To Live Again, For the First Time!

Chapter 149 - Enemy Turned Junior Brother?? Pt V: (Brain Cells Fall Through)

"Okay then."

This is the right choice.


Theodore made his final decision and solidified the idea in his heart.

On the other side, Emilin hummed.

"Then leave the rest to me."

What Theodore didn't know was that at this moment, Emilin had a smile so bright that even flowers would bloom when in its presence.

Her eyes were shining bright with pride.

It was unknown if it was because Theo was finally leaving the nest, or if she realized that his determination to move on was finally showing.

Emilin was glad that after they parted this year, with her Big Brother Theo going to college, his world no longer revolved around her problems due to her own inability to solve them on her own.

Though he and big brother Nathen often acted as if they would be okay if she never had friends, saying stuff like, 'ah, we'll just have to take care of you for life' or 'who needs them when you have a family like us', to console her, acting as if they would be reluctant if she were to have friends, Emilin knew that they were the ones rooting for her the hardest.

They were worried as much as she was.

This was something that had always pressed on her heart.

She was glad that this space was giving both of them room to grow.

Emilin too had realized that she was much too reliant on this big brother of hers, just in a different way from how Theodore was reliant on his little sister.



"What should we do?" Falcon asked nervously.

They had just watched their teacher press 'y' while the TWO's partner initiated a voice call with Master Giovanni.

"What can we even do? If we talk any louder, the other side will hear us. We still don't know if they recall our attack a while back or not, we better not expose ourselves," the Captain reasoned.

Theodore did indeed ink the two events, but he didn't think much of it since there were sincerely too many people trying to hack him to get to M daily.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Of course, there weren't many who got far which is why he could still recall that day, but it wasn't the first time such a big scale event had occurred either.

The world was not lacking in people who eyed his little sister's properties, patents, and skills.

Since nothing else had occurred since then, he didn't really take it to heart.

After all, there were in fact many hackers who were simply bored, hackers who liked to try out hacking people that were known for being hard to hack just to make a name for themselves, and even hackers who barely knew anything about who they were hacking beforehand, perhaps being challenged by a third party.

All in all, since Emilin had gotten revenge back then, Theodore let bygones be bygones.

He had almost even forgotten that event if it weren't for today.

As for these zoo animals, not so much.

"Well, we can't just let our teacher take in the enemy as a disciple without knowing anything right?" Bear retorted.

"Then what do you propose we do?"

"Isn't that you're job?" Bear pretended to not hear the tone of challenge in his leader's voice.

"You mean to think?" The Captain scoffed.

"Yeah." Bear didn't deny it.

'Should I call this stupid or shameless?' The Captain questioned in his heart.

He knew that Bear wasn't as stupid as he acted, he just didn't want to think at times, as in all the time.

In his team, he had two people who were too lazy to use their brains, one who didn't have a brain, one who only knew how to scheme, while he was the only normal one.

What were these lousy statistics?

The Captain laughed inwardly before stopping himself to concentrate on the more important matter at hand.

"Since we can't really talk, or use the computer without the other person finding out, why don't we use our bodies to send the message?" Falcon proposed.

"Sure." Bear looked at his teammate interestingly.

"How do you propose we do that?" Serpent asked with a sour face. He could already imagine what was going to happen next, and he didn't like it.

A few whispers were passed around and in a matter of moments, Falcon's idea was transmitted both quickly and silently.

For decisions like this, a majority vote was always taken...

There was Serpent, who strongly disagreed.

Bear who agreed, just for the heck of it.

Captain, who also found the idea to be idiotic, thus disagreeing.

Falcon, obviously agreeing, seeing as he was the one to propose the idea in the first place.

And Sloth, who Falcon had persuaded into agreeing.

The following events were... truly unsightly.

There was one rule in this team. 

Before the majority vote, you could disagree all you want, but after the majority vote is passed, even if you disagree, you had to do your best to complete the mission.

No matter how reluctant you were, you'd have to follow Falcon in his actions.

This rule was truly killer for the other two members of the team when a stupid mission was passed.

The four stood in front of their teacher.

Yes four, how else do you think Falcon had convinced Sloth?

Of course, it was by telling Sloth that he didn't have to move an inch.

The others would have to complete the mission without his assistance.

The four of them stood in a row, first catching their teacher's attention by waving with all their might.

They were acting like kids under 5.

Master Giovanni, who was talking with Emilin, who was using a voice modifier, stopped midsentence.

"I'm sorry, could you give me one second? Something seems to be the matter here," he said apologetically after Falcon was almost right up his face.

After Falcon realized he finally had his teacher's attention, he moved back to his place in the line.

The following scene was... a sight.

Just… a sight.

It was pretty indescribable, but I'll try my best to convey this image.


The four people each used their bodies to form one letter to communicate a word, before changing to the next and the next...

It was as follows.


[Do it]


The ONLY issue being, Master Giovanni had no idea what they were doing, the D could pass for a P or a teacup pose or even just someone standing normally, with the repeated letters, it was hard to tell if they switched words, the t looked like a nazi sign, the s looked disfigured and the i might as well be a l as Bear didn't think to use his other hand for a dot, the n was like a dance pose, and when the actual p came up… no comment. 

Oh, was I listing things?

Sorry about that.

It was really just supposed to be that first point, which was also the main point, but I got carried away.

Anyways, Master Giovanni didn't understand a thing.

'What are these f**king idiots doing?' Master Giovanni couldn't curse out loud seeing as he was still in a call, and in order to not blow his top, he simply ignored this group of… people.

He waved his hand in order to stop them from continuing before moving his gaze back to the screen.

Out of sight, out of mind.

He would deal with his disobedient students later.

"Sorry for the disruption, please continue," Giovanni had a pent-up sigh that he had yet to release, but he could do nothing about it.

Later on, that sigh would go on to explode.

The four went back to their seats, some dejectedly and others not so much.

Captain was questioning for the first time whether he should resign from his position seeing as he clearly had no power or control over these people.

Now that he thought about it, all he seemed to be doing as Captain was take the blame and listen to all the ranting from the higher-ups as well as all the work and paperwork no one else wanted to do…

Why was he doing this anyway?

While the Captain was having a midlife crisis in his 20s, Serpent also had his head lowered.

Only his was lowered in shame, 'This will never happen again!', he thought to himself.

Now plotting on ways to get on Sloth's good side seeing as he was more often than not, the tiebreaker.

As for Bear, he had fun acting like an idiot, knowing that someone else was there to take the blame.

And Falcon… he still had no clue that his plan fell through like the brain cells that he had used to make it up fell through the hole in his head.

It was at this time that a soft sound came from the person sitting on the seat to the right.

Though his voice was soft, as no one else in that area was talking, it was heard by everyone in the room with the exception of Master Giovanni.

"By the way… why didn't you guys just write what you guys wanted to say on a piece of paper and stand where you guys were standing to show it to Uncle?" Sloth asked in a lazy voice.

It was not a lie when people said that lazy people are oftentimes the smartest, if only Sloth was lazy enough to not voice out his thoughts as right now, there was certainly more than one person wanting to give him a good beating...

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