Thumbs Up, Level Up

Chapter 280

Chapter 280

“Activate Drone Barrier! Boro-Goblin, use Drill Attack!”

A Hunter dressed like the stereotypical scientist was using his drones and robots, ordering them to pepper the enemy with photon bombs.

“Haha! Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! Which card do I like the most? Yes! I got a good card! I will summon the Guardian of Reindeers and end my turn!”

A Card Trickster, who took a turn every thirty seconds to draw cards with powerful abilities, unleashed his skills.

“Haha! I’ve got your attack patterns figured out! It’s left punch, right punch, right kick, left kick!” said a near-naked warrior, only clad in a pair of trunks and a helmet. He waved his greatsword around as he joined the fight.

“Tower Defense Mode! My skills now control the field!”

A Hunter with some sort of gamer ability spawned a glowing auto-attacking tower that started to launch various attacks at his enemies.

With a variety of complex and bizarre abilities, these Hunters were battling the full force of Mount Kunlun.

The South Korean military had also joined the fray.

Since long-range attacks did not work, they fired shells at close range to have more impact.

Boom! Boom! Thump! Thump! Boom! Boom!

A few ships came together and they began to transform.

“Mr. Jung! What are you doing? Put some mana into it!”

“Mr. Kim, the fusion is complete! Confirming the parallel connection of 892 employees’ mana!”

“Authorizing to use the Massive Fusion Skill!”

“Skill activated!”

“Activate the Climbing Bipedal Cannon!”

South Korea was mountainous, hot in summer, and bitterly cold in winter. Having four distinct seasons meant the country was beautiful all year long, but it also meant the people that lived in the country lived a hard life.

It was also a pain in the ass to develop military weapons that could withstand all four seasons.

The military was basically underfunded, so most military personnel and soldiers had unusual skills.

This was a miracle created by assembling those underfunded powers, forcing battleships to merge and transform. There were bizarre mechanical sounds, the sound of clashing metal.

With a massive surge of mana, several battleships merged into one and began to transform. The result looked like a humanoid with two arms and two legs. However, unlike the average person, it had several cannons strapped to its back, making it seem overwhelming.

It climbed the tree. A three-hundred-meter giant robot was climbing the tree!

Due to its size, the speed it was climbing at was also proportionally high. The giant robot climbed up the tree in an instant, arriving at Kunlun Mountain and aiming its cannon at the enemies.


The Terracotta Soldiers were swept away by the attack. The Hunters of Mount Kunlun who were using cultivation skills and magic spells were also killed and swept away.

“I know that our country is crazy about cannons… but I had no idea they made such a terrifying robot.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“That looks so cool!”

Seeing that, the Korean Hunters became even more fervent and fought their opponents even harder.

Below them, the military had brought over some tanks that also transformed into robots and began to climb the tree. These robots looked much smaller than the one that was created by fusing several battleships, but they were still powerful.

This was the capacity of the giant organization called ‘nation’!

Like ants climbing up a tree, Hunters and the robots created by the Korean military began to climb toward Kunlun Mountain.

“May brilliant light shine upon thee!”

Thousands of pillars of light descended from the sky, enveloping the Korean Hunters.

Above Kunlun Mountain and on the front lines, commanding the Hunters there was none other than Shin Ju-Ran. She stood here because her skill Brilliant Commander was even more powerful in a large-scale battle like this one.

Her summoned beings, Wizards and Knights, stood at her side, protecting her as she commanded the Hunters. The aura of her brilliance strengthened her allies and slowed and weakened her enemies, and it reached everywhere!

It was nothing short of a miracle.

“The enchantress’ power is mighty!”

“By the command of the Four Great Sages, You will die here today!”

Just then, two men dressed in ancient Chinese garb appeared before Ju-Ran. One of them was clean-shaven and handsome and he was carrying a spear, while the other appeared to be made entirely of metal.

They were part of the Eight Great Quasi-Immortals, disciples of the Four Great Sages that commanded the forces of Mount Kunlun.

“Wait a minute, you guys are among those top-tier Chinese Hunters!”

Ju-Ran’s expression showed a hint of irritation.

One of the people in front of her was named Huang Tianhua, and the other one called himself Na Ta. Both of them were top Hunters in China!

After realizing that they were servants of Mount Kunlun, Ju-Ran could not help but feel annoyed.

“I am Huang Tianhua, one of the Eight Great Quasi-Immortals! I was disturbed in the middle of practicing my cultivation, but my power is still great enough to destroy an enchantress like you!”

“I am Na Ta, also one of the Eight Great Quasi-Immortals. I am here to carry out my orders.”

Na Ta raised one of his arms, which looked very much like a robotic arm.


The attack looked like something straight out of a machine gun! It seemed to be a skill that fired a barrage of mana-infused metal balls.


The shield of light that formed around Ju-Ran’s body deflected the enemy’s powerful attack. The shield had been created by the Wizards who were summoned by her, and it was as hard as steel.

She had summoned six Wizards. They were all dressed and equipped differently from the Wizards she had summoned while fighting the spider God in the past. Their robes were emblazoned with magical sigils in ornate gold leaf, and on the end of their staves, a fist-sized diamond with seven small rubies surrounding it was glowing with mana.

