This Eroge Won't Make Me Fall!

Chapter 383 Chapter 375: Grand Revelations

Chapter 383  Chapter 375: Grand Revelations

It was getting slightly annoying to sit together for a meeting all the time, but I guess that was in our fate once again. Before that, though, the OverGod from before guided most of us Demon Lords to a grand building above the clouds.

A hotel made for the gods, by the gods. It was too small to house the entire army, of course, so only the Demon Lords were shown here with their aides while the others were let the other hotels and rooms. Of course, I brought my entire gang along with me.

"Now what?" Asked Albert, sitting with his legs crossed on my chair.

With her own legs riding up the table, Noa yawned. "It's a neat place though, I bet they get sleepy all the time."

"I can't believe you just got ready to face off with Yvas like that, Eugene," Luka was the one worried about me today, for a nice change of pace.

"Tell him!"

"It was crazy, sir Eugene Hall!"


And so were Hoya, Adelia and Anatolia. The last one was a surprise.

"Tsk. You guys are too scaredy," I said. "It's no big deal. Just one Over God."

"He's insane. You did not see him during a war, I did."

"Well he's just a little senile. Anyway, Dawn. We have our future guy next, anything I should know?"

Dawn on the sofa yawned. "Nothing much, just don't be yourself."

"Oh that's an advise you can use everywhere, Eugene."

"I agree. I know because I am your teacher."

If you guys are just gonna do that then don't speak in the first place.

I stretched my hands and my sides. Being a demon came with a lot of strength but also a lot of hunger. Thankfully, the gods here had decided to give us a lot of food and stuff us up. It was probably a sign of peace.

"I am glad the future guy knew of the Outer Gods, that was the biggest problem on my mind."

Albert spoke again. I nodded and turned to the food after looking at the clothes I was going to wear out when I noticed the stupid four bastards chowing down on all of it.

Mandom, Mandom, Mohawk and Asahi. The M3A.

"I'll kill you fucks—"

"Young master, we saved a lot for you!"

Maria and Lily called out to me, their voice a saving grace. I looked back and saw the two sitting with Keith and Sophia with a lot of food on the table.

"You live today, M3A."

"M three what?"

"That was scary…"

Stupid bastards.

I almost felt like a corporate president here. I walked over to the four good people— Three good people here and started chowing down as well. Just using my authority at all was draining. Food was going to become a commodity at this rate.

The life of a corporate president was this hectic? Only in dramas, right? I remembered my sister liked to watch a lot of dramas, back then I had only seen one about a guy with prosopagnosia as well since it seemed fun.

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"Albert, Luka, mmf mfmmf mfmf."

"Eat first, then speak." Albert jabbed.

"You want us to tag along? What will we do?" And Luka understood.

I swallowed and then spoke up again.

"Rep the humans, hopefully."

It was important to get an all eye on it. And these guys were the ones who knew the most about the game and the world, much more than I did. It was necessary that they meet the future guy.

Surprisingly, Noa didn't say anything about tagging along. She seemed slightly sleepy.

Just as I had expected, before I could finish even half of the food, my door was knocked on and slowly opened as well.

"Lord Of Catacly—There's a whole circus."

""Watch it.""

My entire circus said at the same time.

I gulped my food down and nodded.

"They are right, this circus lacks a mascot. We need cats or something."

"Lord of Catacylsm," The God who had appeared spoke. "Come along, Lord Yvas would like to speak with you and the other Demon Lords."

I shoved the entire dish full of fruits down my neck and jumped off my seat.

"Mmmmf mmfmmf mfmf."

The god narrowed his eyes. "Eat first, then speak."

"He said we humans will tag along. How was that hard to understand?" Albert came to my defense. This bitch was a tsundere. He pulled out a coat from god knows where and started walking over to the door. Luka shrugged and followed along too.

I tossed the plate back on the table and left.

Before I stepped out, my eyes fell toward the window. Flying away from the angels was a giant demon crow.


He screamed.

Guess that was going to be Heaven's great new attraction.


The god guided us toward the city of Sanctuary. In the distance was the small building which had its insides turned into a different space, the Sanctuary. Toward it were the houses of all the OverGods.

The streets of Sanctuary city were all made of clouds. Since people could travel with wings, they had no need of major transportations other than moving goods which were abundant. The buildings all seemed to be made of a special brick concocted from the clouds as well.

We were eventually walking past the ground houses with the statuettes of angels and other gods hanging out as we were led to the grandest building other than the dungeon in the place.

