This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

To be honest, Yu Shu felt nervous when she saw Shen Chaowen. He was the big boss of big bosses. Just sitting there calmly made him seem like an insurmountable mountain.

He didn't show any emotions on his face. He had a commanding presence without even getting angry. Even when he smiled at Yu Shu, she still felt uneasy.

She didn't have the guts to compete with him for anything.

She covered Shen Youlin's mouth and pushed him back into his seat, "Be good, don't make trouble."

If father and son fought here, it would just embarrass them. Also, if they really got into a shouting match, the bidding prices would keep increasing, which would only benefit the auction house.

There was no need for that.

Shen Youlin kept struggling, trying to break free from Yu Shu's hand. Yu Shu quickly gave him a peck on the cheek, "Be good."

Shen Youlin instantly calmed down, his eyes filled with grievance.

Yu Shu kept her hand over his mouth. She was afraid that as soon as she let go, Shen Youlin would directly bid 2 billion yuan. She only released him after the auctioneer banged the gavel to finalize the sale.

Shen Youlin was very unhappy, he pursed his lips and sulked.

Yu Shu moved closer to his ear and whispered, "When we get home later, we can try what we drew yesterday..."

Shen Youlin was instantly invigorated, "I'm good now."

Yu Shu lightly coughed to maintain her composure, but her blushing ear tips gave her away.

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On the other side, Shen Chaowen was surprised that his younger son didn't argue with him. He smiled happily, increasingly satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

With Shen Youlin's temper, he wouldn't care if the other party was his father. He would be even angrier with his father. If they really fought, Shen Youlin could easily bid 10 billion yuan for this piece of emerald.

The auction continued. Shen Chaowen won an 80 million yuan necklace, which made Yu Shu's eyes pop out.

He had casually spent 2 small targets on buying jewelry for his wife that night, without even blinking an eye. How rich was Mrs. Shen?

She suddenly had the urge to commit robbery...cough cough, to broaden her horizons.

"This strand of Imperial Green Buddha beads originally belonged to a farmer. According to the farmer, the beads were passed down to him from his grandfather, who used to work in a prince's mansion. Of course, this legend cannot be fully verified, but the quality of the jade used in this strand of beads is truly the finest in the world..."

The host introduced the finale item, a top quality strand of jade Buddha beads. The staff displayed it to the guests in the front rows, allowing them to admire the beads up close.

The opening bid was 90 million yuan, with increments of 2 million yuan per bid.

This naughty child Shen Youlin opened with a bid of 150 million yuan.

If he couldn't win this piece, it would be a huge blow to his masculine pride!

Many recognized him when he yelled earlier. Seeing his determination, those interested in the beads gave way.

Few dared provoke the infamous playboy son of the Shen family. It wasn't fear, just worldly wisdom.

But there were always exceptions. A bespectacled middle-aged man in the second last row raised his paddle, "152 million."

"Fuck! Who's the blind bastard?!" Shen Youlin turned to look, he was even more furious now.

The previous bidder was at least his biological father. But this one turned out to be one of his father's bastard half brothers.

Seeing his expression, Yu Shu asked softly, "Who is it?"

"One of my grandfather's many illegitimate sons. He married into a prominent family by relying on my grandfather's name during his lifetime. A useless scumbag." Shen Youlin was extremely disgusted, "A parasite."

"Many? I thought your family was very upright?"

"Cough, even the best bamboo produces a few rotten shoots. But don't worry, I'm definitely one of the good shoots. My love for you is deeper than the sea, lasting till seas run dry and rocks crumble..."

"Alright alright, I know you're the best."

Yu Shu interrupted him. While they were chatting, the bid had already reached 164 million yuan.

Because Shen Youlin's half uncle interrupted with a bid, some people jumped on the bandwagon to stir up trouble. That half uncle would always bid an increment of 2 million yuan to keep up.

Shen Youlin sneered in contempt, "Bastard doesn't know his place."

On the other side, Shen Chaowen signaled his assistant with his eyes. Understanding the hint, his assistant got up gracefully and left.

When the bid reached 176 million yuan, Yu Shu failed to stop Shen Youlin from bidding 200 million yuan again.

Simply outrageous.

"200 mill..."

Yu Shu watched as her half uncle-in-law was gagged and dragged away by Shen Chaowen's assistant and his men, while everyone else ignored it.

Yu Shu looked at Shen Chaowen. He smiled back benevolently.

What a big scary...

The little figure in Yu Shu's heart bit a handkerchief as tears flowed down its face. Would the big boss give her 100 million later and tell her to leave his son?

With the Buddha beads in hand, Shen Youlin let out his resentment.

When the auction ended, Shen Chaowen approached them. He didn't even glance at Shen Youlin, just kindly said to Yu Shu, "May I have the pleasure to chat over tea with Ms. Yu?"

"What are you trying to do?!" Shen Youlin stood between them, looking at his father with as much disgust as he had shown his half uncle.

Yu Shu took a deep breath and steeled herself for martyrdom. The storm was inevitable, she might as well enjoy its full fury!

She pushed Shen Youlin aside, "Go handle the paperwork, uncle and I will wait for you in the tearoom."

They didn't bring any assistants today, so Young Master Shen had to personally handle the formalities.

"Go on, be good." Yu Shu coaxed him.

"I'm warning you, don't say anything unnecessary, or I'll have your ashes scattered in the future." Shen Youlin threatened him with a finger before leaving, then added, "Separately from my mother's ashes. One goes to Antarctica and the other to the Arctic."

Far from getting angry, Shen Chaowen looked utterly indulgent.

But to Yu Shu, his smile meant something else. It was obviously an insincere smile hiding malicious intent!

The two went to the tearoom in the clubhouse. After the waiter served tea and left, Shen Chaowen's assistant put a document on the table and also withdrew respectfully.

Seeing the document, Yu Shu thought to herself: Here it comes, he'll give me 100 million to leave his son!

How should she respond?

Uncle, I can take 100 million. Give me a billion and I'll consider it!

Shen Chaowen slid the document in front of her, "This 2 billion yuan fund is my greeting gift to you, or you can also see it as the down payment for the bride price. "

"Huh?" Yu Shu was stunned for a moment, completely confused, "What did you just say?"

"Or if you prefer, you can also see it as Youlin's dowry. If he marries you as the party being adopted into your family, Feixing and I would be delighted."

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