d like to beg you to spare us.”

With the skin of the elder’s face being so loose, he looked at Lu Xuan with eyes that seemed to be popping out of their sockets. With his eyes looking rather murky, the elder seemed to be struggling to even talk.

“You want me to spare your organization?” A corner of Lu Xuan’s mouth immediately curled into a smirk. “You’ve made your choices a long time ago. Don’t you think that coming here just to ask me to spare you people sounds rather absurd?”

With a voice that sounded rather bitter, the elder slowly explained, “The job was taken by some fools among us in the Blood-clothed Tower who didn’t know what they were dealing with. All of our bases in Huaxia had been taken out by the Heavenly Palace. I would suppose that the damage that we have sustained is large enough to pardon us of our mistake. I’d like to hereby beg you, Mr. Lu, to spare us of the Blood-clothed Tower just this once. We will no longer take any jobs that have to do with either you or the Heavenly Palace.”

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