To Love You Again

Chapter 725 - The Mice and the Trap

Chapter 725 - The Mice and the Trap

That night, the events from the auction circulated in high society circles. The talk of one old rock rising to a price of a hundred billion shocked many. With the legendary families fighting over it, the topic became a hot mess.

"Have they gone mad? No matter how precious that rock is, it's too wasteful to spend it all for that thing."

"The way I see it, they just had too much money to spare."

"I think it's because of their pride. What if it's a sign of the undercurrents between the legendary families?"

"You mean, they are not really after that stone, but because they wanted to win over the other families?"

"Who knows, perhaps yes, perhaps not. I feel regretful that I was not there to see it. It must have been a spectacle."

Everyone talked about it. Those who have no luck to attend the big event envied those who could. They also wanted to witness the insane battle of financial power of the century!

The second part of the interrupted bidding would have a starting price of one hundred! It was the first in history.

People had thought that the uselessly expensive dress was the record breaker of the century, but to think there was another one at an entirely different level!


Once the morning arrived, the hall where the IAmFashionista was taking place was filled with reporters from various media.

While the luxurious cars arrived one by one and shining personages walked on the red carpet with grace and trails of camera flashes, the legendary families who were in the spotlight arrived as well.


Old Xiong had a dark face when he came back home.

Xiong Zhi glanced at her grandfather. She poured him a cup of warm ginseng tea. "Did the talk not go well?"

Old Xong took the cup, drank, and helplessly sighed. "I tried to convince those old fools. I even warned them that this is definitely, and pretty obvious at that, that it is that man's scheme. But they were so stubborn! Old fools! They even dared to suspect me, that I am telling them to give up so our Xiong family can have it!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Although, they are right that I will do everything to get that plaque…."

Xiong Zhi stared at her grandfather quietly.

Old Xiong coughed. "Ahem. But can't they see the real situation at hand?"


Xiong Zhi lowered her eyes.

Convincing the elders was really troublesome.

She asked her fuming grandfather. "What is their reaction when they heard from you that this is a trap to sow discord between our families?"

"Those old fools said that they have preparations for it." He shrugged. "All of us have. So my dear granddaughter, I do not know what you are planning, but if those bastards did not plan to let go, then our Xiong family will not do so as well."

"I understand, Grandpa. " She fell quiet. Then she leaned forward slightly and met her grandfather's gaze firmly.

"Grandpa, can you trust me today? I have to make a decision using our family name."

Old Xiong was surprised for a moment.

He had long noticed that his granddaughter was hiding something from him. However, Xiong Zhi was his heir. She needed to learn how to manage things on her own.

Thus, he did not mind her having her own secrets.

But what kind of decision was it that even needed his approval?

Was it related to that man, Ming Zhi Yi?

After thinking for a while, he decided to watch first.

"...Alright. I trust your judgment."

Xiong Zhi lightly smiled. "Thank you, Grandpa. I will not disappoint you."


Today was the second day of? IAmFashionista's three-day event.

The Xiong's luxury car arrived at the venue. The Zhou butlers stepped down from the convoy and ?ssisted them on their way inside the banquet hall.

Old Xiong looked around.

"Where is that man of yours? How surprising to not see him anywhere near you this time."

Xiong Zhi smiled. "He is attending the event today as Zhou Linfeng, the sixth king. Of course, he has a circle of his own to attend to."

Old Xiong just harrumphed and muttered in a low voice. "Humph, a man should only do one thing. It is to please his woman!"

The butler Zhou Min at the side: "...."

He pretended to have not heard that.

Xiong Zhi ignored his grandfather's muttering. She glanced around and saw the heads of the other families already sitting on their own table.

The venue was bigger than yesterday's, yet the place was more crowded today.

Because the main protagonists today were the bidders, who were the heads of the Tang and the Lu families, their tables were naturally surrounded.

Xiong Zhi did not see Linfeng. He was probably somewhere in the area doing his own role.

After escorting her grandfather to their table, Xiong Zhi walked away and first approached the Lu family's table.

As the person who owed the red card, Xiong Zhi was naturally attention-grabbing at this event.

The graceful figure of the woman was followed by many eyes.

As Xiong Zhi walked to the Lu table, the crowd parted like Moses parting the sea.

She arrived at the Lu family's table without much delay. She greeted the elderly and Lu Yin Ze politely.

Old Lu was pleased to see Xiong Zhi. "Ai, come here and sit with us. Yin'er, offer your friend a seat."

Lu Yin Ze stood up. He pulled the chair near his grandfather and politely gestured for Xiong Zhi to take a seat.

Xiong Zhi thanked him and sat down. "It will not take long, since I have to meet the other families as well. I just came to say a few words."

Old Lu's brow rose with interest. He was curious with what Xiong Zhi was going to say. "What is it, dear?"

Xiong Zhi lowered her eyes. She leaned closer to the elder and spoke in a lower voice.

"Earlier, on the way here, I remembered a story of 'the Mice and the Trap'. Head Master Lu should have heard of it as well, am I wrong?"

Old Lu was silent.

Xiong Zhi continued.

"The bacon was so fragrant and looked very delicious that every mouse wanted to have a taste of it. While some saw how suspicious the situation is to just have a piece of bacon miraculously appear in a little room, some mice still went on inside recklessly just to take it. When the door suddenly slammed shut, the fate of those inside goes without saying."

Xiong Zhi's somehow cold but soothing voice reached the elder's ears.

She looked straight at Old Lu's eyes, hoping to convey her sincerity. "This junior is just wondering, respected elder. We can say that the mice who chose to stay outside were wise and cautious. Then, what about Head Master Lu?"

"What do you mean?"

But he could not just back off.

His brows frowned. The gentle expression became solemn.

Xiong Zhi politely smiled. Her expression remained respectful and gentle, but confidence was apparent in her eyes.

She took the medicinal wine reserved for the elderly on the table and poured some of it into Old Lu's wine cup.

Her movements were elegant and full of respect.

"Head Master Lu, it is better to drink the weak tea of a friend than the sweet wine of an enemy." She brought the glass near to Old Lu. "This is all I came here to say. I hope that this junior did not offend Head Master Lu. I will leave now, please enjoy the drink."

Xiong Zhi left the table.

Old Lu looked at the young woman's back. He still has a deep frown on his face. As an experienced old man, he knew what the young woman meant.


Xiong Zhi also visited the Tang's table. Mistress Tang was more straightforward than Head master Lu, so her approach to the Mistress was direct and bold.

After she parted words of warning regarding the real situation, she left their table.

Mistress Tang drank the glass of wine that Xiong Zhi offered. Her mind keeps replaying what the young heiress said.

"Grandma, please consider what she said. It is for the best." Tang Yin said at the side.

Mistress Tang put down the glass. "That depends if she could convince me of her performance afterwards."

Tang Yin sighed. She looked at Xiong Zhi's direction. She might not favor this woman, but she do really have some guts talking to her grandma like that without angering her grandma.

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