To Love You Again

Chapter 748 - A Surprise Attack to LJ Club

Chapter 748 - A Surprise Attack to LJ Club

However, before Ming Zhi Yi could relax after handing over the underground matters to Lu Jin, an aggressive attack arrived in Lu Jin's company.


The LJ Club was still lively despite the chaos in the business industry. Many people from the upper echelon were being cautious to not host parties that might involve people from other factions, thus, to vent some air, they turned to private clubs instead.

In one of the private rooms of LJ Club, a group of people were gathered amidst smoke and laughter.

A middle-aged man wearing fashionable custom-made clothes sprinkled a white powder inside a pipe, lit it up, then put it in his mouth. He drew a long air, held it for a while, then blew out a thick billowing smoke.

Afterwards, he spoke, "The fight between the two factions has no signs of stopping. If this goes on, our prospects will not look good."

"What are you so worried about? Have you not seen how Ming Zhi Yi kept pushing back the four families? Those arrogant bastards are totally pushovers now. It's so fun to see! We just need to keep supporting Ming Zhi Yi in the shadows. It is already a great investment for us."

The other men in the room agreed. All of them were club members who held a great status in the upper echelons and hid themselves as a neutral party.

Unbeknownst to them, a commotion already broke out downstairs.

One of their bodyguards ran to their room and hurriedly opened the door with a panicked expression.

"Sir, we need to leave immediately! The police are here!"


The men in the room were stunned.

"P-police? How did the police find their way here?!"

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"Doesn't the club have a white card with the deputy director?"

Before the bodyguard could answer, he stumbled forward as if pushed from behind.

"We came through the door, of course. The deputy you are talking about is also under suspension starting today." He waved his hand. "Arrest everyone here! Do not let anyone escape!"

The men in the room stood up and panicked. They nervously raised their hands to their heads despite their cold backs.

They tried to worm their way out.

"What do you mean, arrest us? We are just guests here. We thought it was a legal club."

The chief looked at the table filled with small ornate boxes. He stepped forward, picked up the lid, and saw the white powder within it. He snorted.

"Yeah, sure. The club is legal, but the drugs you were sniffing just earlier are not."

The men instantly backed away from the drugs. They frantically shook their heads and began to proclaim their innocence.

"It… It's them! They asked me to come here! I didn't even know it was drugs!"

"W-what are you saying?! We don't know who put it there!"

"Someone must have framed us! That must be it!"

"Do you even know us? You are accusing us of colluding with them!"

"Tsk. Too noisy." The chief cleaned his ears. He gestured to the armed policemen and special forces. "Arrest all of them and confiscate every property."


Thus, that night, the perpetually lively and beautiful LJ Club was suddenly filled with the police and special forces. The police contacted the special forces because they received an anonymous but highly conclusive tip. The club was merely a front, and it was actually a base for conducting illegal transactions.

This was more than enough for the special forces ?ssigned to combat illegal drugs. They barged in with a warrant and searched through the whole club.

The branches of LJ Club were one of Lu Jin and Ming Zhi Yi's main bases of operation. It offered absolute security and secrecy for any illegal or borderline activities. They even had a connection with a high level officer in the police. However, shockingly, it was still discovered by the police despite the utmost carefulness with privacy and security.

Ming Zhi Yi and his people often went to LJ Club as a meet-up point for under-the-table appointments and business deals involving the underworld. Aside from the fact that the club hid drugs, pr?st?tut?s from human trafficking, and weapons, it also harbored a lot of secret information of the people from high society which Ming Zhi Yi controlled and manipulated. The club members were all people who were allied with Ming Zhi Yi and Lu Jin to some extent.

If the investigation team went deeper into this, then the people who were previously relying on LJ Club's absolute confidentiality would be soon dragged into this matter. Once this happened under Ming Zhi Yi's watch, then his credibility would be lost. People would think twice of cooperating with him in the future.

Therefore, Ming Zhi Yi could not lose the LJ Club.

Inside his office, Ming Zhi Yi's dark eyes settled on his subordinate who conveyed the report. He asked darkly, "How many places have been seized?"

"The police found three clubs so far. They gave a suspension order for all club activities.? The club is in an indefinite lockdown."

"You destroyed all the traces?"

"Yes, Master. I also transferred the important files to another safe house."

Ming Zhi Yi fell silent. He tapped his fingers on the armrest absently for a while. After making a decision, he finally moved. He picked up his phone and dialed.


In just one ring, the person he called, Lu Jin, answered the phone call.


"Lu Jin, get back here. You must have heard the news by now. You need to handle the LJ Club."

Lu Jin was silent in the other line before speaking again. "How about the organization?"

"Just leave the matter to Ifel. We cannot lose LJ at this critical time."


At this time, Lu Jin looked at the remaining haggard people in the organization.

The two opposing powers were really commendable, they almost pulverized the organization into nothing.

"Alright, father."

"Also." Lu Jin was about to hang up when Ming Zhi Yi spoke again. "Find the spy. LJ's security was definitely tight. There is no way that the investigation team would have found something with just themselves alone. There is definitely an insider in your company."

Lu Jin's eyes lowered to hide the dark ?uster in his eyes.

"Yes, father. I will handle it as soon as possible."

Lu Jin ended the call.

It was out of his expectations that Xiong Zhi and Linfeng would attack LJ Club so early. He had given them the list of Ming Zhi Yi's core operation bases, but he did not tell them how to get in there or how to destroy them. Yet they managed to do it without detection in a month.

Perhaps, they already had planted spies before he even met them.

Lu Jin dully stared outside.

Was the end truly nearing? He really hoped so.

"Young master, are you leaving?" One of the loyal subordinates hesitantly asked.

Lu Jin was roused from his daze. He saw the worry in the subordinates' eyes.

Without someone leading them, the organization was doomed to fail.

Lu Jin paused for a moment before he spoke softly.

"You have your own mind to judge the situation well. This organization is doomed. Later, the opposing faction will come here and purge all of you. You can escape if you still want your life. Forget that you belong to this organization. Live a new life."

"But Young Master, how about the Master...!"

"My father cannot support this organization anymore. That much is clear. He is busy fighting the four families out there. I apologize, but we have to save what we can at the moment. You can only make it out on your own."

The subordinates looked at each other hesitantly.

Lu Jin: "Get what you can from this building and hide far away. From now on, this organization is disbanded."

"Young Master!" The subordinates all kneeled.

However, Lu Jin's heart was set in stone. When he gave them this advice, it was his last act of kindness. After all, these people were going to die in a few hours if they stayed. Whether they escape from this fate or not depends entirely on them.

Before night ended, Lu Jin had already left the Middle Eastern country for Country C.

What was left in the organization was cleaned by the opposing faction who came almost immediately after.

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