To Love You Again

Chapter 196 - A wish had been granted

Chapter 196 - A wish had been granted

The moon shone brightly against the dark sky.

The Xiong Mansion was standing majestically in its place. It has a big garden on all its sides and to each wing of the mansion.

Two shadows were walking towards the east wing.

The breeze was cold but not freezing. It was such a good night after watching an emotional play.

Xiong Zhi and Linfeng were the only people who were present in the huge garden. The two were walking side by side. They were both quiet. The other was still happy from the huge success of their play while the other was seriously thinking of something.

Finally, Linfeng broke out the silence.


Xiong Zhi turned to him. She still had the shadow of a smile on her lips.

"You told me earlier that you have realized something important. Do you want to share it with me?"

Xiong Zhi was a bit stunned. It was not usual for Linfeng to ask her things like these. He usually avoided her love confession or any talk about their personal feelings. It seemed Linfeng was taking the initiative to talk about these kinds of things with her.

Xiong Zhi smiled with this progress.

"Alright. "

Xiong Zhi glanced at the moon and spoke.

"When I was playing Princess Ariana, I felt that what she had done is purely the commands of her heart. Except for the last thing she had done before she died. She said to Prince Ethan that if she had given a second chance, she would not fall to his tricks again."

Linfeng continued to listen as they slowly walk with the help of moonlight.

"But do you think what she said was what she truly meant? I think Princess Ariana truly wanted to be was that she would have become wiser. If she had truly love Prince Ethan, she should have seen through those cold smiles that Prince Ethan gave her. Or those conflicting stare directed at her. Or those sleepless nights that Prince Ethan suffered alone. "

Linfeng was a bit taken aback.

" don't blame Prince Ethan at all?"

Xiong Zhi looked up at the dark sky. She was like Princess Ariana before. They were both a fool and fall into the tricks of someone. But the difference between them was Princess Ariana knew what she clearly felt yet she didn't thought deeply about the man she loves. What does Prince Ethan felt? Was he comfortable? Was he confused? Was he tortured by something that he had always end up with dark circles under his eyes?

Xiong Zhi shook her head.

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"If I were Princess Ariana, I have the right to be angry at him, be mad at him or to not even forgive him. But I can't blame him. Because I am at fault as well. I did not understand what's he had been going through. Or what suffering he had to suffer every night." Xiong Zhi spoke her heart out.

This time, since she had come to understand her feelings towards Linfeng. She had become aware of him. His dislikes, what he likes, what bothers him, and what he wants. She gave attention to all those details. Because she understands what it truly means to love someone.

It was understanding them, minding them, and patiently wait for them to realize your love for them.

Linfeng stared at Xiong Zhi. The weigh that was on his chest since the play was slowly dissolving. She..Xiong Zhi..understood him.

Linfeng couldn't say any words as he closed their distance and hugged her.

Xiong Zhi was taken aback. It was really unusual that Linfeng acted this intimate. But she did not push him.

Linfeng's hug was tight and warm.

"..Thank you.." He murmured.

"For what?" Xiong Zhi sincerely asked this. Her face was still on Linfeng's shoulders. Did she say something to be thankful for?

Linfeng eyes glistened. He now understands why Xiong Zhi told him that she doesn't need answers. That she only needs him by her side. That's all she wants. Linfeng was moved. The hands that covering Xiong Zhi's back was slightly shaking. His heart felt so full.

"Thank you for understanding me, for being patient, for being wise, and for..."

Linfeng had so much emotion in his eyes that even he doesn't know he could manifest in that mere seconds.

"..for liking me.."

Xiong Zhi was about to get out of his hug to see his face. She wants to see his face. But Linfeng's tight hug prevented her.

"Please, let us just stay like this for a minute." Linfeng slightly shaking voice brought Xiong Zhi to a halt.

"I still have more to say."

Xiong Zhi stayed quiet to let Linfeng speak.

"I think I like you too."


Xiong Zhi was taken aback. Her eyes were a bit wide. This was the first time she heard Linfeng say these words in both lifetimes.

'He...likes me?' Xiong Zhi had turned blank. But Linfeng next words woke her up.

"But it's not the 'like' a man should have felt to a woman. " Xiong Zhi remembered her confession. Where she made it clear to Linfeng what her 'like' truly meant. That's a bit embarrassing, thinking of it now.

"It's more like...a 'like' of..." Linfeng thought his next words. What was best to describe his feelings right now?

"..a 'like' of..falling in love to another person." Linfeng said as he described what he was feeling.

"...." Xiong Zhi was stunned. Was it just the same as hers?! Same as the 'like' between a man and a woman!

But Xiong Zhi let it passed and suggested words that she had learned with Song Xuantin.

