To Love You Again

Chapter 742 - Time to get under Ming Zhi Yis nose

Chapter 742 - Time to get under Ming Zhi Yi's nose

Xiong Zhi's eyes stared at the dark sky.

The four families were greatly weakened thanks to Ming Zhi Yi. In that man's eyes right now, they could be easily dealt with after this. Although they were still far from being destroyed, this great blow would take them by surprise and thus attacking them at this opportune time would be the best move.

Ming Zhi Yi would likely use this moment to press down the legendary families more. The fight between him and the other families would just become intense.

Xiong Zhi closed her eyes.

Ming Zhi Yi's total attention would be set on the legendary families. This was now the right time to get under his nose.


Tang Yin proved herself useful. With her help, Xiong Zhi managed to get into the Abromich family's secret files. With Gu Zhen and Shinichi Tanaka's joint contribution, getting into the Abromich secret database took time, but was possible.

While the upper society in the eastern continent closely observed the fight between Ming Zhi Yi and the legendary families, in the Middle East, a scandalous case suddenly alarmed the government.

The government of Country M as well as the countries involved received a huge tip about the Abromich family's underground dealings involving smuggling of oil and minerals, human trafficking, weaponry, and drugs.

It was so big that the government could not turn a blind eye to this scandal as it involved several countries and violated the international peace treaty. Many federal investigative teams and ambassadors from the involved countries entered Country M to get a hold of the Abromich family.

They finally found an important point in several illegal and criminal activities that were under their investigation. They must take this chance, seize the Abromich family, and ensure that the Abromich family would never be able to get out of the country and escape.

Since the case was big and involved many international parties, the investigation would take a long time.

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"How did the government get hold of that?!"

The man who carried the news lowered his head. "Someone tipped several investigation teams of the global peace alliance."

"How is the global peace alliance handling the information?"

"They are keeping it under wraps at the moment while there is no definite result. However, we are hot in their eyes right now. What should we do, Sir Abromich?"

Ifel Abromich closed his eyes. He was quiet for a long time. He controlled his breathing.

...This was a critical time. They must worm their way out.

"For now, stop all transactions according to the emergency plan. Lay low. We can afford to suffer losses this time, but we cannot let them dig any deeper..."

After giving several instructions, Ifel Abromich waved his hand and dismissed the subordinate.

Ethan turned to his father after they were left alone.

"Father, just what is happening? Why do we have to suspend our operations? We can just let our people in the government cover this all."

Ifel Abromich looked coldly at his son. "How can you be so incompetent? This matter has already become so big that even the CIA and FBI have to get involved. Even though we have money? to calm them down, we need to abide by their rules this time."

"But this is only temporary, right, Dad?" Their family was powerful that many from upper society knew they had a huge connection underground but could not do a thing about it. Even the government of their country turns a blind eye when it comes to them.

Ifel Abromich wore a grave expression. "Of course it is, but I do not know for how long. You have to be careful. We will be under constant watch from here on out. We must not show outward clues." The man then muttered. "But why this time?"

Ethan also frowned.

Their family business received many investigation checks such as this in the past, but they always managed to get out of them through bribes and connections. They also had their own methods of secrecy to make sure that everything remained under the table.

How was this different from those times?

Ethan lacked insight in this kind of situation. He then remembered something.

"Then, Dad, how are we going to ?ssist Uncle Ming Zhi Yi if we are under watch?"

Ifel Abromich's frown furrowed deeper. "That is why I am troubled. We cannot move our people at this moment for him. We have to save our own skin first before him. Besides, with the way that things were going, he should be able to handle it himself."

After many years in business, why did their enemy choose to give them a blow at this critical time?


The scandal of the Abromich family did not spread far. It was not even publicized in any media outlets due to the joint cooperation of the involved countries. For these s?ns?t?v? cases, the involved governments must first ensure to successfully investigate the truth of the charges against the Abromich family.

If this case was known to the world in advance and yet they failed the investigation, then the alliance's reputation would be sullied. There was also a possibility of the prestigious Abromich family of Country M being falsely accused.

This involved the majesty of the countries, thus, the involved countries agreed to keep it under wraps during the investigation and publicize it once there were results.

Only a handful of people managed to learn that the Abromich family's hands were tied. Since the Abromich family could not make any contact outside while the investigative teams were watching, they had no choice but to keep quiet and let time pass peacefully.

Ming Zhi Yi who was busy exchanging blows with the legendary families could not even glance at the Abromich's matter.

After hearing a report from his subordinate that the Abromich family was involved in a scandal, he nonchalantly threw it at the back of his mind. After all, the Abromich family often got into scandals and investigations. They could manage themselves.

However, the attack on the Abromich family unexpectedly did not stop at this.

Usually, underworld groups would lie low in the vicinity of a territory being investigated. However, several rival underworld organizations would still use this time to take advantage of the Abromich's loss of control over their territory and steal many of their core businesses.

It would not be too hard. Because the Abromich family had to stop their operations, their partners had no choice but to settle under the new faction's wing to continue to operate. They did not want to pass time and lose huge mountains of money just because they did not have their former supplier, the Abromich family.

Although they were afraid of offending the Abromich family by breaking their contracts and private channels with them, they felt secure with the huge support of the said faction. Also, the routes and bases of transactions were moved elsewhere.

This organization was not a nameless and unknown group in the underworld. It held considerable repute and power. It was managed by an underground king who had the same prestige as the Abromich leader.

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