To Love You Again

Chapter 576 - Against Xiong Mai

Chapter 576 - Against Xiong Mai


In an assembly hall, the members of the EU Organization had gathered discreetly without notifying their president.

"...We gathered here to question the President's own judgement and credibility in leading EU..."

The opening speech gained many confused and shocked faces in the audience.

Those who were pressured in the underground dealings came to express their thoughts as well, hoping to push the waves to their favor.

"This is necessary, we are left with no choice. We are doing it for EU's sake. Although I admit that the President had done a good job in these years, isn't it better for another more capable person get the chance to take up EU and bring in more benefits to our organization?"

There were dissonant voices, but majority showed their support to the man who had just spoken.

"I disagree. Why are we suddenly questioning the leader's ability? There is no scandal circulating around her and she never failed us once. Why is there a need to change leadership?"

"Clamoring for a new leader might bring more trouble than benefit to our association."

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"The current scenario is already ideal. Stop causing trouble."

There were also some people whose hands were clean from illegal business who defended Xiong Mai, unclear of why the other members were suddenly acting up.

However, even though what they were saying was the truth, it still fell onto deaf ears. The majority of the people present whose interests were threatened had already hardened their hearts and were resolved to impeach Xiong Mai.

"We will have a voting process on whether we will change the President or not," the man who held the most influence second to Xiong Mai, Mr. Wegner, spoke.

"This is ridiculous! You gathered us here with the intention to impeach our President without our President knowing! And what do you mean by voting? The majority of you are already expressing your thoughts to change the President!"

"Who would take the position of the President then? Are you implying, Mr. Wegner, that you have the plans to run as the President?"

Mr. Wegner frowned at Xiong Mai's faction.

Their urgent goal today was to impeach Xiong Mai, not to sit on the President's position.

"We should do the process step by step. Our sole purpose in gathering today is whether the President still deserves to maintain her position or not."

There was a heated argument before the voting process for the presidential position in the organization was finalized.

Those who were in Xiong Mai's faction felt helpless as they were facing against the majority.

In the end, the official voting in the organization will start two days from now.


Later that day, Xiong Mai received a guest. A middle-aged man hastily greeted her when the sun had sank in the horizon.

Xiong Mai gestured for the maids to serve some drinks. "Mr. Johnson, it is quite a surprise to see you here late in the hour. What brings you here?"

"President Mai, have you heard of the news from our EU?"


Could it be that something was wrong in the market?

"I haven't heard any news from EU. Why? Is something the matter?" Xiong Mai looked at her trusted assistant standing on one side. "Take a look at the domestic EU market..."

"No, President, that's not what I meant. It doesn't have anything to do with the market or the stock price. Earlier, the members of the organization gathered and had an argument..."

Xiong Mai's ears perked up.


The members gathered without the President. It was quite an impolite move and was against the rules.

Xiong Mai listened.

"Many members of the organization wanted to impeach you and displace you from the presidential seat."

So that's why I was not notified, Xiong Mai thought with amus.e.m.e.nt.

She calmly spoke. "Is that so? I knew something like this will happen sooner or later. EU is doing great now. Of course, there will be some people who would want to take advantage of EU. So, who is the one planning to take the position of the President? Is it Mr. Wegner?"

Mr. Wegner had a lot of influence. He was a great competition and rival to the leadership of the organization when Xiong Mai first took the position. He was against her at first when EU was just starting, but over time, when EU grew under Xiong Mai's careful handling, even the proud Mr. Wegner accepted that Xiong Mai was really good in her job as the President.

He was quiet since then. It was quite surprising to hear that he was making noises all of a sudden now.

The man in front of Xiong Mai continued to speak. "I thought he wants to take over, too. However, we did not talk about who will be taking the position of the President at all. It seems that their focus is on removing you from the leadership. We only argued whether to impeach you or not..."

Xiong Mai was stunned.

That was strange. She had not made any mistakes as a leader, only the opposite, she brought many benefits and led the organization to a positive direction. If they wanted to impeach her, then their goal must be to get her position. However, they did not. It was as if they were putting the cart before the horse.

How odd.

Her fingers tapped thoughtfully on the armrest of her chair.

"There is no one who is expressing themselves to get the position?"

The other shook his head. "We really did not talk about that."

"So you were saying that you only talked about me, the President, earlier? What could possibly make them to impeach me? Did they provide a list of charges?"

Usually, according to the rules, the President would only be replaced if they made mistakes. According to common sense, there must be a list of evidences or charges against the President to finally displace them from the position.

They gathered with the goal to impeach her... Not to get her position.

And it was out of the blue...

Xiong Mai was getting a peculiar feeling about this.

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