To Love You Again

Chapter 592 - A Complicated Heart

Chapter 592 - A Complicated Heart

Jang Shin was about to run to the ring when he heard a happy laugh.

"Ha ha ha! I made your right foot move!" Tang Xinyang was grinning happily like a maniac.

She received a backlash from that kick. Even though she concentrated her qigong for defense on the spot where William kicked, William's qigong was still at a level higher than hers. She just barely avoided getting heavily injured.

William abruptly woke up from his battle state.


"Xinyang! Are you alright?!" He sped forward and helped her up worriedly, inwardly blaming himself for losing control.

Tang Xinyang leaned against William's tall frame.

She laughed again. There was no blame at all on her face, only jubilant delight.

"That was an amazing kick! Even though I was expecting your kick, I still can't still block it totally! You are so awesome!"

William checked her pulse for any sign of internal injury. He could not control himself earlier and became too rough on her.

"I am sorry. I should have not hurt a lady." William felt down. It was his loss.

"What are you saying? Apologizing for a fight is rude. And hey, technically I lost, but I still won. Don't forget, I made your feet move away from your position!"

William stared at this lady who was still happy after getting beaten. He shook his head helplessly.

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There was a sincere smile on his face.

"You are really something."

"Oh, come on. Can you carry me to the bench? I used too much qigong that none of my legs is responding anymore."

WIlliam laughed and gently knocked her forehead. "You should think of the consequences after such a fight. What would you do if I am a real enemy? Are you going to ask your enemy to carry you?"

"Ah. Hehe, you're right. But can you please carry me? My legs will collapse anytime? Leave me some face, senior!"

William shook his head again with a smile. He did not realize that he was not using his Casanova front anymore with her.

He was about to hold her waist and carry her when he sensed an intense gaze and presence behind them.

"I will carry her."


Tang Xinyang's head whipped up as she looked at the source of the voice.

Her eyes widened.

Jang Shin who had jumped into the ring glared at William while approaching Tang Xinyang.

"You..! Why are you here?" Tang Xinyang was stunned.

"This is your family's hotel. The Jang family frequented here as well."

"I know that, but what are you doing here? Do you also have a duel...?"

Then Tang Xinyang suddenly remembered that she was supposed to be angry at him. She turned her back and harrumphed.

"Whatever! Who cares what you are doing here. I don't know you."

"Let me carry you." Jang Shin knelt and offered his hands.

The crowd who was ignored below the stage watched with gossiping eyes at the three people on top of the stage who all seemed to have forgotten that they were being watched.

Meanwhile, Tang Xinyang subtly glanced at the extended arms

Jang Shin would carry her...?

Even though she was angry at him... she still liked the idea of him carrying her.

"Didn't you hear the lady? The lady said she doesn't know you." William who was silent since Jang Shin's arrival suddenly held Tang Xinyang's waist.

Jang Shin glared at those hands and slapped them away.

"Don't butt in, stranger. I am a Jang. I will take care of 'my' young miss." He held Tang Xinyang's waist.

The crowd who was still ignored below the stage: '...Wow! This is getting exciting! Two men's showdown for the popular Miss Tang Xinyang!'

William calmly stared at Jang Shin's stubborn eyes.

In truth, William was telling himself to let Jang Shin carry Tang Xinyang. After all, his purpose of dating Tang Xinyang was to make this man jealous and start acting like a man, right? It was the perfect opportunity for the couple.


William glanced at the fl.u.s.tered Tang Xinyang.

Tang Xinyang was eyeing Jang Shin's hands on her waist. Her cheeks were flushed as she stuttered. "W-what are you doing!"

This was clearly a scene where the lady acted like she did not like the man's touch, but in reality, she liked it so much.

For some reason, the thought irked William.

They had kissed earlier, but she was not even fl.u.s.tered or embarrassed. Now that this man just lightly held her waist, she was suddenly acting like a shy maiden?

The difference really brought a blow on his pride.

So irksome!

"Why would you carry her? Are you her date?"

Jang Shin: "...."

Right... The two were dating.

But precisely because of this reason that he came here, to stop them from being alone and intimate!

"I am her butler so I have the right to take care of her. My young miss is injured. Injured. By. You."

William's blue eyes narrowed at Jang Shin.

Jang Shin's long narrow eyes stared back at him unwaveringly.

There was a crackle of lightning in the air.

The crowd who wondered until when the show would go on: '...Oh my! Will the situation escalate into another duel?!'

Tang Xinyang was really fl.u.s.tered. But her legs were about to give up now.

"You two-! Stop arguing for a moment and carry me to the bench!"

Jang Shin immediately carried Tang Xinyang in a princess carry, lightly jumped off the ring, and walked towards one of the benches.

The crowd made way with gossiping eyes, before moving their eyes back to the next dueling slot, waiting for the host to take over the stage and announce the next duellers.

Nothing was more important to them than duel matches!

William stared at his back.

For some reason, he felt irritated that the ungrateful bastard appeared at such a great timing.

It was like he raised a fuit sapling into a fruit tree with time, effort, and love but the fruit was suddenly harvested by another person.

"Ha!" William scoffed and also jumped off the ring. "No matter, I will return to my country in four days' time."

He ruffled his hair while telling himself that he should fool around with a beautiful woman later on to fix his suddenly haywire mentality.

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