TOP SECRET: Adventures in the Dark Continent

Chapter 29: Helping they level a little

Chapter 29: Helping they level a little

"What I want to do?" Naito Chiho murmured. She didn't know what she really wanted to do at the moment.

The images from the previous day left a strong impression on her. Naito Chiho thought that if she could really become stronger, she could avoid being an ordinary worker and become a powerful person and have many benefits.

But the dream was very different from reality. Nothing went as planned. Everything was a disaster.

Naito Chiho received instructions and teachings from Lida Aoi during the previous day until dusk. But it was all in vain when Naito Chiho was confronted with reality.

Liu Yang was watching this scene quietly, he didn't disturb Naito Chiho's thoughts. She needed time to think about it.

"Liu Yang, if I become your woman, will you look to me like you look after big sister Aoi?"

Lida Aoi had promised to help from her, but Lida Aoi already had many matters to deal with and did not have time to properly care for Naito Chiho.

If Naito Chiho needs something, she just needed to ask Lida Aoi's two assistants, as long as it wasn't too much.

So the only option left was to ask Liu Yang.

"I can do this, but you need to become strong or learn to do something. My women cannot live like leeches "Liu Yang did not want someone who does not know how to do anything to become his woman. That would be like a useless leech.

"I see ... It seems that I can't be strong ... I am not brave enough like this woman" Naito Chiho cried, she found herself completely useless at the moment. She was unable to do something that the other newcomer did.

"I hope you get more confidence today. I will help you, but just this once. " Liu Yang sighed. He saw that Naito Chiho needed a little help.

"Liu Yang, what are you going to do?"

"Lie on the edge of the roof" Liu Yang asked, he had an idea of how to help her.

"Yes ..." Despite agreeing to do this, Naito Chiho went pale when she saw the large number of zombies looking in her direction. Fortunately, Liu Yang had cut off the arms of the zombies in front.

Vomit Vomit Vomit

Naito Chiho vomits a bit after seeing this grotesque scene. Dozens of rotting flesh zombies without arms screaming in her direction.

"Drink this. This will help you a little bit "Liu Yang gave her some water to drink.

"Did you calm down?"

"Yes. It seems like I'm really not ready to do that "Naito Chiho was very discouraged. She vomits again just seeing the zombies.

"Hold on tight" Liu Yang lay on top of Naito Chiho's body, he seemed to be doing activities with her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The wooden spear was placed in her hands.

"Liu Yang, you ..." Feeling the warmth of a man so close, Naito Chiho felt very ashamed.

"Focus. Keep your hands light "Liu Yang held Naito Chiho's hands, he helped her tighten the spear tighter.

Naito Chiho understood what Liu Yang was trying to do.

"Liu Yang, will this work?"

"I don't know, we can only try to see" Liu Yang would help Naito Chiho to kill the first zombie.

"Close your eyes if you don't want to see this scene" Liu Yang whispered in her ear. The two were glued together.

"..." Naito Chiho didn't answer, she just nodded and closed her eyes. She didn't want to see the scene where the zombie's head was pierced by the spear.

Her mind was not yet ready to see that yet.

"Relax your body. Imagine that you are in a quiet place. "

Naito Chiho's body started to get softer, she had her eyes closed and slept.

The images of tens of thousands of zombies in front of her. The great pressure to fight the first zombie. See that her rival was better than her. The thought that she was useless and weak.

All of these things put a lot of pressure on Naito Chiho's mind, she was almost breaking because of it. Fortunately, Liu Yang was able to help her reduce that pressure. She fell asleep because of mental tiredness.

"Good night" Liu Yang kissed her forehead.

"Let's see if this works or not" Liu Yang took her hand and moved it down.

Crack !!!

A zombie's head was immediately pierced.

Lying on top of Naito Chiho's body, Liu Yang felt that her body suddenly became hot.

"It looks like it worked. I just hope that tomorrow she has the confidence to fight her first zombie"

Crack !!! Crack !!! Crack !!!

Liu Yang punched a few more zombies so she could level up a few more times.

After helping the two women to kill some zombies while they sleep. The time to fight the horde of zombies has come, Liu Yang jumped into the horde of tens of thousands of zombies and started a slaughter.

Some hours later

The sky was still very dark and tens of thousands of zombies were still surrounding the broken village.

A sound of ecstasy and pleasure can be heard from within the village. Looking up at the roof, we can see two young people doing activities while another young girl was sleeping soundly.

The man was pushing the woman hard as she moaned with pleasure. The two were Liu Yang and Lin Lan.

Lin Lan woke up a few hours, she saw that her level increased again a few times. She was very happy with this result.

But when she looked at Liu Yang cutting with the steel sword, Lin Lan felt very inferior. She knows she couldn't do what he was doing. Both were fighters with different styles.

Lin Lan was a user of the intelligence attribute, as the first ability she received is a spell. While Liu Yang was of the attribute of vitality, but he needs the attribute of strength and agility as well.

Anyone can have vitality points like Liu Yang, they just need to put the attribute points into vitality, but their other characteristics will be weak.

One such example was Lin Lan, if she put more points on vitality than intelligence, she will never be able to use her magic more than once to pass out due to headache. She needs the points in the intelligence attribute.

The spell's destructive power will increase and the number of times Lin Lan can use the spell will also increase. What she can do is balance things out, focus on intelligence, but alternating times and putting points on other attributes like vitality to recover faster, strength to have more physical strength and agility to move faster.

Unlike MMORPGs, where a player can focus on one attribute to build a character and improve other stats with items and stuff. On the Dark Continent, people need all four attributes, as there will be times when those attributes will be needed.

In the beginning, items that increase attributes are quite scarce. The only way to obtain this type of item was to forge and be lucky enough to receive extra attributes. Or dropped by creatures, but no other zombies other than rank 2 or 3 drop items.

"Ahh !!! What are you two doing ?? !!! " Naito Chiho cried out in fright and shame. She was still a virgin girl, despite masturbating frequently while watching porn movies. She never had time for relationships and interactions with the opposite sex.

As a city girl, her life was intense. School, sports, and stuff. At university, she focused even more on her studies. Her university life was summed up in studies and research.

Although she didn't graduate because she was sent to the Dark Continent.

This is the first time that Naito Chiho has seen someone having sex in front of her.

The pair did not mind the cry of shame and continued to do the activities for some time.

Lin Lan's perverted and seductive moans were like a disaster for Naito Chiho because she started to feel like masturbating. Doing that sort of thing in front of them was something she didn't want to do. It was very shameful.

Liu Yang and Lin Lan only finished their activities when she couldn't take it anymore and slept in his arms. She fell asleep again.

"Naito Chiho, do you have more confidence in fighting a zombie now?" Liu Yang pretended that nothing happened. He helped Lin Lan to put on her clothes because of the cold.

The heat of the activities prevented them from being cold for a few moments.

"Liu Yang, why are you asking me that?"

"Naito Chiho, look at your statistics"

"..." She didn't answer the question and opened the statistics window. Her face was shocked when she saw the new numbers.

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