Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 337: Rainstorm

Chapter 337: Rainstorm

As the Clown Pirates get closer to the next island, the weather becomes more extreme. Right now, they are facing a very strong rainstorm. It's the strongest rainstorm they've ever faced since they start sailing. Even Buggy never met this kind of rainstorm when he was still on Roger Pirates.


Everyone in the crew executes his order without asking a question. This is their first time facing this level of rainstorm, but they have faced strong rainstorms many times. So none of them are panicking as they know what to do already.

Buggy takes the rudder and controls the ship skillfully, following Jude's navigational instructions. Right now, he is the 2nd best helmsman in the crew after Enel, after all. Enel is standing on the crow's nest to redirect the lightning strikes that keep raining down on the sea.

The other executives are giving instructions to their crew members who execute the orders fast. They work efficiently although they still make a few mistakes because the ship is rocking hard. But no one makes a fatal mistake, they are already a professional crew, after all.

"CAPTAIN, THERE'S A MASSIVE WAVE COMING FROM BEHIND," shouts Deon who keeps watching their surrounding.

Behind their ship is a massive wave with a height of around 500 meters. It's almost half a kilometer, basically a tsunami, and it's right on their tails.

"CRICKET, HANDLE IT!" orders Buggy.

"AYE!" replies Cricket without any hesitation before he goes to the rear deck.

Cricket stands on the rear railing and lowers his body. He gets into a punching stance and covers his right hand with advanced Armament & Conqueror Haki. Then he punches forward as strong as he can.

"Ultimate Art: World Breaker!"

Cricket's punch creates an energy shot that flies fast toward the giant tsunami. This is a skill that Cricket created himself after observing how swordsmen shoot their slash attacks. He used the same principle on his punch and now he can also shoot an energy attack.

Cricket once thought that it didn't make sense that only swordsmen can shoot their attacks. He never met anyone who can shoot their punches, even Garp. So he learned it very seriously and finally created the method to shoot his punching energy.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His energy shot hits the tsunami. It's a small energy shot, but the effect is by no means small. A great explosion happens upon contact and the tsunami now has a massive hole in it. Because of the hole, the water can't stay in that form and breaks.

It doesn't destroy the tsunami completely though as the tsunami is very long to the side. But the part that almost hit their ship has been broken. So now the tsunami gets split into 2 and the 2 parts move past The Black Pearl.

Their problem hasn't finished yet though as the storm is still very strong. The water current also gets stronger as they move further. There are even massive whirlpools that keep hindering them and big waves appear every once in a while.

The crew keeps sailing in the super strong storm for hours. They can't rest for even a minute and need to keep working. The ship finally gets out of the storm area after 19 hours, so they've worked nonstop for that long.

Everyone drops on their knees or backs after they get out of the storm. It's their first time facing a storm for this long. And this storm is the worst they've ever faced, so this is very exhausting even for them.

However, everyone is smiling. They've just faced the worst storm in their lives so far for the longest time, yet they are smiling. Well, who won't smile after surviving something that could kill everyone on that ship?

But the Clowns' smiles aren't just smiles of relief. Those are also the smile of excitement, the smile of people who have just felt something very exciting. For the Clowns, fighting that storm was a very exciting thing, more exciting than just surviving.

They don't go to the end of Log Pose just to see Lodestar Island. The challenges on their way there are also the things that they anticipated. An adventure can only be great if it's difficult and full of hardships. An easy adventure is very boring, it's just kid's play.

It's not that they hate easy adventures. They will still enjoy it because they still can find new things. But maniacs like them always prefer something more challenging, something more dangerous, something that can thrill their tough hearts.

"Damn, I thought I would die," says Enel while laying on the floor.

"Then you can accompany me if you die, YOHOHOHO!" says Brook happily on the side.

"Spare us some slacks, Brook. We want to rest peacefully after death. So don't bring us back to life like you," says Palu.

"Peacefully? Do you think pirates like us can die peacefully? Everyone says we will go to hell, and I never heard hell to be a peaceful place," says Cricket.

"Cut the crap, Cricket! You don't even believe in God, so you don't believe in the afterlife, just like us. Hell or heaven, none of us will go there. We will just wander on the sea again as spirits," says Ruff.

"Pfft, a scientist is talking about being a spirit. It's the greatest joke I've ever heard," says Manba.

They keep bantering about that while those who aren't interested in that strange topic just stay silent. Things escalated from facing the worst storm into spiritual stuff in an instant. That's just how they usually interact with each other.

But then Buggy finally decides it's time to stop, "Alright, enough with your nonsenses. Time to work again. Mantis, prepare food for everyone. The others, check everything on the ship. Check if we got damaged by the storm while the food is being cooked. Now go," says Buggy.

Everyone stops talking and starts doing his orders. They often joke around and even mock their Captain many times. But they know when to play around and get serious. If Buggy gives orders as a Captain, they all will execute those orders, they are very professionals even though they are just lawless pirates.

The crew has a feast after finishing all their work in an hour. They are tired after facing a strong storm, but they always have the energy to hold a party. Only after the party finishes that they fall asleep because they are tired.

Some people still stay awake to control the ship and keep watching for anything. They take turns as usual so everyone can rest. Rest is important because they need to always be ready for any situation. Without enough rest, they might mess up something and it can kill everyone here.

Luckily, they don't mess up anything, but the nature is the one that messes up with them. Just 7 hours after they got out of the worst storm, they face another worst weather. It can't even be called weather, it's a phenomenon, a very bad phenomenon.

In front of them is a sea full of white cloudy stuff. It looked like fog from afar, but as they get closer, the Clowns can feel the strong heat from that area. So they realize that it's not fog or even cloud, it's steam, thick steam made of evaporated seawater.

They stop their ship right when they realize that because they never faced something like this, so it might be dangerous. The crew then discusses what they'll do and decide that they'll send some people to check first.

But then they see something big floating on the sea and it moves from the steaming area toward their ship. They check it and see that it's a dead Seaking with a steaming body. They are curious, so they hooked & pull the Seaking body closer.

Buggy cuts the Seaking in half and they all are surprised when they see its inside. Mantis even makes it clear, "Holy crab, it's overcooked."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 361 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 372 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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