"Do you mean crush?"

Linfeng was stunned for a moment. Does he have a crush on her? 'No its more than that.'

"No." Linfeng answered.

"Hmm. Is it attraction instead?"

Was he attracted? Yes, he was always captivated whenever Xiong Zhi smiled. His heart always speeds up when she holds his hands like it was nothing.

"Probably, but more than that."

Xiong Zhi smiled. It was so good to hear those words from Linfeng.

"Then is it desire? You are desiring me?" Xiong Zhi's smile got bigger. She loves to play this guessing game with Linfeng.


Does he desire her? Does he want her? Does he want to see Xiong Zhi by his side, always? Does he only likes to see Xiong Zhi smiling and being intimate only to him? The answer is Yes.

Linfeng turned red of the possibility that he truly desires Xiong Zhi.

Xiong Zhi could feel his heart pounding loudly. They were still hugging.

Xiong Zhi's smile was now from ear to ear. She was truly happy and enjoying this. She was happy that finally some of her efforts were paid off. That Linfeng finally opened his heart to accept her sincere feelings. She was also enjoying the shyness of Linfeng.

"Ohh. I guess I am right. If you desire me, I am all yours. From head to toe." Xiong Zhi even hugged Linfeng tightly as a confirmation of what she was saying.

Linfeng turned hotter and redder.

'This..Is it fine to leave two young hot-headed youngsters out here like this?! He is older! Get yourself together!'

"Y-you should not s-say things like t-that. You are young. Men with dirty minds would misunderstand it." Linfeng lectured her first. Xiong Zhi's words were really bombs.

"Do you have a dirty mind?"

"What?!" Linfeng took a step back, shocked.

Xiong Zhi pouted a little from the feeling of loss from that warm hug.

However, Linfeng did not notice it as he was fl.u.s.tered.

'She thought I had a dirty mind? Was it because she confirmed that I desire her? It was not something like that!'

"I am asking you if you have a dirty mind." Xiong Zhi asked confusedly. Wondering why Linfeng acted like this. She also took a step forward for another hug.

"Of course not! Young miss, I am a well-trained and well-disciplined butler." Linfeng said this to clear his image to her as he took a step back.

"Oops! You call me Young miss! I have three points now!" Xiong Zhi did not forget their rule.

"..." Linfeng who got fl.u.s.tered forgot about it for a moment. He, who was very proficient forgot that rule. He lost.

Xiong Zhi smiled. It was her favorite day today.

"But I am serious. I like you Linfeng, its a crush, attraction, and desire. "

Xiong Zhi then turned serious. Every word she said comes from her heart.

"For me, I call it love. I really love you Linfeng."

These words, 'I love You', how many times she wished she had said this to him? When she was sitting on the cold floor and bathed in cold rain and blood, that was the only wish she had. To turn back time and tell these words to him.

Linfeng stared at those captivating eyes.

His heart had been pounding loudly. His face had long been red. He felt that everything got blurred and she was just left standing. Radiating light, radiating warmth, those tiny warm lights were reaching his heart and making him feel full.

'I really love you, Linfeng'

A breeze passed by. It contained a whisper, a soft raspy whisper reached his ears,

'I will express you all my love...never to regret again.. '

Linfeng heard a woman's voice, a familiar voice.

"Linfeng? Are you alright?" Xiong Zhi touched his face gently. No, she was actually wiping his tears.

Linfeng was stunned to realize he was crying.

But it did not stop as Xiong Zhi continued to wipe his tears.

"Why are you crying?" Xiong Zhi's voice shook. She was about to cry too. For her, seeing Linfeng crying was a huge shock.

Linfeng helped to wipe his tears. But there was like a broken dam in his yes that the tears flowed non-stop.

"I don't know. I really don't know." Linfeng was shaking too. His heart was feeling too many emotions. There was pain, heartache, relief, happiness, and gratitude.

"Maybe I am happy to receive such a confession. Ha ha." Linfeng laughed it off. Xiong Zhi had tears as she wiped Linfeng's tears with her cold fingers. Linfeng felt warm again. He took out his handkerchief and wipe Xiong Zhi's tears. Then he wiped his.

"If someone saw us like this we will be called?crazy." Linfeng commented. They really looked like a fool who was crying because of a confession. It was really strange and funny. But who cares? As these two were just happy to let their hearts speak.

Linfeng held Xiong Zhi's hands.

"I don't want to be Ethan. I don't want to regret at the end or kill my emotions and heart." He turned serious.

"I can't give you a definite answer yet. I know you understand the situation we are in. But I don't want us to end tragically. " Linfeng looked at Xiong Zhi's eyes. He was never this serious before.

"So please, can you wait for me?"

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