Thumbs Up, Level Up

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

“Because your future is always changing. An ever-changing future is a future that has no fixed progression or outcomes. Wouldn’t you say that is the same as being unable to see it?”

The conversation between Stephanie and Ji-Cheok was predicated on her reading his past, and foreseeing the future with his past. However, she did not know everything about him.

Usually, she would be able to see people’s future by observing their past, but it was not the case for Ji-Cheok. It seemed she was actually unable to see it.

‘Could it have something to do with my abilities? Or is it because of the fact that various Gods are watching me?’

Ji-Cheok had no idea why, but the fact of the matter was that she could not even predict his questions. By reason, she should have been able to predict what questions he was going to ask and take the initiative to answer them herself.

He looked at Stephanie and saw her smiling.

His Divine Intuition told him why she was smiling. She was smiling because she had encountered a future she could not see. At this moment, she felt like she was finally living a life rather than a glorified puppet theater script.

“I see. I asked a stupid question.”

“You did. But I can tell you what I have seen, and even if your future keeps changing, things that repeat themselves will most likely appear in your future.”

‘Oh, so it’s a matter of probability.’

“Hey, can you guys stop talking about things that I don’t know about? It’s not like I feel left out, I’m just saying…” Adam Bronze interjected from the side. “Enough with the Scrodinger’s cat stuff, we are here to talk about what is certain in an uncertain future, right?”

‘A/B is right. That is what we are here for. So, Ji-Cheok, ask me what you want to know. I can give you three answers for a price,” Stephanie said.

“I guess that is some sort of a rule.”

“Yes, it is a rule. An old rule, you might say.”

“What about the price?”

“You need to pay me first, that’s—”

“Another rule?”

“Yes, it is also an old rule.”

With her answer, Ji-Cheok realized which God was protecting her.

‘My Divine Intuition is tingling!’


The Three Goddesses of Fate, The Ones that Turned the Wheel, The Goddess Trinity.

The Goddesses of Fate had many names! Appearing in Norse mythology and also in Greco-Roman mythology, these Goddesses were said to control fate and gave people the opportunity to change their fate. Even in modern times, they appeared all over the media.


It was said that the Goddesses gave a person three questions, and would only give them the right answer if they offered the right tribute in exchange.

‘Alright, let’s look for the right tribute.’

Ji-Cheok searched ‘tribute’ in the Likes Shop and found something that he thought the Three Sisters of Fate would like. He purchased them, took them out, and held them in his hand.

It was a bottle of wine made from nectarines, a snack made from dragon meat, and most importantly, the Essence of Divinity.

“I will offer these tributes.”

Stephanie stretched out her hand. Suddenly, the items that he had pulled out became particles of light and were absorbed into her hand.

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“This is yummy~”

“He has a good taste!”

“You have good manners for someone so young.”

Different voices came out of Stephanie’s mouth. The tone was different, too.

The first voice was that of a middle school girl. The next voice was that of an adult woman, followed by the calm voice of a grandmother.

Ji-Cheok got goosebumps. He realized that he was in the presence of the powerful Goddesses who controlled fate.

‘Have they descended upon us? Or are they merely speaking through Stephanie’s mouth?’

“Come on, ask your question.”

“Ask wisely.”

“You have only three chances.”

At the sound of their voices, he grit his teeth and asked what he wanted to know.

“Tell me what the final quest is going to be like.”

The most important thing was information about the final quest. If he knew what it was, he could be better prepared.

“That is a good question!”

“Huhuhu. The young God is upfront and sincere.”

“If you aren’t careful, you might fall.”

The three Goddesses evaluated him for a moment, then proceeded to give him answers to his question.

“It is all going to come crashing in at once.”

“The final quest is a temporary opening.”

“Everything will open.”

This time, he heard the adult woman’s voice, then the old woman’s voice, then the young girl’s voice.

‘’Crashing in at once? Temporarily open? What? Wait a minute…do you mean what I think you mean?’

He opened his mouth to ask for confirmation, but in the end, he gave up. His Divine Intuition told him that what they were saying was true. In fact, even if it was not for his Divine Intuition, he knew they would not lie to him, because that was just who they were.

The problem was that they all spoke metaphorically…

However, he knew what they were talking about. There was only one interpretation that he could give their words: the dimensional barrier he had built would be temporarily neutralized, and monsters were going to be unleashed into the world.

‘Those goddamn Gods. Wait, should I say ‘goddamn System’? I dunno, it’s all fucked-up anyway.’

“Okay, we are ready for your second question.”

“Be careful what you ask for. Huhuhu.”

“It is important for you to be wise, child.”

Three voices. Three Goddesses. They were all looking at him.

He hesitated for a moment, then asked his next question.

