This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Shen Youlin returned to the hotel from the hospital and couldn't find Yu Shu anywhere. After asking the front desk, he learned that Yu Shu had checked out, and that little turtle Son had checked out together with her too. Son left a note for him:

You pathetic little shrimp Shen, I'm going skiing with mermaid sister Yu Shu. You can stay here by yourself! Loser!

It was signed with a little cartoon man making a face, and a hand flipping the middle finger.

Shen Youlin was so angry he had to laugh. He pursed his lips and mumbled: "Flipping me off? I'll chop all your fingers off when I see you again!"

He put on a cool, arrogant façade in the hotel lobby, but the moment he got back to his room he showed his true colors. He called Yu Yan, and as soon as the call connected he started wailing loudly: "Brother—Yu Shu ran away from me again! And she ran off with some turtle Son!"

Yu Yan held the phone away from his ear, feeling a faint ringing.

"Brother! Do you know what I've been through these past few days?! Wandering around homeless between airports in different countries!!! Are you and Yu Shu messing with me?! Why does she always run away whenever I find her?! Is that turtle Son an actor?!"

Yu Yan rubbed his aching temples with a headache. These past few days had been hard on him too. There was some resentment in his weary tone: "Do you know that me looking up Yu Shu's transaction records was against regulations? Do you know the risk I took? The situation today is all of your own making."

"I'm sorry, brother, please don't abandon me~" Shen Youlin sniffled apologetically. Thinking of Yu Shu avoiding him made his heart ache. He let out a loud "Wah" and started crying.

"Brother, what should I do...Yu Shu doesn't want anything to do with me anymore—"

"Ahhh~~ Ahhhh~ Ahhhh~~~~~~~"

Even over the phone, Yu Yan could hear the surround sound effects. He endured the pounding headache and coaxed gently: "After Yu Shu left Saipan, she would need a connecting flight to go anywhere else. You should rest well there for a couple days and have Weber arrange the private jet."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Shen Youlin obediently agreed with nods and sniffles.

After hanging up, Yu Yan heaved a long sigh of relief and approvingly thought: Love is amazing to make him take the initiative to soften up and apologize.

On the other side, after her connecting flight, Yu Shu boarded the plane to Kyoto.

Once settled into her first class seat, she put on her eye mask and started her daily nap. The irrepressible smile at the corners of her mouth betrayed her elated mood.

Ji Yunzi leaned in closer and asked: "Sister, you seem to be in a very good mood?"

"Of course."

Just thinking about Shen Youlin's battered and tear-stained face made her happy. Uncontrollably happy.

Not only did Shen Youlin have his men keep a private jet on standby, he also dug up all the dirt on Ji Yunzi's family. When he found out Yu Shu and Ji Yunzi went to a ski resort near Kyoto, Shen Youlin laughed loudly: "On my home turf, you play by my rules!"

On his luxurious private jet, Shen Youlin held Ji Yunzi's secrets in hand, grinning smugly: "With all their assets added together, it's just 1 or 2 billion. And they still call themselves 'fu er dai'?! It's not even as much as my new year's red envelope money!"

The attendant's smile froze. He swiftly adjusted his expression and fawned obsequiously: "Yes, how could their measly assets compare with yours? It'd be like comparing sesame seeds to watermelons."

It was tricky business. If that rat family ran actual companies, it would be easy to crush them completely and leave them without a pair of pants between them. But their main source of income came from commercial properties their parents bought in prime locations in Shanghai decades ago. Damn, that made things difficult!

How to deal with this?! F**k!!!

The attendant ingratiated himself by massaging the young master's shoulders: "Young Master, don't bother yourself over someone who doesn't appreciate favors. Other than being better looking and taller, what else does he have?!"

"What are you implying?!" Shen Youlin lashed out, smacking the offered drink out of his hand. In an instant he morphed into a roaring and fire-breathing dragon: "Are you saying I'm not as tall or good-looking as him?! And he speaks better than me too?! You think he's better than me?! Are you looking to get fired?!"

Shen Youlin thought about Ji Yunzi calling him "shorty" again, fuming until his lungs nearly exploded!

He was 1.86 meters tall. Not short at all! But among guys, even a small height difference was glaringly obvious. Standing together made him feel weaker by comparison.

Damn it! So infuriating!!!

"Young Master, calm yourself, it was my poor wording..." The attendant slapped himself repeatedly, but the more Shen Youlin looked at him, the more annoyed he got!

"Get lost! Don't let me see you!" Shen Youlin gave him a not-too-gentle kick and went back to his room to sulk alone.

Soon, the attendant carefully knocked and stuck his head in, holding out a satellite phone: "Master Yu Yan is on the line."

"Do you not have legs?! Get your ass in here with it!!!"

After finding out Yu Shu and Ji Yunzi went to a ski resort near Kyoto, Shen Youlin immediately had his men buy out and clear the place.

The attendant brown-nosed: "That ski resort belongs to one of our subsidiary companies now. It's our asset."

"Excellent. Very good." Shen Youlin pounded the table excitedly.

It was just what he needed! This was called "walking right into his trap"!

"Call back and have all the helicopters at home sent to the ski resort..." Shen Youlin issued orders one by one. Seeing the attendant only nod, he smacked him upside the head: "Write it down, dammit! What's the point of just nodding?!"

1. As a child, he was a clingy crybaby. He was also very timid, but had an extremely lively imagination. He always felt there were zombies and monsters under his bed, kept a peach wood sword by his pillow, and hugged Ultraman to sleep.

2. He became very afraid of the dark later on. By the time he moved to Chang Garden at age 11, he didn't dare sleep alone but was too embarrassed to say it outright. Every night he would drag his feet for a long time before going to bed. After Yu Yan suggested they sleep together, he latched onto him. He would hug his little pillow every night waiting for Yu Yan to call him to sleep. If Yu Yan didn't call him, he would make a racket keeping everyone awake (things like smashing windows and yelling thief) until Yu Yan left for college out of town. Only then did baby Shen start sleeping alone.

3. Shen's voice is actually very nice sounding. When he's not shouting loudly, his voice is magnetic, sexy and a little husky. (Make a note of this for later exams.)

4. No one in the Shen family has any musical talent. Tone deafness runs strongly in the genes. His 5th brother married a pianist, but their child was still tone deaf. The only songs Shen can sing without running off key are My Motherland and The Brave Man Song. What a waste of his naturally good voice.

5. I didn't set a specific age for Shen. He's probably 2 or 3 years older than Yu Shu. He looks young and acts even younger though, so they give off more of a brother-sister vibe rather than lovers. But they aren't actually siblings.

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