"The hall of the Pantheon is empty today, you may move in."

The god stepped aside and we pushed the door of the grand hall named pantheon open. It was strange enough that they had named it so.

As soon as we stepped inside, another giant table and people sitting around it appeared. At the very back, were the Over God Yvas, and two more on both his sides. The one on the left was a lady with blonde hair and on the other side was a very old god sitting on a chair.

"You're here, and with humans too."

I looked to one side and noticed Lucifuge, Bael, and Agares sitting together.

"We represent that group for now," I said as I went to the other empty side of the enormous room. In this enormous place, the three groups had gathered.

"Lord of Catacylsm, come closer," said Yvas. He pointed at the lady next to him. "This here, is Over God Vrede."

Over God Vrede nodded at me and I nodded back.

"And this one, here, is great sage, Over God Framtida. As you had believed, lord Framtida can see the threads of future."

"Come closer, child."

I looked at Albert and Luka before walking over to Framtida. Yvas and Vrede moved to their sides as the very old and wrinkly Over God stretched his hand out. His hair had turned white and his face saggy.

I slowly leaned down to meet his eyes easier and the man stretched his hand out.

"Oh… just as I thought… You… are not of this world, are you?"

Funny he would know.

The others here all widened their eyes, I could tell. Only Titania and I were left smiling.

I nodded lightly at his words.

"That's correct."

"Evil Queen of the fairies too… This is the one we can trust, Yvas."

I looked back and found Yvas and Vrede nodding.

"There was once a version of you, child…"

"That brought this world to ruin?" I asked.

"Hah… you know…."

My fingers pointed back at Luka.

"That idiot there had lived that version of me through."

"Hohoho… he's one of the regressors? Quite the group you have brought."

This old man was fun. I liked him.

"Take a seat, child. I believe there's only three we need to tell of the threat, then."

The old god coughed and began speaking.

"Outer Gods, that is the name we have given them. But they are I looked at the three demons and stuck my tongue out.

"Must suck to be slow losers."

"You little!"

"Why don't you come here too and I'll show you some tough love."

I walked back to my side of the room and sat down with Albert and Luka. The group of nine in the enormous room finally convened the meeting.

The old god coughed and began speaking.

"Outer Gods, that is the name we have given them. But they are beings from a superior realm."

No bullshitting, huh?

The air in the room quietened at once as the man began.

"These beings have been kicked out of their world, and with nowhere to go, they wish to take over all of ours and get their powers back."

"Nothing like this happened last time," murmured Luka. It seemed to have been heard by the rest.

"Last time. In the future I saw," the old god spoke. "There was no one to fight, this time… we have taken the battle in our hands."

"You mean," Bael interrupted. "There is a group of people from another world that want to take our world for themselves?"

The old god shook his head.

"Not another world, another realm."

"I don't get it."

"They are… much stronger and grander than us. Their existence in the grand universe outweighs ours. Their every action means more, their every movement affects more. We are mere ants, and they are the elephants."

I grabbed my head.

So that.

Was what up with these outer gods.

"There is a whole other realm, stronger than anything in ours?"

The old god shrugged.

"I know not. These are just words I have seen in a future too."

I leaned back.

So he didn't know either.

"And you think, the only way we can manage this is by pitting our forces together and warring?" Bael asked.

"These outer beings, are going to invade us? Is that why you are uniting everyone, Eugene Hall?"

I nodded at Agares' words.

"Exactly why. The world has ended once, now that there are people I care about here. I am not letting it end again."

"Wait, wait, what are our options, is any of this even true?" Lucifuge spoke. "I've come to trust you, Eugene. But it is very suspicious that you are on the same page as demons."

"We can see it for ourselves," Yvas spoke then.

We all turned to the side and faced them.

The old man coughed and spoke again.

"A few thousand years ago, I saw a future. Of a young man humming about how the dungeons were the key, and how he liked to go in and attack instead of waiting."

Luka and Albert widened their eyes.

"You gremlin, you've been haunting him for years?"

"Come on, Eugene."

Weren't you supposed to be shocked and filled with pride here?

"What are you getting at?" Asked Agares.

Yvas stepped ahead again.

"For the last three thousand years, all the top of the Outer Gods have been focused on was to clear the grandest dungeon in heaven. The great labyrinth, Sanctuary."

"And now, only a floor remains." Vrede continued.

"If we take that down," The old god said, his voice creaking. "We can… go in and attack."

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