This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Shen Youlin refused to write his graduation thesis and was chased all over the world by his advisor Professor Qiao. His grandmother and grandfather also advised him along with the professor, but Shen Youlin found it annoying and went to live in the apartment on this side to hide out in peace and quiet. More than half of the time every day he loafed at Yu Shu's place, because there was an aunt there, so he could be served hand and foot. Auntie's workload doubled, and Yu Shu gave her a raise.

When Yu Shu came home this day, Shen Youlin was just sitting on the carpet playing video games. Dou'e was originally in the kitchen going around the aunt, and when she heard the sound, she immediately abandoned the aunt and ran to Yu Shu's front to curry favor, wagging her tail like a helicopter rotor.

"So good!" Yu Shu rubbed Dou'e's big head and gave her a big piece of chicken jerky.

Shen Youlin shouted, "Still giving it jerky to eat, it's already gotten fat like a pig! Its weight has been going up ever since it got neutered!"

Dou'e grabbed the freeze-dried meat and ran off, afraid its dear dad would snatch its food.

"It getting fat is not my fault, it's because you're lazy, lying around at home all day long, not even taking it downstairs for a walk."

"I... What's it got to do with me?! That stinky dog sees a pretty little female dog and just pounces on her, taking it out just embarrasses me! I'm so wronged, I'm even more wronged than Dou'e!"

Dou'e: "Woof woof!"

I'm the only one who's wronged!

Auntie smiled as she watched them bicker, finished making dinner, and left.

During dinner, Yu Shu asked how much longer he planned to hide out.

"At least until the thesis defense, there's still a month and a half." Then he started complaining again, "It's pretty normal for PhD students to delay graduation by a year or two. Other advisors even require students to stay an extra year or two to help out with work, but that old fart can't wait for me to graduate immediately, it's such a waste of my pure and earnest heart as his student."

"I feel like... he's doing it for his own blood pressure, doesn't dare keep you around."

Yu Shu hadn't met Professor Qiao in person, but she imagined if Shen Youlin was her own student, she'd definitely be suffering from high blood pressure and losing 20 years off her lifespan.

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Shen Youlin stubbornly argued, "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

Yu Shu shrugged, not arguing with him. She ate very little for dinner to maintain her figure, and after finishing sat to the side chatting idly with Shen Youlin, bringing up the street she had bought.

"It'll be ready soon, there'll be news next month. How's the decorating going for your shop with your friend?"

"Everything's going smoothly, we can open for business at the end of the month. You'll come and support us when we open, right?"

Shen Youlin ladled himself a bowl of soup, "Sure, you've talked up those skewers so much, I still haven't tried them. Oh right, how are you splitting the profits?"

"I already agreed with them, I'm only putting up the capital not the labor, so I get 20% of the profits."

"Sounds good. This soup tastes great, want to try it?"

"No thanks, I've already exceeded my calorie limit today."

Shen Youlin brought the bowl of soup to her lips, "Just try it, one bowl of soup isn't going to make you fat."

Yu Shu glanced at him and then drank a few mouthfuls of the soup from his hand.

Now they ate dinner together almost every day, chatting about trifles and bickering intimately, seeming closer than just friends.

But neither had taken another step forward.

So what was their relationship now? Ambiguous? Or budding romance?

Yu Shu was too lazy to analyze it deeply. Their current interaction mode was very nice. Even if they did officially start dating, she shouldn't be the one to break the stalemate.

The first one to speak up loses.

Besides, making money was much more interesting than romance.

Her business administration courses were two days a week, Saturday and Sunday all day.

This week there was a new finance professor, a top financial elite male with an outstanding temperament, gentle and refined, witty and humorous. Chatting about anecdotes from the securities market came easily to him, seamlessly transitioning from Dutch tulips to Chilean abalone, often drawing hearty laughter from the classroom.

Professor Li Yue was 70% looks, but could make people feel he was extremely handsome.

At the end of Sunday's lesson, Li Yue assigned everyone a special homework. He had them download a stock trading app and use the simulated trading function to trade stocks over the next week. The three students with the most virtual currency left in their account at the end of the week would get bonus points added to their final grade for the course.

After Yu Shu got home, she downloaded the app and studied it for a bit. After registering an account, the virtual account had 100,000 RMB that could be used to buy and sell stocks, with gains and losses calculated based on actual market prices.

Virtual currency was so boring. 100,000 RMB wasn't money she couldn't afford to lose. She linked her bank card, did real-name registration, then transferred 100,000 RMB into the account.

Let's do some light trading~

On Monday morning, Yu Shu was dumbfounded looking at the dizzying candlestick charts. She had only studied theory for two days and only understood the meaning of the various data, but being able to synthesize all the data to judge whether a stock would rise or fall was beyond her.

It was like being taught basic arithmetic operations in class, but tested on calculus.

Yu Shu sighed in exasperation, and noticed the dice and cards left on the dining table from when she and Shen Youlin had drank together last time.

She picked up a die, "Money God Grandpa, let's agree on a code. When buying, odd numbers mean buy, even numbers mean don't buy; when selling, odd numbers mean sell, even numbers mean don't sell. The larger the number, the more shares to buy or sell."

Yu Shu put her hands together and sincerely made a wish, then pointed to a candlestick chart on the screen and said, "Dicey, let's see, this stock."

After that, she shook the die in her hand...

When the market closed on Friday, Yu Shu looked at her account and sank into thought: the total assets in her account had become 198,000, while the virtual account she used her knowledge to analyze and trade stocks in had a balance of 18,000.


The following is unrelated to the main text:

Kind reminder - there are risks in the stock market, enter prudently~

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