Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 365: Clown Castle

Chapter 365: Clown Castle

The Castle on Clownland is massive its basic design is similar to the one in Disneyland. It is surrounded by a thick & tall wall that has many weapons for defense. It will be the crew's living place in their main base, after all, so it needs to be protected because it might get attacked.

Although it's not just the castle that has high defense. There are many weapons hidden all over the island for defensive purposes. They also have many personnel who can operate those weapons and have high fighting abilities.

Buggy knows that their main base will be a target for many organizations. So they need to prepare a lot of things to protect it. They won't always be there, after all, so these weapons and personnel are necessary.

Anyway, the crew enters the castle and they are stunned by the interior. It's designed like classic middle age castles that Buggy often saw in movies in his past life. Although the crew feels that it's too luxurious for pirates like them.

"What is this? A place for Royal Family?" asks Cricket.

"Well, this is basically a castle for an Emperor," says Palu.

"Hey, we need to match the exterior, don't we? What would you think if this place looks grand outside but looks shitty inside?" asks Buggy.

"That's the worst," says Cricket with a disgusted look while imagining it.

"See? Anyway, this is just an upfront. I know you guys won't like living in this kind of place that makes you look like pampered nobles. So I asked Palu to make something that you'll like," says Buggy while smiling.

Palu also smiles before leading the curious pirates to walk deeper inside the castle. They walk through a long corridor and find a big metal door at the end of the path. There are some guards there to make sure that no authorized people pass the door.

Behind that door are stairs leading down, so they know that they'll go underground. They walk down the stairs and reach the underground room in a short time because it's not too deep. Now they finally know what Buggy meant before when he said that they'll like it.

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What they see in there looks very familiar, after all. It looks similar to Black Pearl's cabins, but on a rather bigger scale. Of course, there are some differences, but the familiar design is enough for them to consider this as a comfortable place to live.

They immediately scatter to look around and the first thing they find is they all have personal bedrooms here. On the ship, only the executives have personal bedrooms, but here, they all have it. Sleeping together with their mates is fun, but they also want to sleep in their own rooms.

The other rooms are similar to the ones in Black Pearl. But rooms like the kitchen, dining room, training room, etc, are far bigger here because they have more space. The only room that can't be found here is a safe room.

Palu didn't make the safe room here, he made it even deeper. It's called a safe room, after all, so it needs to be very safe. The safest place here is deep underground and he used strong materials to build the room. There are many defense mechanisms that Ruff built to protect it too.

Back to the living quarter, everyone is enjoying this place. They immediately race to choose their rooms that look similar to each other. It doesn't matter though, they just want to choose something before their crewmates.

Even the executives are racing to choose their rooms. The only ones who already have specially designed rooms are just Buggy, Palu, Jude, Magnus, and the shipwrights. Buggy is their Captain, after all, Palu was the one who built this along with the shipwrights, Jude is Palu's girlfriend, and Magnus needs the biggest room because of his size.

The shipwrights have decorated their rooms while they built this place, so they just need to use the rooms now. No one can call them cheating though because they were the ones who built this place while the others were having fun somewhere, it's the shipwrights' privilege.

"Big Sis Mantis, don't you want to try the new kitchen?" asks someone after they are done choosing their rooms.

Mantis looks at them with a raised eyebrow, "Just say that you are hungry."

They all giggle while scratching the back of their heads.

"We've prepared many food ingredients in the kitchen, so you can use them right away," says Jude.

"Alright, *clap clap clap* let's go, guys, we have some bellies to fill," says Mantis to her team.

"YES, CHEF!" replies the cooks.

The cooking team immediately goes to the kitchen and cooks a lot of food. Meanwhile, the crew members are trying the booze in the cellar. The food is ready after a while and they all enjoy it as usual before they rest.

The next day, everyone is busy decorating their rooms. They buy stuff from the market and take stuff from their ship. Their new bedrooms are good places to keep their personal items that have filled the ship, so now their ship has more space to keep more items.

They are also busy with their reconstructed main base. Buggy wants the Clownland to be opened for business as soon as possible so they can sail again. That's why they work together and move fast to prepare everything.

It takes them around a month to finish everything until the Clownland is ready for business. They've also publicized it to all seas, especially New World. Not only that, they've prepared ships to transport tourists from nearby islands because this is New World, so not every ship crew can sail through it.

The opening of Clownland causes yet another uproar. An Emperor of the Sea, a big Pirate crew is opening an amusement park. Of course, it will incite many reactions from people, especially other pirate crews, Marines, and World Government.


"Well, that means his crew has settled down and has time to do something like this. Meanwhile, we are still going around and fighting to raise our levels," says Benn.

"Haha, well, at least now we can do that," says Shanks.

"I wonder what Uta's doing now," says Lucky.

"She might be crying and cursing me, but I need to do what's best for all of us," says Shanks rather sadly.

"We've done what we need to do. I'm sure she will understand it one day," says Yasopp.

"Yeah, and then there's Luffy too," says Benn.

"Hmm, that brat must be talking about being the Pirate King again, that's what he always does," says Shanks while smiling.

On another place, Big Mom who has failed in her attempt to reach Lodestar like Buggy is also reading the news. She is still pissed by Buggy's success, but this news can still amuse her.

"Mammamamma~, he really has many strange ideas. He opens it to the public, right? Then let's visit it too one day. He can't refuse us because it's for everyone, after all," says Big Mom.

"Won't it lead to a war, Mama?" asks Daifuku.

"It won't be a problem, perorin. Clown Lord has told us that they'll explore our territories, right? Then we can also do the same to make it equal," says Perospero.

"Hmm, that makes sense," says Daifuku.

Not only them, but Whitebeard Pirates are also amused by this news. But they all know that the amusement park is just a pretense to cover Clown Pirates' underground business. And the most concerned about it are the World Government and the Marines.

However, they can't stop it too because they are also buying those weapons. They also have a treaty pact even though it's just a verbal agreement. There won't be a problem if they breach it, but they can't do it yet because they still can't stop The Clown Pirates now.

So even if it causes a stir, the Clownland still opens without any problem. They don't have many visitors in the early days though because people are afraid. Only the brave ones come to this Emperor base, and they are they really have a great time here.

Through these people, Clownland's visitors keep increasing. They even need to recruit more staff after 2 weeks. Some problems appear, but they can solve them all. It finally settled down after 3 months and now, it's time to sail again.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 389 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 400 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

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