“I have been informed that the reason the System appeared and the Tutorial began was because this world is on the brink of destruction. Why is this world on the brink of destruction?”

The future was not the only source of information. The past was also important, especially if it was a past he did not know.

Countless dungeons had appeared, the System had emerged, and the Tutorial had started to empower humanity. He was informed that the world had been about to end, but he had no idea why that was the case.

‘Why? This planet seems just fine. I realized this when I became a God. The world is just fine, so why do they keep telling me that the world is going to end?’

“Oh. That is a deep question.”

“Very wise.”

“You are young and wise.”

‘So, what’s the answer?’

“It is because of the will of the universe.”

“The thinning and tearing dimensional barrier is casting the shadow of extinction upon this world.”

“The time for the indigenous life forms of this world has run out.”

“Wait, that’s it? There is no reason?” Ji-Cheok said.

‘What the hell… How could this be?’

“Hahahaha! You are still young, aren’t you?”

“Anyone can die for no reason at any time!”

“Do you think if a person dies by getting struck by lightning, they died for a reason?”

“What about someone who chokes to death while drinking water?”

“Why do you think some people fall down the stairs and die of a concussion? Do you think there is a reason for that?”

“Everyone dies, that is the way things are.”

“And this time, the fate of life on Earth has come to an end.”

“That is fate.”

“This is the will of the universe and the great dimensions that even we three sisters cannot touch.”


‘What the hell is going on… So what they are saying is that the time allowed for mankind on Earth has just ended. For no reason? And it has nothing to do with Gods intervening or anything? Just because?’

He had to control his anger for a moment.

‘So many people have died, and many more will die… And for what? No reason at all?’

“My angry little God friend, ask us your third question.”

“I am enjoying this!”

“Be wise with your third question, too.”

He took a deep breath. Even though he had become a God and could exist without a body, he still felt he was connected to humanity.

Ji-Cheok calmed himself and asked them the final question.

“Teach me how to become a God in a safe way.”

The Goddesses laughed, as if amused, and taught him how.

? ? ?

“What happened? What did you talk about?”

To Ji-Cheok’s surprise, Adam had heard nothing, as if time had stood still during their conversation. It was the same with Stephanie, the contractor and avatar of the God [Three_sisters_who_turned_the_wheel].

She could not recall the words of the three Goddesses who had spoken through her mouth.

“This had never happened before. Them borrowing my body to speak to someone…”

“Is it usually different?”

“Yes. Normally, it is my job to listen to the questions and to answer them by using the fragments of the future that I see…”


‘She is pretty thorough about this kind of stuff.’

“I will tell you what I found out.”

The two people in front of him were waiting for him to answer.

“First of all, the final quest is some kind of global tower defense.”

“Tower defense? Really?”

“Yes. They said the dimensional barrier will be temporarily lifted, and monsters will be unleashed on the world. I am just guessing, but if humans defeat the monsters and they survive, that will be the end of the Tutorial, but in a way that they will be able to escape the apocalyptic future.”

“’s that different from the actual end of the world?”

“Well, if it had been the actual apocalypse, there would be an endless stream of monsters, but this is the final quest, so once we kill enough of them, they will stop pouring in.”

“I guess that’s good news.”


“What about the other two questions?” Stephanie asked.

“The second question about why the world was doomed, but I did not really get a good answer for that.”

“What did they say was the reason?”

He told them the answer he had heard from the three Goddesses.

A/B’s face contorted into a grimace.

“Wait… Are you serious? Is this for real?”

“Yes. It sounds ridiculous, but it is real. Like dying from drinking water, the fate of the human race on this planet just so happened to end.”

“Damn it…”

However, to Ji-Cheok’s surprise, Stephanie did not react.

“I guess you’re okay with that, Stephanie.”

“That is how fate works.”


“As the Goddesses say, death comes in one form or another at any time. A newborn child can die of a disease one day, and a rich man can die in an airplane crash. Fate is like that. So if this is the fate of humanity, I have no reason to be surprised.”

‘She is so calm… Maybe it’s because she is a Prophetess and saw the future of many people.’

“A/B and I can’t be as calm as you. That’s why we’re a bit angry right now.”

“That’s okay. I guess you guys are too blind to see.”

It was ironic that a Blind Prophetess was calling them blind.

“So what about the third question?”

“That one is a secret. I’m afraid I can’t tell you that. Sorry.”


It was the information on how to become a God in a safe way. The problem was that this information could be abused if it was in the wrong hands. If it was in good hands, it could help humanity, but if used badly, it could kill millions. That was why he didn’t tell A/B.

He was doing business with A/B, but he still did not know if he could trust him.

1. This is transliterated and we could not find a reference, pending confirmation from author.

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