To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 144

144 The woman after the king’s heart

The toll of the wedding bells was the second sound that reverberated throughout the Kingdom, going off in merry successions just after the roosters had crowed out the morning alarms. The merriment still clung in the air from a week before- the day the royal wedding failed to take place. However, people had eaten to their fill from a feast that didn’t hold, for there was too much food to let go to waste.

Uncertainty colored the merriment of that day a darker hue, for the people did not know if a human was to actually be their new Queen. Some spoke of a war to erupt soon, and some openly supported the idea, like the case of drunken humans pooling in bars at night and slurring words with careless abandon of the law, saying –

‘It is time for those bloody demons to know we are in charge of our world!’

‘Finally! The new Queen will be the face of a revolution to come!’

‘The King has gone mad! Marrying a maid? Does living for centuries make one lose his right senses?’

All of these were shared in raucous laughs and clinking mugs of cheap ale, damning the laws from whatever corners they might try to catch up to their traitorous statements.

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For Neera, she stared at the gates thrown open for the people of the Kingdom. Why she felt nervous, she knew, but hoped Zavian would have no cause to make that nervousness grow into anxiety later in the day. Penelope had been of immense support to her, sharing laughs, anecdotes, sneaking in two or three gossips she had pinned from the maids’ chambers, all the while doing a great job of keeping Neera’s head out of the wedding to come.

Neera swallowed as the first set of people came in through the gate. She hurried away, afraid they would notice her, and she didn’t want to steal any more of that pure day than what happened at the failed wedding. The first place that came to mind to escape to, was Zavian’s chambers, already her safe place, but with a heart that sank to her feet, Neera was aware things were going to change between them from that day on, concubine or not.

She met Pen on the way to the kitchen. Penelope gasped upon seeing her and rushed towards her.


“I have been looking all over for you!” She held onto Neera’s elbow and stirred her back up towards the stairs. “What are you doing up so early? Please tell me you had some sleep?” Penelope stopped in her tracks and held her friend’s face, her fingers widening Neera’s eyes, poking her cheeks, and checking the color of her skin. Pen sighed. “You look okay, thankfully.”

“I did sleep, thank you.”, Neera said, the events of the night before playing in her mind. Zavian had been in her chambers, keeping her company from her nightmares, and he looked, dare she think, forlorn? Quieter than usual?

Neera shook her head at the thought. Just because he was not up for any talk and would rather spend the night holding her by his side and stroking her hair didn’t mean he would be sad. They had both accepted their fates; he would marry a Princess and she would be his concubine.

But Neera still could not keep her nervousness at bay. Why hadn’t Zavian mentioned which Princess he was going to pick? Oh no, please God, let it not be Kitana. The woman had as much empathy as a soul eater.

“Neera, where did you go off to?” Penelope laughed. Neera shook her head, realizing they were headed for the King’s quarters.

“Are we going to Za...the King?” She quickly asked.

“No, but we are heading to your chambers.”, Penelope smiled. She had been all bright and filled with joy all morning, and Neera wanted a piece of that. “We have got a little surprise for you there.”


Before Neera could ask what the surprise was, Penelope held her arm and rushed past the stoic guards at the King’s quarters. They both stopped in front of Neera’s door, and Penelope, skin flushed red from excitement, pushed open the doors. Inside, on top of her bed, Neera noticed the box and the gown that lay next to it. Neera took two steps back before Penelope stopped her.

“The King asked for this to be sent, Neera,” she told her. Noting the panic in Neera’s eyes, Penelope quickly added, “No, it is not a wedding gown. He said he wants you dressed for his wedding to the Princess, and I agree with him.”

“I can’t have any attention on me today, Pen”, Neera said. “I can’t afford the gossip. I just want to be invincible, and if possible, I would request to remain up here while the ceremony takes place...”

“No, nonsense,” Penelope stopped her ramble. With firm determination, she held Neera’s hand and pulled her into the room to stand before her bed. “Look Neera, you told me the King agreed to take you as a concubine, and if that is what you are going to get to be with him, so be it.”

She pulled Neera down to sit on the bed. “Look,” Penelope crouched before her friend and held her hand in hers. “I know it is going to be hard for you, taking someone else as Queen and having to share him with another woman, but at the same time, you did nothing wrong. It took me a while to see it, and even though I questioned what the King did, he was not thinking with his head but with his heart, and it chose you, Neera. His heart chose you on that day in front of his Kingdom. So, I want you to be brave, and as the royal concubine,” Neera laughed as Penelope gave a thoughtful expression, probably wondering how that sounded coming out of her mouth, “As Zavian’s true heart possessor,” Pen beamed at her choice of words. “We are going to make you look so glamorous; the only thing people will be talking about is how beautiful the woman the King truly wants is.”

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