To Love You Again

Chapter 690 - Qian

Chapter 690 - 'Qian'

Xiong Zhi deliberated.

They would really like to know. They badly wanted to know. This might be a trap that Lu Jin laid out for them. However, any information regarding Ming Zhi Yi was crucial. Who knows, maybe they could find a lead within the trap?

Xiong Zhi glanced at Linfeng and nodded briefly, silently giving her consent.

Linfeng nodded. He turned to Lu Jin.

"Fine, please do tell us. But you better back it up with proof."

"I understand. I will send the details to you tomorrow, and in return, I hope that you will send the address to me."

After saying this, Lu Jin stood up and straightened his coat.

Eh? He's leaving just like this?

The expectant Xiong Zhi was a bit disappointed that the man would not tell them now.

However, before she could express her disappointment, Lu Jin spoke.



Linfeng and Xiong Zhi both looked at him in confusion.

Luu Jin's dark eyes bore a hole through them. "Before my father became Ming Zhi Yi, his surname was once 'Qian'."


Xiong Zhi's eyes widened while Linfeng straightened up in shock.


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For a moment, they could not speak.

Lu Jin took in their shock. The corner of his lips curved faintly. "As I said, I will send the supporting evidence to you tomorrow."


"Then, I shall take my leave now."

He left the two dumbfounded people in the room.

Linfeng was the first to recover his wits. He turned to the shocked Xiong Zhi and said gravely, "I'll go after him."

He then strode out and left the room before the doors even closed.

"Lu Jin."

Linfeng managed to stop Lu Jin just as the latter pressed on the buttons.

Lu Jin did not turn back, but his steps halted.

Linfeng walked to a stop. "What is your true purpose?"

Since Lu Jin confidently assured to give them proof tomorrow, then what he had said earlier was likely not a lie.

But if it was not a lie, then why did Lu Jin give them one of Ming Zhi Yi's greatest secrets?

This kind of secret could be used as a valuable weapon against Ming Zhi Yi. It could be said that Lu Jin had given them Ming Zhi Yi's weakness.

But why?

What was his purpose?

No matter how much Linfeng thought about it, Lu Jin was the right-hand man of Ming Zhi Yi, his own son, and also his direct subordinate.

Why would this person harm his own father?

Or did he actually tell them that information, not to cause harm to his father, but to harm them in a trap?

Linfeng, for the first time, was not able to read a person clearly.

It bothered him.

Lu Jin finally turned to him. The pair of inky black eyes settled on Linfeng.

"I just fulfilled my end of the deal. So you should too. That information is priceless. I believe I have already shown you my sincerity. I hope you can stay true to your honor."


The elevator doors opened. Lu Jin stepped in.

As Lu Jin turned, his expressionless face met Linfeng's confused one.

"Why?" Linfeng's voice sounded after a while.


"Why are you not telling Ming Zhi Yi about us?"

This question had constantly been on Linfeng's mind.

This made him doubt Lu Jin's purpose and goal.

If it was what he thought it was, then maybe, Lu Jin...

The corners of Lu Jin's lips rose a fraction. However, his eyes remained the same, unreadable and devoid of any expression.

"It's up to you how you wish to understand it. We will meet again."

The elevators closed.

Linfeng looked quietly at the closed doors.

It was up to him to understand?

His eyes flashed.

It seemed like he understood Lu Jin, but at the same time… not.

Really, what was up with that man?

"Linfeng? Where is he?"

The slow Xiong Zhi managed to catch up at this time and approached Linfeng. Her eyes looked at the elevator prompt that was still going down.

Her hair was a bit disheveled and her breath was panting a bit. It was clear in her bigger than usual eyes that she was still in shock.

Linfeng held her hand and led her back. "Let's go back to the office."

Inside the room, just as the door closed, Xiong Zhi immediately expressed her shock.

"How could that be? The Qian family that you were just telling me earlier, is it the same as the 'Qian' which Lu Jin mentioned?"

Linfeng's face was also serious. "He did not clarify about that matter. We will know if the fallen Qian family is the same 'Qian' which Lu Jin is talking about." He paused. "However, it's more likely possible. After all, if we look back to Ming Zhi Yi's actions against the Lu family in the past, then everything makes sense. It becomes clear now why he is targeting the Lu Family."

"Indeed." Xiong Zhi nodded dazedly. This would explain a lot in terms of Ming Zhi Yi's motives.

"He also had many resources and a deeper repertoire of connections with important people. This kind of network is not sometimes built overnight. He must have taken over some power that the Qian family had left behind...." Linfeng explained as he fell deep into his thoughts.

Xiong Zhi was still stunned by the discovery.

How crazy the coincidence was.

They were just talking about the Qian family earlier, and now, they found out that Ming Zhi Yi was more likely a remnant of that family which had disappeared.

The couple had many questions and many guesses, but none of them could be answered until they receive the answers and confirmation tomorrow.


At night, in a common-looking police station in a nearby province, there was an underground prison unknown and hidden from the eyes of the public. It was a secret prison where suspects from the higher echelons of the society or spies from enemy countries were being held in custody before a trial or transfer to the official sentence.

There were actually a few of this kind of prison scattered in strategic and extremely covert areas in the whole country.

This was a special prison that possessed the highest security level in the country. Disguised as a normal police station, the whole purpose was to keep dangerous people underground until the day of the trial.

Due to some circ.u.mstances, the criminals were not allowed to meet other people besides their assigned lawyers. Their situation before the trial was of utmost secrecy.

In the confines of the underground space, it was difficult to tell if it was day or night. The only thing that made suspects know the time and date was the digital clocks in their small room.

The room only has basic furniture such as a chair, a table, and a bed. In the corner was a small cubicle for toiletries.

It could be considered good for normal suspects and prisoners. But for people who were spoiled by luxury, this kind of place was truly lacking and uncomfortable.

On the wall was a bulletproof glass panel, and on the other side of it were people from the national investigation team. They were closely watching the suspect's expressions and behavior.

Gunan was currently sitting on the chair. His dark brown eyes were staring at the reflection of himself on the one-way mirror panel. He knew that behind that mirror were people who were watching his every single movement.

His clothes were still the same as two days ago. They had confiscated his phone and anything valuable on him, leaving behind only his clothes and shoes.

There was a set of neat clothes on the bed, but Gunan refused to wear it.

He sat there, quiet and unmoving. Only when people who interrogated him came would he move.

As the clock ticked by, the door opened for the fifth time today.

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