This Marriage Will Surely Succeed

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

You arrived quickly.

I had told you from the start that I had a stomachache.

Thanks to Viscountess Schillers densely planted shrubs, there were many places in the garden where one could hide.

Iona sat side by side with Viviana on a bench.

They didnt have much time, so Iona got straight to the point.

Can I assume that your presence here means youve made up your mind?

...Honestly, Im not sure. Ive been contemplating. As you said, I thought of leaving the capital, but imagining my life after that, I felt I couldnt continue living like that.

Saying so, Viviana covered her mouth and nose with both hands. There was a deep anxiety in her trembling voice.

With a desperate gaze, Viviana looked at Iona and said,

What exactly are you planning? If youre going to help in revenge, does that mean youre going to betray the royal family? What can I do to help with that?

Since Count Schmidts family had been convicted of treason, Viviana could not be free to go anywhere.

To avoid being hunted, one had to eliminate the pursuer or the reason for the pursuit.

Both were difficult to act upon immediately, so Iona decided to use an alternative method.

Iona said in a calm voice,

Firstly, Im thinking of killing you.

As soon as Iona finished her sentence, Viviana took a deep breath.

Iona quickly corrected her earlier statement, realizing it may have been too abrupt for the frightened woman.

I mean Im planning to fake your death for appearances.

Only then did Viviana close her eyes in relief.

For some reason, Iona felt awkward and continued to explain.

Right now, someone is watching you. I cant pinpoint who, but its likely one of your colleagues. It might even be more than one.

So, I need to hide from their gaze?

They cant chase someone who doesnt exist in this world.

Once the report of Vivianas death reaches Richard, he wont be able to use her to pressure Leroy anymore. That alone would be a significant gain.

In the future that Iona had seen, Leroy was destined to struggle against the royal family.

His motivation was undoubtedly revenge for the loss of his loved ones.

Leroy wanted to uncover the truth behind those deaths, and since it was directly connected to the royal familys wrongdoing, a clash between the two powers was inevitable.

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If the battle was already foreseen, it was necessary to reduce our risks in advance.

Do you have your own room right now? Or do you live with a colleague?

I share a room. The maid who takes care of Miss Erna with me is my roommate.

Have you noticed anything suspicious?

Not at all. I didnt even know I was being watched until now.

Viviana nodded with a fluttering heart.

Iona immediately followed up with another question.

Do you keep a diary?

No, writing things down might reveal my handwriting.

Thats good since theres no need for consistency. From now on, whenever youre alone, leave a memo. Complaints about your work environment, longing for the past... even criticizing Miss Erna. Any content that reveals dissatisfaction with your current life will suffice.

Wait, am I supposed to pretend Im going to drown myself?

Wouldnt it be funny to suddenly get stabbed to death on the road? Moreover, unless its a drowned body, your face would be recognizable.

Viviana looked unconvinced, but she didnt voice any objection.

Iona lightly shrugged and said, You are doing hard physical work and your old fianc has appeared in the capital. Hes discussing marriage with another woman. Its understandable if you become pessimistic about your situation.

I was doing just fine.

To others, it seems like a plausible story, so dont worry.

Iona reassured her.

Fortunately, Viviana didnt throw any childish tantrums, allowing Iona to continue outlining the plan.

In the cover of night or early morning, well stage a scenario as if youve thrown yourself into the river. There might be watchers wholl try to follow and stop you, but well have someone prepared to play the role of a drunkard to distract them.

I... first of all, need to safely get out of the water. I cant swim at all.

Well arrange for someone to assist you. There are experts for such tasks.

In her previous life, while carrying out tasks for Richard, Iona came to know a lot of useful messengers.

The one she had taken to the Modrov estate to accompany Robert was one of them.

People who are worth the high price they command.

Whether then or now, Iona favored them. As long as the money was properly prepared, there was no other concern.

Ill inform you of the details once theyre ready. Someone else might contact you unexpectedly this time. Be careful not to be caught by others.

Iona, who had succinctly conveyed the mission, stood up from her seat.

There was no benefit in her and Viviana staying together for too long.

Although Richard was currently at ease, letting his guard down, there was no knowing when or where this connection might be exposed.

Until Viviana was safely extracted, no amount of caution would be excessive.

You should head in first. Ill wander around here a bit more before leaving.

However, rather than following Ionas lead, Viviana hesitated, looking as if she had more to say.

After a brief pause, Viviana spoke up.

Dame Iona, Ive felt the need to clarify something since our last encounter.


I... Leroy and I were not very close. I swear on the heavens.

Iona was taken aback, unsure of why Viviana would bring this up out of the blue.

Despite hearing Vivianas clarification that she and Leroy were not close, the fact that he was her former fianc inevitably gave her an odd feeling.

Perhaps noticing this, Viviana hastily added, I mean, you warned me against falling for him and mentioned that I was special to him... It seems like you believe there was something between Leroy and me. But absolutely, absolutely, there wasnt.

It seemed Viviana had come with a firm resolution to address this matter.

Her voice, which began softly, grew increasingly emotional.

I mean, its true that I care for him and he cares for me. But if someone you know is in trouble, its natural to be concerned, right? Especially if youve known them since childhood. Isnt that right?

Thats... true.

Caught in Vivianas earnest plea, Iona could only nod in agreement.

She had suspected a romantic relationship between Leroy and Viviana due to their past engagement, but apparently, that wasnt the case.

And Viviana seemed far too sincere for this to be a mere placation.

Do you know what Leroy would say every time he met me? Lets break off our engagement. He was surprisingly romantic and insisted from a young age that hed marry someone he loved.

The Duke?

Iona asked in surprise.

The idea that he had been declaring he would marry for love was news to her.

Suddenly, a conversation they had at the Counts Ritzer residence came to mind.

Back then, he had talked as if he had never thought about it. Perhaps it was a form of self-defense.

Iona felt oddly dumbfounded.

Yes, and so, for a while, I took advantage of that. Whenever I wanted something and he wouldnt comply, Id threaten with breaking off the engagement. Then, startled, hed agree. This continued for a while until he finally pinned me down and even made me sign a pledge. By the age of twenty, I would take the initiative to request the termination of our engagement.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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