To Love You Again

Chapter 707 - An anger that nowhere to vent to

Chapter 707 - An anger that nowhere to vent to

The fire accident in the police station was not given much attention. The suspect who died in the fire was unknown after all. So what if the mediocre police station had an underground prison? Most of the police stations have that anyway.

Because the media could not get the information from the national investigation department, they did not realize that the scope was bigger than it actually was. They did not realize that the underground prison in that police station was unlike any others.??

What the whole nation was waiting for instead was the trial of the chairman of the Guan Empire that would take place today.

Since the police and the Guan Empire had released an official statement that they would publicly announce the trial, a lot of people were waiting for it.

However, half a day passed yet there was still no announcement or preparations being made for the trial. Even the media who planned to make a live coverage was confused.

Where was the promised trial?

The day was about to end when the police suddenly released a statement.

Due to an unforeseen accident, they could not hold the trial today. Once everything got confirmed and the investigation team stabilized the situation, they would inform the public about this matter.

The media and the public were dumbfounded.

What was this? Did the Guan Empire finally make a move and back out from the trial? Did they use their power to pressure the police and conceal the result of the trial?

Whatever the public's opinion was, all of them turned to question the Guan Empire.

However, the Guan Empire was oddly quiet.


Chairman's office, IHZHI building.

Xiong Zhi was meeting two guests.

Linfeng prepared tea for the two gentlemen who seemed like they had gone under shock.

"Is what you said true?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Although it sounded unbelievable, it is true."

"I don't believe that that man will die so easily! This could be a scheme plotted by the enemy!" Guan Xixin exclaimed with gritted teeth.

He had woken up early from his brother's call and received the news that the police station where Gunan was staying was caught in a fire. The man they wanted to condemn in front of the whole world was said to be caught in the fire and died.

Guan Xixin was shocked when he heard the news. Like Xiong Zhi, his first reaction was to suspect that this was a farce.

Evil people like Gunan were like weeds that were hard to die.

How could the man die suddenly just before his trial? It did not make any sense, unless it was a ploy for an escape!

"If Gunan really died in the fire, then who did this? Since it is not us, then who would want him dead? This is too suspicious."

Guan Gu Ri's voice sounded heavy. Like his brother, he was shocked after receiving the report of his men, too.

They heard from Linfeng earlier that the burned body found in the police station was likely Gunan himself, because Linfeng's men had closely watched the police station like hawks the entire night and nobody came out suspiciously.

Xiong Zhi glanced at the two unsettled brothers.

"I understand how you feel. Like you, I also suspected that this whole event might be plotted by Gunan's people to let him escape. However...." She looked at Linfeng. "I trust Linfeng's judgement. There is indeed a big possibility that it was Gunan."

Xiong Zhi clenched her hand as she uttered those words.

She was furious.

It would be worse if Gunan really just died so easily in the fire. Aside from erasing the trace that Gunan had with Ming Zhi Yi, Xiong Zhi felt unwilling that Gunan did not pay for his sins accordingly.

The real Guan Gao Huan's tragedy had not come to light to everyone yet. Those misdeeds done by Gunan was still intricately connected to the innocent Guan Gao Huan's name and still had not been cleared.

Moreover, Xiong Zhi's anger and deep hatred of him had not dissipated yet.

If Gunan died without suffering terribly for all those sins he committed… then where would she vent this anger to?!

What about the innocent Guan Gao Huan's justice?!

Linfeng patted Xiong Zhi's shoulder comfortingly. He could feel her rage, and it worried him.

He spoke the calmest out of all people inside the office.

"The build of the body is definitely the same as Gunan's, but we haven't completely confirmed it yet since we have not seen the autopsy's results yet. We have to confirm through that. Lu Jin's men are guarding the body closely..."

Linfeng's eyes lowered. Remembering Lu Jin's reaction, Linfeng's suspicions were stronger.

He looked at the two brothers. "However, I heard news that my men will have the copy of the forensic results soon. We can all confirm it together..."


As he was speaking, his phone beeped with a notification.

Linfeng glanced down at his phone. His eyes turned serious.

"There is no need to wait. My men found a copy."

Guan Gu Ri and Guan Xixin both swallowed hard.

Xiong Zhi's eyes shifted to look at Linfeng's hand holding the phone.

Linfeng's expression remained the same after reading the results. He glanced at his Xiong Zhi, before proceeding to print out the results and made copies.

"...It really is him. The DNA matched," Guan Gu Ri muttered, stupefied.

Guan Xixin soon exclaimed in shock.

"How could this be?! There are multiple gun wounds in the body?!"

"Two on the head. One each on both legs and one on the arm. It seems that the one who killed him played around with him," Guan Gu Ri gravely remarked with a frown.

Looking at the papers in her hand, Xiong Zhi narrowed her eyes with coldness.

Gun wounds.

It was not enough.

He might have suffered from many gun wounds and even the fire....but it was not enough at all!

This ending would not satisfy her at all!

Xiong Zhi crumpled the paper in her hands. Her long hair swept past her shoulders as she bowed her head.

Anger and unwillingness churned in her dark eyes.

Gunan's actual ending.

It did not give her heart any comfort. In contrast, her heart was heavier.

He should have suffered more! She knew how he had killed other people, toying with them terribly in inhumane ways before killing them!

If she knew that this would happen, she should have kidnapped Gunan and tortured him first!

For years!

"Zhi'er..." A large, warm palm held her hand.


She bit her lips and spoke softly through gritted teeth.

"It's not enough, Linfeng. I feel unwilling. My hatred for him is not yet gone. I am still furious and suffering from those nightmares because of him. How dare he go quickly like this? How can I rest like this? What would I do with this anger and resentment? He is the subject of it all...."

Ignoring the other two men in the room, Linfeng reached out and hugged the woman.

There was something he could not say right now to Xiong Zhi.

For him, Gunan's death was a good thing, because he did not want Xiong Zhi to sink deeper in her hatred and dirty her hands for a bastard like Gunan. She might have found the man's ending as unfair compared to her own suffering, but Linfeng only wanted his beloved woman's heart to forget about it all.

He prayed with all his might that her heart, mind, and soul would soon forget all those.

But the wound was already there.

Linfeng hugged her tightly and kissed her head, offering his comfort and embrace.

"Don't worry, Zhi'er.... I will not make a mistake like this again. The root of all this, we will make sure that he will suffer an ending that he deserves. At that time, I will not let him die."

This mistake would not happen ever again.


Ming Zhi Yi!

Xiong Zhi's red eyes blazed.

It was surely done by Ming Zhi Yi, for a reason they did not know yet.

Depriving her of her vengeance!

Xiong Zhi's overflowing anger and resentment that was unable to find an outlet was finally transferred to Ming Zhi Yi.

Since Gunan could not pay for his sins, then the mastermind should.

In the end, all of the trauma she had suffered in her past life was rooted from that man's grand schemes.


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