To Love You Again

Chapter 574 - One Down (II)

Chapter 574 - One Down (II)

Shinichi found himself standing inside his father's study.

But this time, the man was no longer calm.

"I really want to know who these people targeting us are! What do they want?!"

Shinichi's heart trembled. Based on his father's unpleasant expression, this could mean...

"Father, the recent scandal of our company--"

Mr. Tanaka looked at him sharply.

This look yet again confirmed that the scandal was true.

Shinichi reeled in shock.

He knew that their consortium had many murky dealings and had grown this big without their hands freed from dirt.

But this level!

If the previous one was deception to take advantage of a small businessman, this one was a complete crime of stealth!

"Father! This is a huge crime! You actually stole someone's innovation! How could you--"

"Shinichi, it is not the pressing matter right now. Don't you understand? If the matter gets out and it is proven true, our company which your grandfather and I have built with our entire lives will crumble overnight. We can't lose people's trust any longer."

Shinichi: Then you shouldn't have done such a thing in the first place!

He took a deep breath and held his mouth.

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Mr. Tanaka tapped the table hard. "They don't have proof yet. Perhaps, they don't have it, or the evidences are not good enough. Or... they are just holding back and wants to demand something from us."

Chill rose up on Shinichi's back.

These people who were targeting them... had really dug deeply.


The next day, Mr. Tanaka summoned him again.

Inside the study, Shinichi glanced at his father. His father was in deep thoughts. Unlike yesterday when his father was fuming mad, this time, he was calm and collected.


Mr. Tanaka nodded at Shinichi. He then threw a piece of crumbled paper at him.

Shinichi was stunned as he caught the crumpled paper.

"Read it yourself."

Shinichi flattened the paper and began reading.

[Mr. Tanaka, I am Lu Jin, an acquaintance of your son, Sir Shinichi Tanaka. We have met in the Tang family's banquet a week ago and I have offered a small proposal to him. Unfortunately, your son refused to accept my offer. As I am desperate, I resorted to doing things that the Tanaka Group are good at. I believe it is a hard time for the Tanaka Group at the moment, due to the recent scandal. I deeply empathize and hope that these despicable articles will stop framing the Tanaka Group. If you want help to prove your innocence, I would like to offer my assistance. That is, if your son accepts my deal.]

The interior of the study was silent for a long time.

"Are you done reading?"

Shinichi was silent.

Mr. Tanaka drank a sip from his teacup. "I like this herbal tea as it is the best tea for relaxing." He glanced up at his son. "I looked up this Lu Jin. He is Ming Zhi Yi's son. A man from the underworld is dangerous, especially when he has your handle. Don't go against him. Just do what he wants."


Shinichi was startled. He did not know who this Ming Zhi Yi was but based on his father's words, his father clearly wanted him to collude with this kind of people!

"Father, these people are despicable! They used this backhanded method to get what they want from us. If we give in once, there will always be a second time, a third, and a fourth!"

Mr. Tanaka loudly put the teacup on the table.

"Did you not hear me? I told you to accept their offer."

Shinichi gritted his teeth. "Why? Are you afraid that they will release more of your corporate crimes?"

"Shinichi! I thought you understand. If they release any proof, the Tanaka Group and our family will definitely suffer greatly. It is not exaggerated to say that we might even lose our company."

"But you said it yourself that it is not enough to bring us down! Those are only threatening words. Unless everything in the company is just built up from lies and thefts!"



The teacup almost break from the Mr. Tanaka's force on the table.

"I won't repeat myself. If you did not give them response in two days. I will take the matter at hand."

Mr. Tanaka stood up. He stopped in front of Shinichi.

"There is no fairness in this world. Only power, money, and resources could make one invincible. There are times that we must back out as well and let the other party have ways with us. Do you think your Simsung company would be able to last long without dirtying your hand? That's why I could not retire with your idealistic beliefs. You better abandon it."

Mr. Tanaka then left after leaving those cold words.

Shinichi clechned his hand.

'Back out and let the other party have ways...?'

His father could only said that since the Tanaka Group was being threatened and the one who would clean up for it was his Simsung.

Shinichi looked stubbornly at his hand.

He would still hold on.


However, the two day limit was not yet done when Shinichi received another written letter.

When he read it, Shinichi hurriedly ran to his father.


Mr. Tanaka was in his study room when Shinichi barged in.

"Did you sign it?!" His eyes were wide open as he breathed heavily.

Mr. Tanaka seemed unfazed with Shinichi's shouting.

"I inquired about the offer with Lu Jin's people in your behalf. Rest assured, I have fully checked the details of the contract and I don't believe that we will suffer greatly just because of a petty signature. You don't have to worry about it now. The scandal is gone, and new stockholders and investors are coming in. This is an ideal win-win solution, hitting two birds with one stone."

Shinichi felt betrayed.

"This is the offer asking for my signature, father, you had no right to sign it for me."

Mr. Tanaka frowned. "That position is originally from me. Don't forget that I am the one who nominated you as the VVIP in my place. I have every right to sign as your representative."

Shinichi chuckled bitterly. His eyes were red.

"Originally yours, ha. Do you know why I created Simsung and never touched your company? Because I am afraid that situations like this will come up! Since you think it's still yours and is only given to me without me breaking any sweat to get it, then you can just keep it for yourself and control it at any time you wish."

The elder did not speak but continued to sip his cup of tea.

Shinichi was even more upset at his father's obvious disregard.

He crumpled the paper. "I don't want any of these. Take off my name from that contract. You can have that position back. You can even denounce me from being your heir. I don't want to have anything to do with your business from now on."

After his heated speech, Shinichi angrily stormed out of the study room.

The assistant looked worried. "Master, should I go after him?"

This was the first time that the Young Master actually spoke rudely to his father.

The elder quietly put down the cup of tea on the table and looked outside the window.

"No need. Let him wander around and see for himself how unfair the world is. He will come to understand everything in the future."

He fell silent for a while.

"That stubbornly idealistic child."

To survive in this 'man eats man' world, one must become a predator.

Or else, he would be eaten.

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