To Live Again, For the First Time!

Chapter 198 - Nora Island Pt I: (Good Teachers Don't Kill Their Students ^.^)

Even if Elijah just wanted to barge into his teacher's place and go ask Margo about the situation, that was simply not plausible.

With his teacher's attitude towards himself compared to his care for his daughter, it was much more likely that he would be silently shot down by his teacher's people, fast enough so that Maverick's precious wife and daughter wouldn't even notice the event.

In fact, Elijah found it more likely that he would be cursed in his own grave by his teacher for making too much noise when being shot and killed.


The difference in treatment was like the heavens and earth.

Other people got masters who taught them step by step, reaching the pinnacles of their lives with the assistance of their teachers, and what did he get?

An old geezer who could only care a little less about helping him.

It wasn't that he couldn't care less, but there was only a small margin left before it really reached that point, a margin so small that one wouldn't be able to fit their pinky in it.

But then again, with Maverick's stature and position, he didn't care about most people in the world, so I guess that was already half-decent.


"I guess I'll just have to do this the hard way…" Elijah shook his head just thinking of the possibility of being hit by a hailstorm of silenced gunshots, or perhaps syringes that would make his death faster and less noisy.

Maverick's farm was not a place one could access freely.

In fact, it wasn't even a place one could find without Maverick's permission.

Of course, since Elijah had already been there a number of times, he knew how to get there.

Not that Maverick would let him use any of the safe routes.

In the end, he only had one last option left.

And that was to make so much noise that one couldn't ignore him, a big entrance that would attract everyone's attention so that he wouldn't be shot down on the spot.

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"Sorry teacher, but you brought this upon yourself," Elijah spoke to himself without much of a fluctuation in his voice.

He sure didn't sound sorry.

He had no qualms about being shameless in front of the person who was supposed to clean after his messes but never took any accountability for taking him in as a student.

And thus, after making some short preparations, Elijah departed immediately with Liam, who was determined to have a good rest on this trip.

He didn't even bother with trying to convince Elijah to do any paperwork.

Screw that.

That was just a waste of time and resources.

And thus, they departed before even Emilin, Xander, Lisa, and Levi.


One side, a group of invited guests, and on the others, a not so welcomed guest…

Maverick heard the reports from one of the "stable staff" and waved him off.

But he was not too bothered about the report.

Instead, Maverick was more concerned about the fact that the person reporting to himself smelled a whole lot like what you would expect from someone who worked in the stables.

"It will be the kitchen staff's turn soon, right?" Maverick felt like he couldn't take it any longer.

Though there were devices that could thoroughly clean a person from top to bottom installed around here, once you stayed long enough somewhere, the odor would often seep into your skin and bones.

No matter how much you washed it and disguised the smell, it would still permeate to some extent.

What's more if you don't try to disguise the smell at all, which was the case for this subordinate of his.

Mr. Subordinate didn't know that his position in his Boss's heart had dropped due to his odor, but if he knew… TAT

Maverick shook his head.

There wasn't much he could do.

Anyways, he was going to have a chat with his people later.

Those guys that liked to do rotations every other week made his head spin.

Though they did get things done, so I guess that's all that matters…

Maverick was thinking about these everythings and nothings for quite a while, but his thoughts were interrupted when a loud sound could be heard from the outside.

Maverick looked at the radars on his screen just to see a red dot encroaching on his territory not so discretely.

"Hm, already? Well, I expected it and it was written in the reports, but it seems like there is still some delay in the speed at which the news gets to my ears," Maverick said in a complaining tone, completely ignoring the fact that the delay in intelligence getting to him was in fact because he wouldn't let most people contact him at random, not even his subordinates.

Maverick dragged up another page to his screen to see the security footage out of curiosity.

"Hm, as expected of my predictable little student," Maverick rubbed his chin, which had some stubble, making him look like a mature handsome man.

Of course, some of that aura was still attributed to his actual age.

His cute student was coming in on a Twin Otter (a small-scale plane, just imagine the ones you would go on for sky diving) that was particularly loud.

And of course, he could only rely on the air route since all other routes were closely guarded by his people.

Then again, the air route was as well.

Maverick smiled and stood up to close his window which was made of a special material.

He didn't have soundproof walls and windows for nothing.

Ah, the peaceful silence.

Maverick picked up his phone and hit a quick dial.

"Travis, would you be a dear and tell the men to shoot the intruders down? These people, ah, they are getting more and more daring, not only encroaching on private property but also flying on prohibited air routes! Too audacious are they not? Oh, and do make sure that the ladies of the house are where they are supposed to be."

This person, Travis, who seemed to be used to Maverick's ordeals got to work right away.

Maverick dropped the call as he knew that Travis would know what to do.

His smile widened.

"Oh, dear, I didn't install an indoor spa and jacuzzi in the basement with soundproof walls for nothing," Maverick had made sure that both Margo and his wife were enjoying their time while he dealt with the pests outside, and his efforts were not for naught.

After all, he had just caught a cute little pest that had broken a few laws just now.

And of course, he would know this well because all the air routes and licenses that flew by this area, to and fro were all bought out by him.

But just as he was expecting to see a particular plane crashing down, something unexpected occurred first…

Something that made even his mouth twitch in absolute disbelief, not to mention the people out there who had been ready to fire at a signal.

There seemed to be a banner on the plane, and just now, they had unrolled and unraveled that banner.

A white banner with stark black words, so large that one would be able to see it clearly from meters away.

Just so you can get an idea, the plane was tilting to this side because the banner was hung on one side, that being the one next to the open door.

The words written being, {A good teacher doesn't kill their student! :) – Love, your one and only. Student that is.}

Ahhh, when did his student get so shameless!

So blatantly denouncing him.

Ahh, and what do you mean my one and only student? I don't want to acknowledge you anymore! What can you do about it?

[Elijah: I've just been learning well from you, my teacher. Won't you praise me?]

[Maverick: Even asking for praises. Shameless! Too shameless!]

In reality, though, Elijah would have likely scoffed at his teacher as to when it came to shamelessness, he truly felt like he couldn't compare.

But well, things had already reached this point, and Maverick didn't feel like considering himself a good teacher at this moment.

[If only Elijah knew where he had gone wrong, he surely wouldn't have stuffed the word good in the banner.]

While Maverick was still a little baffled at the banner, the people on the plane started dropping one by one.

It was Elijah, who had determined that the plane had already flown close enough and that if they stayed any longer, they might just have to jump down into the water.

He jumped off the plane with no hesitation, and from the inside of the plane, he took and unfolded a contraption.

A glider.

He was jumping down with a hang glider... and Liam followed suit.

As for the person who was manning the plane, he was already warned, and thus, the moment the two people jumped off, he took off even faster.

Leaving this foreboding place.

This pilot had not been warned by Elijah, he had, in fact, been taught things the hard way as he had lost one of his planes (not actually his, but Elijah's), and landed in the ocean after one such instance of coming to this island.

Yeah, that was not ever going to be happening again, and thus, the plane that had brought Elijah and Liam to this place left for the horizon faster than a unicorn.

And yes, Maverick's farm was on an island, an obscenely large one at that.

Nora Island to be exact.

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