Besides the six Wizards, there were two Priests.

Their pure white robes were glowing with divine power, and above their heads a halo of holy light arose, scattering blessings around them.

There were also two Knights in full armor, their bodies completely covered in pure silver. Their swords glowed with an intense radiance. They were the swords of destruction, the Aura Blades.

In total, she had summoned ten beings, just like before, but the team composition was different.

There were six Wizards!

“This is our land!”

“You dare to harm our Lord in this realm of ours! We are ready and prepared!”

“How foolish!”

“Atone for that foolishness with your lives!”

The Wizards chastised the enemies as they got ready to attack. The shields remained up, and they also created a magic circle around them, sparkling with light.

“Kill. Enemy.” Na Ta said, rushing toward the Wizards.

With both hands outstretched, he ran toward them with the clear intention of destroying them all.

Huang Tianhua, standing behind him, grabbed his spear and stretched it out like the Ruyi Jingu Bang.

However, something stopped them in their tracks.


Na Ta plummeted to the ground as if he had been smacked down by a massive slap, and Huang Tianhua’s spear swayed as if it was about to break.

It was the result of a gravity magic spell!

The six Wizards used gravity magic to bind them to the ground. At the same time, the two Knights inside the shield leaped forward toward the enemies. Their Aura Blades were about to chop off the heads of the two immobile enemies!


However, circular shields appeared out of nowhere and blocked the Knights’ attack. The two circular shields with monstrous faces drawn on them flashed and flew around, undamaged by the Aura Blades.

Tsk, tsk.?Didn’t you say that the two of you can defeat them all?”

“Do you not know the name ‘Shin Ju-Ran’ from Korea? There is a reason why she is called a one-woman army.”

In the sky, another pair of enemies appeared.

This time, they were dressed completely differently from each other.

One had a monkey’s face and a golden circlet on his head, and he wore the armor of an ancient Chinese general.

The other wore a modern Hunter’s battle suit.

Ju-Ran squinted at them.

Just like the other two in front of her, both of them were very famous in China.

“You… Sun Wukong and Wang Lin?” Ju-Ran said.

“Wow~ It looks like she knows us.”

“I mean, we are top-tier Hunters, how could she not know us?”

Wang Lin was the best Telekinetic in China, and Sun Wukong was a renowned Shapeshifter.

All four of China’s top-ranked Hunters were here.

Sigh… China is so fucked up,” Ju-Ran said with an annoyed face.

“You’re right. They are pretty fucked up.”

“I agree.”

One by one, the top Korean Hunters appeared beside Ju-Ran.

This war was just beginning.

? ? ?

Ji-Cheok was watching in real-time as the large-scale battle, almost deserving the title of “war” just by itself, spread across the entire Kunlun Mountain.

People were getting hurt and people were dying. It was not just the Korean Hunters—the Hunters from Mount Kunlun were also taking a hit.

More people were dying or getting injured than Ji-Cheok could have ever imagined.

“How can this be?”

“So he is a Transcender?”

“He had completed his ascension! How could he…”

“But he is still a young God! Let’s capture him and find out the secret of his ascension!”

After destroying the highest peak of Kunlun Mountain, the team entered a room and saw four beings floating in the air with their legs crossed.

The energy emanating from their bodies was already at an extraordinary level, and according to Ji-Cheok’s skill, all of their levels had reached 180.

‘Level 180! And not just one, but all of them. How is this even possible?’

‘Everyone, watch out! They are all level 180!’?Mu-Cheok said telepathically. It seemed that he had developed similar navigation and detection abilities to his older brother.

?They have no way of knowing you are a God unless they use some special means. It is probably some kind of secret art or skill of Mount Kunlun.?

Whatever it was, the opponents seemed to have figured out that Ji-Cheok had become a God.

‘Well, none of that matters to me right now. There is one thing for me to do from here on out. Destroy them.’


With murderous intent, Ji-Cheok’s invisible Mind Sword came crashing upon the four enemies. His team members also sprang into action.

Mu-Cheok pulled out his two vicious guns that could hardly be called pistols anymore and fired them. At the same time, Ji-Byeok rushed forward, and stars rose over Ha-Na. Seong Kwang also used his divine skills.


However, the enemies blocked their attacks, each in their own way.

The old man blocked the attack using a number of talismans that formed around him. The young man had several hexagonal pieces of metal fly around his body. The woman hid behind a shield made of water droplets, and the girl had a layer of mist around her.

That was not all.

An invisible force pushed Ji-Byeok back as she charged at them. Her feet dug into the ground, stopping the force from pushing her all the way.

?That is an auto-defense skill that blocks any attack regardless of timing. However, it is not impenetrable.?

‘Sure. My Guardian of Hope may say that it is indestructible, but it only covers a limited area.’

There was no such thing as total invulnerability in the world.

Therefore, Ji-Cheok decided to hit them with quantity.

He used his Mind Sword for one attack after another. It took a lot of mental energy, but it was bound to be effective. In the blink of an eye, dozens of Mind Swords struck the Sages’ protective barriers.

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