This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 130

Chapter 130

I will certainly make good use of you.

It was what Iona had said to Fin as she accepted his loyalty before departing for the capital.

Fin hadnt exactly considered these words to be mere flattery, but neither had he taken the promise to heart.

Iona had goals that couldnt be achieved without getting her hands dirty, and a retainers role was to take on tasks that the master found distasteful.

Naturally, Fin had assumed he would be used in a manner similar to his time under Robert, if not exactly the same.

But that wasnt the case.

Iona had never given Fin an immoral order.

In fact, what Iona expected of him involved only wholesome tasks, such as restoring the estate.

Fin no longer felt ashamed of his actions, or the way he lived his life.

All these changes in his life were brought about by Ionas influence.

Perhaps it was the unexpected freedom he had acquired that made him feel this way.

Even in this seemingly peaceful existence, Fin occasionally felt unease.

He knew that Iona had tried to pull away, not wanting to accept him a few times.

This knowledge led him to ponder.

Was the reason she couldnt entrust him with everything truly because she valued him, or was it because she wanted to keep her distance...?

Im entertaining some shameful thoughts.

With a bitter sentiment, Fin cleared his throat and spoke.

Regardless, I will make sure to convey your message accurately. Though Im not sure if there will be a chance to return a response.

Thats right, Ill be leaving soon anyway.

Fleur nodded in agreement as if to affirm.

Having received all the promised money, she had no reason to stay any longer.

Especially when resentment towards the lords family was at its peak.

With the counts death becoming public knowledge, someone might muster the foolish courage to seek revenge.

The concubine, who had been emboldened by the counts power, especially needed to be cautious now.

Fleur, seemingly resigned to becoming the villain of the piece, let out a wistful sigh.

You must be pleased, advisor. Youve successfully aligned yourself with Dame Iona in advance. Quite the promotion for you.

Well, Im actually planning to wrap up my duties here and leave the estate soon.

Youre leaving the estate?

Fleurs eyes widened in surprise.

As far as she knew, Fin was the only person within the Modrov estate who had direct communication with Iona.

It was obvious that he, soon to be a landowner himself, would become the new power behind the throne.

Yet, where could he be going, leaving behind such a golden future?

Fin kindly responded to Fleurs puzzled inquiry.

Yes, I plan to go to where Dame Iona is and be of assistance to her. What position Ill be given, or what exactly Ill be able to do in the dukedom, is still uncertain.

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Hmm, seems like you have a tendency to seek out hardship.

Fleurs straightforward observation drew a quiet smile from Fin.

Thinking of someone who reminded her oddly of Iona, Fleur broached a topic she had kept to herself.

If you see Dame Iona again, could you pass on a message? Not in a letter, but in person.

Do you have something specific you want to convey?

I think theres something going on in Vilfaud territory.

After a moment of hesitation, Fleur answered.

Fin looked puzzled at the unexpected mention of a place.

Vilfaud territory, you say

Yes, thats where Ernst, the Archduke and the Emperors younger brother, resides, right?

Fleur quickly continued, seizing on Fins words.

I overheard conversations among the counts men when they were collecting information on Roberts whereabouts. They were indifferent about other places, but as soon as someone mentioned the vicinity of Vilfaud, they became unusually agitated.

When Hayden had come down to the estate, Fleur had made it a point to frequently visit the lords manor and stay by his side.

She thought that showing a close relationship with the count would make people think more of her misdeeds.

For better or worse, Hayden had not refused the woman who appeared, offering to warm his bed.

Thanks to this, Fleur had been able to eavesdrop on many conversations in his room during the days he stayed at the manor.

Mostly, the information was useless, but the counts behavior on the night before he left the estate was undeniably odd.

He had become furiously enraged upon hearing that someone resembling Robert had been spotted in a city near the dukedom, blaming his subordinates for their incompetence.

After calming down, Hayden had sent his men out and sank into contemplation alone.

With a grave face, he muttered while looking at a map.

Could he possibly...

Fleur listened intently to Haydens voice but he did not utter any more clues.

After a while, he simply shook his head and repeated.

Yes, it cant be. Theres no way he would know about that...

Yet, unable to shake off his anxiety, he hurriedly packed and left the estate at dawn the next day.

Fleur wondered what could be in Vilfaud territory that made him rush off like that.

It was just a suspicion. I didnt know much at the time so I let it go, but I couldnt stop thinking about it afterward. I thought it might be better to just say it.

Its definitely strange. To my knowledge, neither the deceased count nor Robert had any particular connection to that place.

Fin agreed, his face turning serious.

In any case, as his lover, Fleur had come to understand Hayden to a certain degree.

Hayden was clearly afraid of something Robert might do in Vilfaud territory.

The problem was, that they had no idea what that could be.

Fleur shrugged lightly and added.

Well, hes a dead man now, but... doesnt it bother you more? Thinking that such a rotten person left without sorting out the mess he created in his lifetime.


A decree came from the imperial court.

It allowed Iona, the second daughter who had given up her claim to the succession, to inherit the position of head of the Modrov family, instead of the eldest son.

Normally, this would have been handled within the family and simply reported, but given the unique circumstances of the family heads death, Iona had to personally receive the decree from the imperial palace.

Having gone through a series of events, the household staff seemed to accept this outcome more naturally than expected.

Iona boarded the carriage to the palace, receiving the careful farewells of his servants.

Despite not having ordered it, the best horses and carriages were provided automatically. The noticeably deeper level of care was overwhelming.

Safe travels, master.

Among the servants lined up to bid farewell, there were a few noticeable faces.

They were the troublemakers who had once sided with other family members to give Iona a hard time.

The sight of their faces turning pale at a mere glance from this direction was quite satisfying.

If it were up to them, they would have resigned the moment their position as head of the family was confirmed, yet here they were, still clinging to the manor, making one wonder what it really means to earn a living.

Are they underestimating my memory, or are their faces just that thick?

What do you mean?

The maids under Hayden.

Iona shifted her gaze from the window and drew the curtain.

Marsha, who had come along to attend to Iona entering the palace, calmly advised.

You should sort it out sooner rather than later. They wouldnt be lined up so neatly if they werent in front of the lady; theres a sense of unrest among the maids these days.

Are you suggesting a thorough purge of the remnants?

It seems so.

What about reassigning them to a distant villa?

Why go the long way when cutting them off would be easier?

I feel like the revenge isnt solely mine to claim.

Marsha hesitated at Ionas response.

She was someone who had been isolated in a distant region due to Haydens unreasonable commands.

Although she didnt face a threat to her livelihood, its hard to erase the humiliation with just a few coins, much like how Iona came to despise Hayden despite being raised and fed by him.

After a moment of silence, Marsha called out to Iona in a subdued voice.

Lady, no, my lord.


I didnt live that hard. It was difficult to see my family, but thats common for those living in a foreign land. You dont have to feel guilty on my behalf.

Yet, Marsha couldnt hide her inner emotion.

The fact that Iona cared even about her feelings seemed to bring her joy.

With an expression that said she couldnt ask for more, Marsha looked at Iona and spoke.

And if you want to repay me somehow, start by hiring more people. I believe that this absurd shortage of personnel, having to accompany you to the palace without even a single maid, only with one dedicated servant until we head down to the dukedom, will be perfectly resolved.

......Ill look into it as soon as possible.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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