To Bewitch a Devil

Chapter 151

151 I enjoy your company

“You know, the first time I saw your past, I didn’t have it in me to kill you. No one deserved to go through what you did.”, Freya began. Her eyes assessed Neera from head to toe, and Neera knew what she must see. A former thin, dirty maid now fleshed out and dressed in the most beautiful of silk.

“You almost drove my brother to his doom, ” Freya said.

“I am sorry, your Highness, but that was no intention of mine.”

“No? My brother has promised me the Underworld if anything happened to you, and trust me, the horrors of that place don’t do it enough justice,” Freya gave out a shaky breath. “He chose you over me, but I won’t dwell on his foolishness.” Neera winced at the insult.

“All I am saying is, this arrangement of his works for everyone, you being concubine, but I have no regrets about how I wanted to handle things with you in the past. I almost lost my brother from Lilah’s demise, and I didn’t want to lose him again.”

With that, Freya walked past her and towards the arena. Despite her words, Neera was only grateful she had gotten her off her back. The demon had tagged her as someone deserving of death, and removing that tag brought her relief that she could live in the palace without looking over her shoulders for a beautiful demon who might sink her claws into her flesh.

In the same space of thought, Neera remembered the dark figure standing in a corner at the wedding. It looked like something out of a nightmare, and yet, it looked so real as it stood there, yet so unreal as it disappeared.

She kept it in mind to ask Zavian if there were any guests who wore black to the wedding, and that was strange in itself, someone wearing black to the wedding.

Neera stared at the gates a little longer. Now, with Zavian gone with his Queen, she deliberated on her decision of requesting Zavian to accompany Queen Jasmine instead of Freya. Would Zavian take Jasmine to all the places they had both shared memories? She prayed not.

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To save herself from thinking too hard about what they were up to and from the guilt of stealing the Queen’s wedding night, the night before, played in her head. Heat washed over her as the emotions ignited in her again, and Neera headed to her chambers with a smile.

Outside, Zavian entertained Jasmine with details about the Kingdom as they rode. He pointed out places and landmarks and shifted through the changes made in history ever since his father’s demise, such as the peace that had long held between the humans and the demons despite the war. Jasmine listened with rapt attention, her horse trotting side by side with the grey stallion Zavian rode.

The people, most of whom had been very warm and receptive to her even before she became Queen, hailed her loudly in greeting, sending prayers upon her. An old woman stopped before the horse and placed Jasmine’s youthful hands into her old, varicose own.

“Thank you so much. “, the old woman’s eyes gleamed with unshed tears. “May your reign be long.”

“And may your husband live long, ” Jasmine returned.

When she left, Zavian turned curious eyes to her. “What was that about?”

“Her husband is the sole provider in the family, and she has an inflammation of the joints, so she couldn’t join him on the farm. The husband was provided land upon your request, but when I met them, he was groaning from pain. A proud man, but a man like that should be retired. I insisted on sending them help, and the old man might not admit it, but he has been much better ever since.” she explained.

Zavian could not deny that he admired the empathy she showed even the most bull-headed of men. He still knew of some humans still trying to prove their strength even when it could be the death of them, whatever was responsible for that part of their thinking, he guessed it came from a place of pride bridled with stubbornness to compete with demons’ strength.

“You are one of a kind, Jasmine,” he commented.

Queen Jasmine gave a shy smile. “I was only doing what I can, my King.”

As they came across the famous restaurant, Zavian didn’t give any description of it as he had to the rest of the places they had passed. As Zavian’s horse walked on, Jasmine stopped in front of the modest building and peered inside the glass windows.

Zavian, noting she was not by his side, looked back. Jasmine pointed at the restaurant as a demon stepped out in her apron.

“Greetings my Queen, “, the cook greeted. Jasmine smiled, and without any help, she dismounted the horse.

Zavian rode the horse back to the front of the restaurant. The cook watched him, her eyes crinkling with joy at the new couple.

“I believe the King mentioned something about a restaurant. Something tells me that delicious smell makes this the same place he was talking about”, she looked at the King and the cook, “am I correct?”

The cook made a quick glance at the King before she nodded in confirmation. “Indeed it is, and you are in luck, for I just made my special. It would be an honor to serve you.”

“With the pie you sent us this morning, I foresee a future where this place will hold me in bondage, ” Jasmine joked with a smile.

“No, my Queen, you make it sound like my restaurant is going to be a kind of prison.”

“Not that I like prisons, but I would be happy if this becomes mine, although part-time. The King does still need me, of course, “, the Queen joked.

With a beckon, the woman welcomed the royalty into her restaurant and set to serve them at once. Zavian was quiet throughout, and Jasmine noticed him staring at the seat by the window several times. She needn’t an ancient demon to tell her his thoughts were with Neera.

Jasmine reached out for his hand on the table, and his gaze snapped to her. She blessed him with a beautiful smile.

“Thanks for today, ” she said. “I know you would rather see to other matters, but I do enjoy your company.”

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