To Live Again, For the First Time!

Chapter 68 - Off Track Pt III: (Stop Thinking About It!)

*Pitter Patter*

*Pitter Patter*


'God, what's going on?'

Emilin, who was still laying on the floor, tried to get herself to sit up, but a bout of dizziness brought her right back down.

*Pitter Patter*

*Pitter Patter*

'How long have I been asleep?'

Emilin tried to look for clues in the sky above to see how late it was, but with no results. The whole sky was cover by an assembly of grey clouds. She wouldn't be able to tell where the sun was even if she wanted to. Though she could assume it was quite late since the sky was still darker than it would have been if the sun were behind those rain clouds.

*Pitter Patter*

*Pitter Patter*

She lifted her hand only to feel the raindrops falling from the sky above, which were also hitting her face mercilessly.

'I have to get out of here.'

Looking up at the grey sky, Emilin didn't need to be a professional weather woman to know that this rain wasn't going to be going anywhere any time soon. 

In fact, it was surely only going to get worse.

The droplets had woken her up shortly after they started falling from the sky and so it still wasn't pouring, but it wouldn't be long until it did.

*Pitter Patter*

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

*Pitter Patter*

Emilin disregarded her migraine and quickly stood up, which only led her to stumble, nearly falling to her knees before catching herself.

She didn't hesitate to grab her bag, not bothering to observe her surroundings too much before heading in the direction of the cliff.

The trees around here were all the same and so it wouldn't make a difference if she stayed under one or another, but considering her migraine and her injury she had to consider the possibility of both getting a fever and further irritating her injury.

She couldn't be exposed to the rain for too long, especially not with the dropping temperatures, and since she couldn't hope for the rain clouds to run away, she was the one who had to do the moving.

If she was lucky, she might be able to find an area under the cliff where the rain wouldn't be able to reach her, and even if she was unlucky, she would still be under the same circumstances as she was now.

She would just have to pray under a tree that the rain clouds would quickly get over their break up and move on, or whatever it is that they had to do to stop crying. Even if they didn't, they should at least move on and cry elsewhere.

*Pitter Patter*

*Pitter Patter*

Once Emilin reached the rocky wall, she used it to support her weight as she moved along that path.

It still wasn't quite a cliff above her and so the small rain that was slowly growing in size still came crashing down on her figure.

*Pitter Patter*

*Pitter Patter*

'This is bad.' She couldn't help but frown in her current situation.

She lifted her head, looking for an area that would be able to make for a cover in this rain despite the droplets that were drenching her face, some of which made her eyes squint.

She kept looking up while using the cliff as support when suddenly, there was no more cliff there to support her.


She quite literally fell face down on the dirty, rocky floor.ミ( ノ_  _)ノ

'God, why do you have to do this to me! This is just getting worse and worse. First was the rockslide, then the rain, and now this stupid fall out of no where! Where the hell did that wall go to?'

Clearly Emilin couldn't think properly at the moment.

Her head was pounding, making all of her reactions much slower, so much so that she wasn't even able to reach out her arms to prevent her face from taking all the damage.

It was only after Emilin stood up properly again that she realized how she had really lucked out this time!

She had landed right into a cave!

Well it was more accurate to say that she had fallen right into a cave, but to be fair, her chin was always pointing upwards, looking for an area where she could take shelter from the rain.

There was just no way that she would have thought that there was a cave around here with her long streak of bad luck so far. Plus, she just wasn't looking in front of her so even her peripheral vision wasn't able to catch anything, not to mention she the fact that she had been squinting this whole time due to the drizzle.

And just to rub some more salt on the wound, Emilin was coming down with a slight fever, she was in pain from overusing her leg, which was all bloody again due to the rain and she had come down with a migraine.

Her senses were already dulled out there was just nothing else she could have done.

Maybe if her senses were even just slightly better, she would have realized that there was a fricking hole in the wall, but no.

'It's similar to when you trip and your hand lands on dog poop, but then you discover that there is a gold coin in that dog poop, just when you were lacking in money. Of course you'll be happy to have found the gold coin, but the event will still leave a bitter aftertaste due to the way you found it. After all, who wants they hand in poop?'

Emilin seriously had to work on her analogies, but at least they got the point across.

Emilin checked her surroundings after finding another wall to lean on inside the dark cave, illuminated only by the little light that was able to travel through the clouds and then into the entrance of the cave.

The cave wasn't exceptionally large, but it was big enough to fit at least 10 people. However, that wasn't the biggest merit of this cave, after all, she was just one person, she didn't really need that much space.

The biggest attraction in this cave were the seat like rocks.

There were 5 rocks that could easily serve as comfortable seats in this place.

'I guess the Godess of Luck hasn't abandoned me after all.'

Emilin slouched down on the closest 'seat' and closed her eyes, allowing the water from her hair to drip down, meeting the droplets that were on her face before dripping down her chin.

Words couldn't describe how tired she was.

Time past when one second felt like an enternity, Emilin could still feel the burn in her leg. The only thing that told Emilin just how quickly the time was passing was the pitter pattering of the rain, which slowly grew louder as the drizzle became a down poar.

"Thank god I got here in time."

It seems like Emilin was really having mixed feelings about god these days.

Emilin had to make herself move again, even though she somewhat wished that she had been reborn as a rock [1], like Suga, but not really.

'If I were reborn as a rock, I wouldn't have met mom, dad, Big Brother Theo, nor Big Brother Nathen and that can't do.' 

'I guess I've really got no room to complain in this life huh.'

She redressed her wounds slowly and carefully (she just didn't have the energy to move any faster) and took a fever reducing pill. Since she already had her bag open, she also took her sleeping bag out.

Though she wouldn't want to get her sleeping bag all dirty and the 'seat' she was sitting on was quite comfortable, the seat wasn't somewhere you could sleep comfortably, you'd be better off on the floor, and she really couldn't bother taking her tent out to prevent her sleeping bag from getting wet and dirty.

At this point, she couldn't really care less.

'Hot damn.' Emilin's eyes widened in realization.

'I could have just taken my tent out!'

'Then I wouldn't have had to come looking for this cave. I guess my brain was really fried.' She couldn't help but release a sigh of frustration.

'Well, I guess at least the cave is slightly warmer and less windy. I also won't have to sleep with the sound of the rain. I won't have to worry or be scared that there will be a leakage of sorts. Yeah, this cave is still best.' She thought in a depressed tone.

Emilin did her best to console herself, knowing that she didn't really have to go through all that trouble.

'Gah whatever. Though I've probably been sleeping all day, there really isn't much else I can be doing at the moment but sleep or count sheep.'

In the background, the rain kept coming down harder and harder, increasing in momentum with no plans of stopping at all...

Emilin really didn't want to say if she was unlucky or lucky enough, but it seemed like talking about luck would only further jinx her and so she was now determined to stop talking about it, well no, stop thinking about it.

It was clear that nothing good was coming from such thoughts, after all, things would go the way they were going to go and thinking about luck would only lower her morale.

And if her morale was lowered any further, well, STOP THINKING ABOUT IT!





'The best thing you can do here is sleep!'

Ah but there is something called the ironic process theory [2] for a reason.

[1] BTS reference (If you don't know them... check them out (and you've probably been living under a rock for the past n-years of your life))

[2] Wiki definition - Ironic process theory, ironic rebound, or the white bear problem refers to the psychological process whereby deliberate attempts to suppress certain thoughts make them more likely to surface.

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